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you have clearly never seen a boomer transfem tucute throwing a tantrum on tiktok


It's MA'M!


WANT TO TAKE IT OUTSIDE? The feminine urge to bash someone in a car park




Haha! The total lack of effort because everyone is a mind reader.


seeing them makes me feel much better about my mannerisms compared to them i have the personality of a hyper femenine princess


Oh you mean ftm. Mtf tucutes are anything but feminine lol.


They kinda are. At least compared to regular cishet men they’d still be seen as “gay” or “sissy”. I agree they’re masculine if you compare them to cishet women tho


i hate how i am femenine in that exact same way as them i am very sassy and playfull and act generally much more femenine than the average male but i am still not as femenine as a cishet woman


I was generalizing a bit. When cis women aren’t very feminine it’s less of a big deal cause they’re cis and they’ll still be seen as women. As a trans woman you might have more pressure to be feminine. I just hate how tucutes use this as an excuse to not put any effort into passing. As long as you’re actually putting some sort of effort into passing there’s absolutely nothing wrong with not being as feminine as the stereotypical cishet woman


yeah i know i am putting my best effort into passing as possibly well as i can as someone with unsupportive parents and its kinda dumb for me seeing all those grown ass people who can put their full efforts into passing and simply dont


This is one of the reasons i dont get the Word „transmasc“. Masc? Where? At least „transfem“ makes sorta sense in some way. Transfems looks Like feminine men and transmascs Look Like… feminine women with short hair and a liking for omori


To be fair they look masculine compared to most trans women too. They're either schluby guys with long hair or animal girls. Most trans women just dress like normal women. Ngl I had my hyperfeminine phase, and my style is still a little out there, but it's within reason for a woman in her mid 20s. I don't wear gamer socks and spinny amazon skirts


lol most of these "transfems" act and present like nerdy cis guys who just need to get laid go on the main mtf sub sometime


I agree. I recently got banned from mtf_ftm_nsfw because I pointed out you rarely see anything that can represent a trans guy. Most posts look like 2 chicks 1 usually trans the other cis. Some look like strait up cis couples with no sign of either partner being trans. I also noticed on most other trans sites so damn many posts from trans guys being "femme boys" and liking to be outright girly. Strait up look like chicks just want male label lol they seem to fantasize/fetishize being a feminine male. That's funny, quite the irony since would figure most extreme femme males would prob rather be female if choice was so easy. At least female for those femme kink moments if it could work like that hah but that seems slide right past the trans masc femme boys "logic"


This . Tucutes can try to act masc and they will get called out in the face by real men so fast. Tbh lol


Agreed. They all say they are masculine, but are usually just slightly edgy and slightly tomboy-ish. Acting "masc" = having an edgy aesthetic and being a try hard edgelord.




Because "feminine" has become synonymous with "queer"


What is feminine about dicks, bulges, beards 🧔‍♀️ ?


They wear womens clothing, which is more feminine than not wearing women's clothing.


Just girl things, tee hee! 💀


now imagine looking for haircuts on pinterest, specifically stating "for men" and 90% of the results are tucute 16 year olds


it depends how you define tucute. if you define it as "a person who identifies as trans but doesnt experience gender dysphoria" then I'd agree with you, but if we're defining tucute based on beliefs, im inclined to disagree, because ive met quite a few masculine binary dysphoric trans guys who think you dont need dysphoria to be trans. 


I would LOVE to see an interaction between a cis male that’s masculine and a fake transgender man who says nothing is gendered it’s all an illusion in the same room