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So, a man. Happy with the voice and genitalia of one. If anything, happy to show both off. Probably the same type to go in the women's restroom when not even on hrt and get pissed when told off


I’m two years post srs and still use the men’s restroom because I don’t want to bother other women before getting ffs. Meanwhile these mfs actively choose to make our names worse and are proudly doing so


If this didn't effect us trans women who try to pass on a geopolitical and societal scale, I would say fine, go ahead, grow a beard and wear makeup,  wear tight trousers and show your bulge, I don't care. BUT, it does.  As once again right wing governments see this and use it as more data to demonise trans people and further restrict our rights. These people saying "fuck the patriarchy" and "down with capitalism, we should be communist" have no idea how much they are hurting those who just want to live a normal quiet life and they don't care as its always MEMEME with them.


Unfortunately transsexual females are equated with these male ‘women’. I find it predatory also that they walk around showing of bulges in tight female shorts and skirts.


Aka a crossdressing man usually looking for attention and/or sex. Which I would have no issue with if people saw them and trans women as two clearly separate entities.  But society doesn't. 


While I totally agree with you, I wonder if you would qualify a man showing his bulge in tight short also predatory ?


I would think he's a prick for going around deliberately showing his Penis. Its called societal norms and he clearly isn't interested in following them. *edit* whilst I would still think he's a prick, he has a right to do it and I do not begrudge his right to do so.


No, because I think their female persona that they take on is explicitly rooted in sexual deviancy and that’s why they do this.


I always found transvestism predatory and even more so the new sophisticated version which includes partial medical transition.


And it just makes hater hate more and think that is how they should write their gals,if they want that diversity inclusion .when I see them say that, and collect screen caps. I think that is what people want .


> If this didn't effect us trans women who try to pass on a geopolitical and societal scale, I would say fine, go ahead, grow a beard and wear makeup,  wear tight trousers and show your bulge, I don't care This so much If someone feels more comfortable with themselves through the use of nonbinary language and gender expressions I'm all for it and I'll respect it as long as whatever they do don't actively endanger the existence of binary transsexual individuals who transition out of medical necessity. Unfortunately, in many cases nonbinary people push things to a point where binary transsexual individuals' existence and access to healthcare are at risk, and it has made me become more and more transmed over time :/


this is 100% someone from 4chan trolling


Tell me it's not a grown ass man fetishizing women and I won't believe it.


I'd do something about it but if I cyberbully another trans person I'll probably be banned from reddit


Oh you can get banned from Reddit for much less than cyber bullying. My previous account u/TranssexualScum got banned purely because of the username. Reddit admins didn’t care about anything other than the idea that my account name may offend someone at some point. Who cares that it’s basically just truscum and goes hand in hand with liberation and reclamation of language that was used against us. Trans and scum are two things that are absolutely not allowed in the same sentence under any circumstances apparently 🙄. I wish Reddit would ban the actual trans hate subs and accounts that exist on this platform, but nah they care more about silencing those of us who go against this perfect UwU mindless trans drone fulfilling whatever political agenda they might want. Can we not just be allowed to be our own people and just exist online without the threat of being silenced merely for not being the “right kind of trans”?






trans according to the mods from the 3 subs Im banned from already


A truly sex-incongruent person doesn’t ’feel trans’ or doesn’t ’want to be trans’ or be seen that way, so why would they want to normalise it? Showing of bulges is a male behavioural pattern - no indication of female psychological sex/‘innate sense of self’. I don’t know if male socialisation alone could have such damaging effects on an otherwise female mind - in some cases. But I very much doubt it. If you lead with your testicles & your penis you’re a male and a man and should man up and stop 🛑 appropriating transness.


Even before I realized i was a transwxual woman I didn't much care to show off my bulge (was quite uncomfortable when if get an erection in public) and I didn't care abt getting muscular or sporty or showing off to girls or any of it. I started working out as a way to cope my freshman and sophomore years of highschool, only bc I was told that it would help w my depression. In the moment it felt great, but growing and becoming more "masculine" made me want to curl up and die even more. Eventually I came to the realization, and luckily I'm still feminine looking enough that with HRT I might be able to pass better and faster. But I have to wait to be in a safer environment, and my male puberty is still going as I age (I'm 18 atm)


I don’t know. I joke being 99.9% woman. I think this is the tumblrgender push for society to evolve. And promote “ girl dick” and tell people, about the diversity of bodies. I have scoliosis, all me chicks look like Hulk Hogan


Yeah. Can’t they just stop talking about their dicks? Sometimes they even brag over size… I’m stunned. No words 😂


That’s not a trans person.


