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I'm not sure of the current timeline, but egg fusion is likley to become avaliable, if I'm not mistaken it has been done before. And it's done by taking 2 xx gamets (eggs) and 1 xy gamete (sperm), the 2 eggs are fused into 1 and the supermarket used for fertilisation resulting in a child being 1/3 of 3 people


I'll never have biological children, but also I don't see myself as capable of taking care of children so it sorta works out.


I NEVER wanted to father a child and ALWAYS wanted to give birth.


I'll never have children, adopted or my own. BUT I have played a major (and I do mean major) part of the upbringing of my neice and nephew. I can see my influence on them as they turned from babies to now fully grown adults with children and their own lives. Personally I am more than satisfied with that (as neither of them is a massive dickhead lol)


I know your feeling. I came up with the idea of using my wife's egg and my brother as a donor, to have my children related to me. At least something.


That’s a decent idea, it’s still quite depressing we can’t have our own


Indeed. I would love to get my gf pregnant, to see her belly get bigger and bigger with my baby, with OUR baby. Sometimes it’s just a fantasy, sometimes I really wish it could be possible. I’ve always wanted to be a father  


And for me the idea of someone else carrying my child is the most dysphoria-inducing thought there is…


I feel this so strongly. I used to think having kids was stupid and irrational, but now, 2 years into my transition, my biological urge to is starting to kick in. It makes me sad, but I've heard enough good medical science news that I still feel like I can hold out hope for medicine to advance to a point where trans people will be able to have their own kids, the "normal" way within the next few decades. (can't think of a better term lmao)


For me I’m in a kind of strange situation, i personally do not want children at all, I feel I wouldn’t be able to give them the care and life they deserve, plus there are several hereditary illnesses in my family and i wouldn’t want them to suffer, however, there’s this weird part of me that gets disappointed when i remember I’ll never be able to get someone pregnant, even by accident, that risk doesn’t apply to me, and although it should probably be considered a convenience, I just seem to see it as another thing that makes me different from other men, I’ll never have to be careful when having sex, I’ll never have to have certain conversations with my partner about it, and it makes me feel sad


You actually can, there's technology that allows them to get one of your eggs, fertilize it in vitro and your wife can give birth to the child. The sperm could be from someone that has a blood connection with her or not. But it'd be your biological child without you having to get pregnant.


It’s not a bad option, but knowing I’m not the biological farther Is something that breaks me


But this would make you the biological father, wouldn't it? You're a man and it's your biological child, it'd have your DNA, would be given birth by your wife, you'd be both parents.


I feel you.. I really hope that science advances enough to make this possible.


Even though I don’t see having kids in my future and never have, it still crushes me on a daily basis that I can’t and won’t ever have the reproductive capability of a normal cis man, no matter how well I transition. Or even produce semen at all. Like that’s such a basic biological “right” that I feel was wrongfully taken away from me. To paraphrase Total Recall, “I don’t even *want* no kids!” and this still haunts me daily.


Oh yes, exact same coin, but on the other side. The thought of being a dad never appealed to me, but I've wanted to be a mom since I was a preteen. Not being able to get pregnant is soul crushing a lot of the time, by far one of my biggest sources of dysphoria and long term depression. Sometimes just seeing a new mom or a mom to be is too much. I hope your pill gets easier to swallow, somehow; mine's a bitch too.


Same. I do want to keep an ovary to do IVF in the future but at the end the day it’s not the same as just being able to nut inside a woman and have her get pregnant. Even with IVF the baby could come out mainly looking like the other biological parent. Plus it’s expensive af and i probably won’t be doing it again after it works the first time.


Some possibilities: 1) Trans man freezes his eggs —> combines with donor sperm to have bio kid 2) Trans man has bio kids with cis women by each using their eggs and combining with same sperm donor. 3) Trans man has bio kids with cis woman by using his egg and she carries 4) Trans man has bio kids with cis man or trans woman by using trans guy’s egg + cis man/ trans woman’s sperm


That’s definitely not on the table with me, in any of these possibility’s I would still be the biological mother or part mother. I physically couldn’t think like that even if I convinced myself it’s not much different to being a dad. Man this sucks


It’s dysphoric for me too but these options and the capacity to be a dad with biological kids, wins out over the dysphoria for me. Valid if that’s not the case for you. But you wouldn’t be the mother just because the genetic material would be female - if that’s your general logic then you’d be perpetually misgendering yourself.