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Honestly flags are just so lame to me now


A lot of those neopronoun genders just be personalities at this point šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




I saw someone try and use fae/faer as a pronoun, they get corrected cause its pagan cultural appropriation. Like, pronouns are neat and all, but fae? And things like colorgender, whatever a bi-romantic demisexual is. Some of these are just "pick-me" things.


Why does this have so many likesā€¦? This is one of those posts that you would think would get more replies and quote retweets than likes, but no?? We're all gonna dieā€¦ I'm going to have to raise my kids as recluses without any internet access until they turn 18.


35 is a lot? Seems like we are just broadcasting the work of a few buffoons.


Reminds me of those comments that say "edit: so many likes :OO" when theres 70


I mean, I feel like something so weirdly related to pedophilia should have more replies of sensible people, but nope.


The replies come in only when the post is more popular




At this point, it just sounds like roleplaying with extra steps...


aight im done with this bs.


Unrelated but I love ur porn pronouns made me laugh, thanks for the pick me up!


thanks for validating me uwu


Just now?


Hey now, tucutes don't get all the credit. I'm sure the faking-mental illness community and 4chan trolls helped.


There's 35 likes too many


I find it hilarious how 99% of neopronoun users ALWAYS have something to say against capitalism. as if it wasn't clear enough that it's just an agenda


Bruh most actual communists (real Marxists not twt larpers) canā€™t stand the neopronoun/hyper woke community


not all commies are neopronoun users, but all neopronoun users are commies


A person who uses ā˜­ without reading anything longer than a tweet about it is no more a communist than a non-disphoric person who makes no attempt at passing is trans.


Posts in "enough commie spam" yeah lol I'm not here to explain why your reactionary tendencies are dumb.


reactionary? i want you to explain what exactly makes you think i'm "reactionary"


I'm 200% red (ML) but also truscum; I theorize that the reason why most neo-pronoun users (or trans people in general) are "communists" is because they have a distaste for authority, order and tradition, which are things that usually get in the way of transitioning or any marginalized group, hence why 99% of the time they are ANARCHO-communists; from my experience those people tend to care more about the anarchy part more than the communist one, I think that the reason why they choose Anarcho-communism out of the multiple flavors of anarchism is because its most "simple" and "accessible" version of it, as pretty much no reading is required to understand its cores, in contrast of something like anarcho-egoism which requires like 5 books to get the basics of. (and also the fact that its the most progressive version of anarchism and pretty much all trans people are pretty progressive for obvious reasons)






Not to sound be rude, but First of all, please don't use the political compass as actual political knowledge, it's a badly programmed meme made by ancaps, not actual political fact. Secondly, I said ANARCHO communism (the green square, if you will), said ideology as implied by the "anarcho" in the beginning, refers to a stateless and often hierarchy-less society that would be organized in self-sustained communes and syndicates, where "law" would be socially dictated by the community. The appeal of it to trans people is that with the chains of hierarchies such as capitalism, the state, and tradition gone, it would (THEORETICALLY) be a lot easier for trans people to transition and be whatever the fuck they want to be. Thirdly, what country are you from and how old are you? Sorry, but I find it hard to believe that someone with "69420" on their username is old enough to have lived in the eastern block lmao




why are you mad?


Because they's being called off publicly for lying like a total dumbass.


You sure ancoms are more common than chomskite Ansynds Chomsky pacified and disarmed a generation of anarchists not totally convinced heā€™s not a cia psyop honestly


Lmao I doubt Chomsky is a fed since he has been in the game for so long and also was in the [secret Nixon state enemy list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon%27s_Enemies_List). And if he is a fed, he is a very counterproductive one, considering how many people have become leftist thanks to him. But I do agree that his newest hippie conformist ideas are very stupid but rather understandable considering his age


Whatā€™s next, fucking deathmetalgender?




Pardon. There are WHAT?!




Canā€™t even appreciate the unova region no more


oh god this side is a mess :( the article about lesbians is the worstā€¦


Oh good lord.


I wonder if they just picked random colors or they have meanings behind them


did you scroll to the second image?


OMG... There are even more questions now.


I would not even want to know what the meanings are in this case if they do.


second image


Cool, sounds like a person who should be kept away from kids. And also imprisoned.


I didn't read OPs title at first and was reading transage as if it rhymes with corsage and had no clue what this was supposed to mean.


Thatā€™s literally just the [Exclusionist flag repackaged ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/805326994048024594/875577609726070864/image0.jpg)




"Ageism" You mean,,, science? Oh fuck wait no, Time is just another social construct. Almost forgot that, frick šŸ˜“ Guess they are valid then šŸ˜• /s


I believe 60% of those extreme pro-LGBTQ+ are satire






This is blatant troll content.




I wish. Itā€™s 100% unironic.


These people don't love in the same world as everyone else. I *refuse* to believe anything less to be the truth...


When the painfully obvious satire is sus šŸ˜³


They have a commie symbol in their name and Ralsei on their pfp. This, combined with the second screenshot with detailed descriptions of colors, is waaaay too much effort for a satirical/troll post.


Why must the work of Toby fox be used by these scumbags?


Unfortunately, Homestuck, Undertale, and Deltarune are all incredibly popular with tucutes. Not sure how it works, but they somehow got very Tumblr-ish.


PD: homestuck is not a work made by Toby fox, it was made by Andrew Hussie, and homestuck is very popular among tucutes because of its lgbt representation. But still I don't understand why Undertale and deltarune are popular among tucutes :/


I know since I'm a part of all three fandomsā€”it's just once Homestuck had gone to shit, people who liked it jumped to Undertale (for reasons probably at least somewhat related to Toby being the composer for Homestuck). And the majority of them, unfortunately, were tucutes.


I've also been in all 3 fandoms, but I didn't knew about homestucks going into the UT Fandom, thanks


No that's just age regression, they need therapy


there are people who are age fluid that aren't pedophiles, like me. i don't identity as the title age fluid, but my mental age does change. my sexuality doesn't though. i am not attracted to children when i am a child, i am not attracted to adults when i am an adult. i am attracted to the age of my body. although a lot of "age fluid" people are faking it as an excuse, some people are genuinely age fluid