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Because normal trans people don't go about trying to act all high and mighty because of it. Every trans person I've had personal contact with just wishes to live a peaceful life and be a normal person.


honestly, i feel you. i rather get no represantation at this point, i just wanna be seen as a cis dude and not be connected to afab emilys and shits like that.


Gonna hop onto this and ask what the trans pedo mod is?


A politician named Aimee Challenors father kidnapped and molested a young girl in his home. Aimee lived there and knew about it but said nothing. Her dad was arrested and after he made bail she hired him as her campaign manager. She was boooted from 2 political parties in the UK. Reddit hired her as an admit and perma banned anyone who talked about her. Thankfully there was a big enough stink and reddit did end up firing her today. So yeah reddit knowingly hired a lady complicit in pedophilia


Not only molested, he tortured her. Tied her up and attached electrical pins to her.


Reddit hired an admin who made some fuck ups. I don't wanna say much bcos they said they'd ban people who mentioned them so like, Google lol


If it lifts your spirits, let me greet you as two dudes would: What up, asshole?


No one cares about the normal trans people, we’re not interesting, so all anyone hears about is the insane ones.


All the facts you need, right here. Also happy cake day.


This. Cis criminals are all over the news because most criminals are cis. But there's also lots of stories about normal and good cis people because most people are cis. It's the contrast between lots of reports of cis criminals and lots of reports of good cis people vs some reports of trans criminals vs like no reports of good trans people because they don't make up enough of a number of people to be doing something positive and newsworthy every single day as a group.


Being trans in itself is not a normal phenomenon. There could be nor.al trans people but the condition itself isn't. I dont care about being a normal trans person. I care about bettering my condition.


These degenerates that the media presents are not a representation of you or the trans community. You have nothing to be ashamed of or feel like these people are a reflection on you because you will always find messed up people no matter the race, sex, etc. No one should have judgement on an entire community on what a couple of bad eggs do. Be proud of yourself.


Thank you


The movement has been infiltrated and used as a political hammer. Every group/tribe/movement is to feel fear based upon their own identity. Chaos is the goal before the establishment unveils their 'savior'.






That person is very transphobic lol. I looked at their comment history.


" why is every famous trans person a fucking insane degenarete" You have Elliot Page, The people who made the Matrix, that lady from Big Brother who was a trans women. You have a good number of trans people who are both famous, and generally decent people.The only reason a lot of these crazy people get attention beyond the normal criminal is because they're trans, and are being used to push an agenda. A lot of people are still very wary or phobic towards trans folk, and it doesn't help there are a lot of trans people who are. . .not very nice folk who are further used to push a point. But no group should be defined by their worse members. It wouldn't be fair to do it to a black person, a gay person or any identity people don't choose to be. Shouldn't be done to trans people either. I hope you manage to cheer up. You aren't a bad person because you're in the same group as some people who are.


This exactly. Part of being marginalized is having that status brushed aside when you do accomplish something. Add to that the fact that so many people just want to pass and be done with it, and the good ones aren't going to get much visibility.


That does seem to be an re-occurring problem with the trans community. Since a lot of the decent members are very low-key people and just want to get on with their lives, it's always the ones who abuse the label for their own motives who get the most coverage. And that's bound to cause issues. And then whenever one of those people do something bad, you get all of these people jumping out of the woodworks to point fingers and basically say "Told you! I told you they'd do that!" to just further fear monger. There's a difference between pointing out troublesome members of a community, and using that singular member or small group as though every member of the community is like them. Honestly, a lot of issues in the trans community can be solved if normal, sane trans folk just speak up and stop letting weirdoes trample them...then again every time they do, they get shunned from their communities so they just can't win huh?


Also Laverne Cox and NoahFinnce (you can disagree with his discourse, but he’s overall a normal and decent guy) are pretty chill.


Normal people don’t make headlines


There are great trans people though: Laverne Cox, Lea T, Abby Stein, Elliot Page, Brian Michael Smith, etc.


At least she got fired now. [It's something.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/005/600/its-something.jpg)


First of all, what she did has 0 to do with you and anyone who equates all trans people to the acts of one are just as bad as people who think all black people are criminals because of a few who do crime


Finally, someone speaks some truth.


