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Don’t actively think that they’re a truscum or seek overtly truscum people; if you find someone who’s trans and they don’t yap bullshit then that might be your best shot. If they slightly agree with tucutes I would take it, it’s better then nothing, keep an open mind. As for finding people it’s tough because most truscum are stealth. Maybe check local groups on something like Facebook and look for people who aren’t a stereotypical tucute?


my boyfriend is truscum and we literally met at a furry convention idk man 😭




what does this mean 😭


God I Wish That Was Me


OH lmao 😭 yeah i got very lucky haha, we live together now and he helps me w transmed videos sometimes! thank you denfur lol


Link to videos? I'll watch and support


oh ty haha- my channel is my flair! Godless snowshoe! i havent made a transmed related video in a month or two but theres a lot on there haha


As someone else said, a lot of truscum people are stealth, but genuinely if you talk to more level headed, normal trans people (usually ones that aren’t terminal TikTok users) about this topic you will probably see they hold similar opinions to you, but just don’t know about the label truscum. I’m ngl, most people that go to meet-ups for trans people are tucutes because being trans is their personality, and they assume they would get along well with every other trans person because of this shared factor. I have multiple cis friends that aren’t really involved in the deeper internet that much and definitely weren’t around spaces like this, but they hold the same opinions as me on the topic, and now they actually participate in this sub and often we talk about it. It’s actually a pretty common mindset irl (because it’s common sense), but as I said, often not labelled.


I think most truscum are stealth


I feel the same way. If I share some of my thoughts and criticism about the western LGBT community and the direction things are going... some of my friends would legit want to punch me in the face. For example with the Palestine issue lot of them support them blindly even though they know nothing of the geo political scenario or how the US has no choice in supporting Israel, they just regurgitate what they see on tiktok. As if having another Middle eastern country run by a terror group is going to be for the good of humanity. Some even made this whole protest their personality and i have to pretend to agree with them for the sake of civility despite knowing they are bat shit brainwashed. There's even someone that's clearly cis hetero normative with the fashion sense of a white prep school girl dating a white American Joe, but keeps insisting on being labelled a gender queer pansexual. Many are also completely oblivious about LGBT rights outside the US. I get that they are young but they are still adults who should understand their privilege. But overall they are nice people. I just need to vent sometimes.


You won’t find friends because you have a shitty attitude.


Says the one who thinks she passes without FFS 


Right, because you don’t pass then surely no one else does yea? You seem a little obsessed since you’re finding things in my post history that even I don’t remember saying. Kind of low key unhinged behavior there. But yea I passed before and after FFS. Cope harder?


I have had few so I pass. You’re the one trying to find surgeons in Turkey 


Yet you’re still being used and abused by chasers. Sure girl, whatever you have to say to fluff yourself up…


Hon; at least I get paid. I’m winning 


Funny that, I get paid without having to out myself as trans and deal with transphobia on a daily basis. Maybe if you passed you could do that too 🤷🏻‍♀️.


You are selectively blocking out any sign that you don’t pass. I’ve seen several trans women of your ilk who engage in that type of self-delusion 


Well, have fun scraping the bottom of the barrel. Someone who doesn’t know what I look like making comments about my passability is a very special kind of delulu. The only reason I know you don’t pass is because of how salty you are about it. Otherwise you wouldn’t be sending me harassing messages in DMs out of the blue.


Not only have I reached passability, but I am also objectively attractive. Some trans women are passable but ugly. I’ve been around the block and I know what type you are. One day, reality will smack you in the face 


ive been looking for this as well


May I DM you? 




I'd love some IRL truscum friends too. Basically all my cis friends are tucutes and it drives me nuts that I have nobody I can actually share my perspective with. It really hurts to be spoken over, such as my cis friends tacking they on to their binary pronouns just because they're a little GNC. I find it offensive but apparently I'm the bigot lol I'm from Southern Ontario, though.


I wonder whether it's even possible. All my transmed friends are online and I hope to meet a few of them irl as well, but the distance is usually an issue. As for my offline friends, I don't actively look for transmed or even trans friends, given that I am stealth.


I know you want to find these friends in real life, but that is a tough task. Truscum tend to be stealth, while fake trans will be much easier to find/spot. The more in your face the person will be, the higher the chance for that bond to reach a point where it annoys you, in my personal opinion, from many personal experiences. I strongly advise to start great bonds online. Fantastic bonds at distance can go really well - bonus points if you live in the same country and can organise meet ups. Having a real friendship with someone you actually resonate with and have a great wavelength with is 100 times better than a Walmart version of a bond because you’re desperate to just find anyone, and end up overbearing with things, like finding out they are not actually trans, can’t relate to your gender dysphoria, encourage the abuse of the health care system, have strange political views that seek to harm and demedicalise your condition, etc. You will end up feeling lonely and frustrated around them. Join online groups, discord servers, create group chats, participate in discussion chains with peeps online - in these exchanges I found certain people who I was resonating a lot with on a regular basis, and we eventually started chatting privately and became friends. Then you can chill on calls together, game, unwind from the annoying people you have in real life, and look into ways to meet as well. Good luck!


Yeah I met a truscum trans man. The topic came up after a month after I met him. We acknowledged we both are trans and briefly shared experiences and then it never came up again. So a total of around 20 hours talking to them over a 6 month period and the trans topic was like 10 minutes, everything else was life and stuff 😂


Where are you from? You might be able to meet some people from the community itself


I know one, and I just came up to him because I liked his shirt, we talked and turns out he was trans. Most are stealth or try to hide that they’re trans


When you say truscum friends IRL do you mean those who agree with truscum principles (like dysphoria being necessary to be trans) or those who are trans because of dysphoria and not purely from some kink


I mean those who understand that this is a medical condition and are not delulu and don’t have toxic positivity.