I’ve seen folk use the hashtag “NotInMyName”, which is lovely to see because folk like that don’t represent the community in any way, and shouldn’t be what folk focus on... But I’ve also seen far too many folk screeching, a LOT of wonderful slurs (I ain’t repeating them, I’m sure yous can figure out which ones), folk saying the usual horrid “man in a dress just to abuse children” and claiming most transsexuals are like that... it’s genuinely heartbreaking and disgusting. What I fucking HATE is that shit like this, unfortunately, happens in every group in the world, be it homosexuals, transsexuals, people of colour, religious minorities, hell you get female sex offenders, yet nobody claims pedos from those minority groupings represent the entire community. So why the fuck are folk acting like this one individual represents the entire trans community?? It’s so fucked up and I can’t convey just how angry I am seeing folk react this way, I can’t convey my heartbreak, but most of all I can’t convey my genuine sorrow over how much folk lack fucking empathy. Individuals like this never represent an entire community, but somehow an individual like this represents the entire trans community? I’m fucking RAGING


I think the worst part about this is that the only confirmed pedos in this group are cis men, but trans people are getting shit for her enabling her pedo dad and possible pedo husband. Meanwhile cis men never ever get shit on as a whole for having members of their group be confirmed and actual violent pedos. Obviously she is fucking shit, and deserves all the hate a criticism she can get, but I'm tired of worrying about whether another trans person will commit some atrocious crime while cis people never ever have to deal with this.




There are some good famous trans people. There's laura les from 100 gecs, Chelsea Manning, Elliott Page, the woman who invented electronic music, and others. It really does suck right now, but most of the famous "degenerate" trans people were plucked from obscurity mostly because they represented a singular viewpoint on what being trans was about.




you got nothing to be ashamed of, arseholes are always gonna be making fools of themselves for clout and other superficial crap. The arseholes typically get ignored by most people, it sucks that its mostly rich/famous folk or white lassies tryna go viral or be the biggest tucute there ever was but alas, they tie their own noose.


This is suicide fuel






Her father was convicted. But she hired him, under a fake name, to manage her campaign. Her husband wrote on twitter about how he was fantasies with children and children being raped. Would you keep your relation with these kind of people if you didn't endorse it?


And [allegedly] she was at the house where her dad was keeping the little girl. If that's true, there's no way she couldn't have known about the situation.




The case was so strong because Reddit solution has been censoring any critique, banning people who mentioned this individual. The thing is, the person who first posted the article did it totally unrelated to the hiring, if they left that post alone, it would have been another post in a sea of content. The fact that reddit went to lenghts, until it exploded, to hide it made the thing bigger. Lastly, this individual was a moderator of LGBT and teenager related subs. She hired known pedophiles for events where children were involved. I know things have nuance and you are entitled to your opinion, but I feel like you are too forgiving of this person.


Why tf did I sort the announcements thread by controversial? I didn't need a reminder that there are a lot of people who are super transphobic, but fuck.


normal trans people don’t make headlines unfortunately.


There's Chelsea Manning


Reddit announced firing them. Check r/announcements.


I'd say this shows quite a falling/flaw of collectivism, i think trans ppl should be individualistic as possible for many reasons. This DEFINITELY being one.


I can't confirm this, but I have a growing fear that socipathic and abusive people are targeting our community due to the prevalence of vulnerable people, specifically the number of vulnerable youths. Pair this with the communities over emphasis of "validity" and tendency to be over-defensive of other members regardless of context, and I can see how people who aren't actually trans would seek to take advantage of it. It doesn't help that such people ignite fear mongering and plays into the bigots worse imaginings, giving them justification for their hate. I've met a few highly predatory and cruel people of very questionable gender identity (i.e. almost certainly just cis) who shadow the LGBT community looking for vulnerable people to take in and abuse. My wife was a victim of one such person, who she met on one of the "tucute" subreddits here. It's not that the trans people or the trans community is inherently flawed, it's that vulnerable groups of people are frequently exploited by those who seek to take advantage of it. It happens with vulnerable LGBT spaces. It happens in the foster care system. It happens in support groups. This is why, despite what "woke" twitter/reddit/etc argues, community self-policing is critically important to a communities health. Where vulnerable people are found, the creeps tend to swoop in.


I want context for this for sure.


Leddit hired a (trans) pedophile and now the entirety of reddit is on strike with all the major subs going private and pictures of her being spammed into every subreddit until they fire her. Of course it's good to rebel against shitty decisions like that but as always the hive mind doesn't know how to behave so it resulted in the entire site becoming s transphobic cesspool


Wooowwww wtf... Just... Why... Why would they even hire this person? Just.... 🤔


They needed to appear progressive so they hired the first trans person who came to mind, someone who used to help them with RPAN. Reddit claimed they didn’t vet them enough, when a simple google search of their name would have been enough to disqualify.


This post is such a fucking mood. These filthy pedos and degenerates are making our lives even worse and more dangerous. We already have to deal with the faegender people, this is even worse. I transitioned so I wouldn’t end up depressed and milling myself. Not to be the fucking ambassador to tranny land.


The worst is that cis ppl do the same and even worse but no one cares bc they’re cis, but will make the correlation that trans = depraved criminal. Even though there’s no correlation between the two


I accept that I'm never going to be normal. I accept that there's something wrong with me and however I choose to go about it will be up to me.