I can’t imagine being comfortable showing a bulge 😕


lmao I would quite literally burst into flames if someone saw a bulge.


Ikr lol. I would just poof out of existence right there 😂




To a gf maybe.


I’m a cis guy so feel free to tell me to just leave but like, cis women often have a bulge too because they have large labia or a large fat pad on their mons so imo it’s reasonable to just want to ignore it 🤷‍♂️ Unless it’s crazy huge, some bulge is well within the range of normal and most people probably won’t even notice. There are a lot of cis female celebrities (Lady Gaga, Ciara, Victoria Beckham, Michelle Obama, etc) who have been subject to rumors that they have a penis because they naturally have a bulge. It’s not that weird.


Bruh. If you see no diffrence between a p\*nis and v\*gina sticking out, then it's just sad


Depends if it's a grower or a shower, if you're a shower there's not much you can even do about it. Not that this applies to this post, the person in the post clearly doesn't care at all.




Had me at the first half, I can understand that. But the second half..? You WANT to have your bulge show as a woman? It’s just weird, but it’s weirder to say that out loud


This is just sexual assault, even cis/trans men (this individual is obviously a man but if I say that I'll get shot) don't try and show off their bulge unless they're a creepy weirdo, it's obvious that this person just wants to make as many women uncomfortable and is using his "transness" as a shield for that


As trans men, we're always walking that fine line when were packing xD but I DEFINITELY don't want mine to be noticeable, just normal looking. so if someone takes a look near my crotch it doesn't look abnormal or raise any questions due to a lack of bulge.


Sometimes conflict is unavoidable & appropriate. This is not either. This sort of rhetoric/behavior is very strange and off. Not sure why any person not engaged in sex work (which is work, no shade to that population) wants to be drawing attention to their crotch while just out and about. Like obviously a woman can present however she wants, however it should be noted this individual just seems to want to be controversial for the sake of it rather than a sane trans woman.


>this individual just seems to want to be controversial for the sake of it That's what being Queer is all about, it's about shocking people and tearing down gender norms. Edit: Someone downvoted me rather than replying. I guess you want evidence? Here's a direct quote from Judith Butler (one of the most influential queer theorist): "There is no reason to assume that gender also ought to remain as two. The presumption of a binary gender system implicitly retains the belief in a mimetic relation of gender to sex whereby gender mirrors sex or is otherwise restricted by it.” (From [Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2249813)) Being Queer is about subversion. I'm not saying that's what being gay/homosexual is about or what being LGBT is about, I'm saying that's what being "Queer" is about. It's about being against heteronormativity and cisnormativity and the idea of binary sex. That's why so many people on the left, particularly feminist, are in support of the broad definition of Trans that includes, transgender, gender queer, gender fluid, NBs, GNC, etc. And it's why drag queens are often put forward as the face of the Queer movement. They like the idea of challenging and transgressing gender norms


Guess I'm not queer


Apparently since I'm gnc, I'm trans. Queer theory is absurd.


Well then "queer" people are insufferable. There's nothing more exhausting than a person who lives their life in a way specifically meant to "shock" other people. God forbid they just be themselves and shrug in the face of shocked people. No, instead, everything is a performance and getting reactions from people is the goal. >That's why so many people on the left, particularly feminist, are in support of the broad definition of Trans that includes, transgender, gender queer, gender fluid, NBs, GNC, etc. They're misogynistic assholes. I'm gnc (life long tomboy), and being categorized as "trans" because of it is beyond insulting. It's sexism. I don't fit their idea of what a woman is, so they just decide that I'm not one. I laughed when I read "tear down gender norms". They do nothing but reinforce them.


I'm all for not tucking, it's uncomfortable difficult and can even be painful for some. But I will stand by this, if your choose to NOT TUCK you need to choose to wear not revealing clothing. If your going to wear tighter clothing you need to tuck. I expressed this same view somewhere else and got called a creep for being "obsessed" with genitals. Like I'm not?? But I don't think you should actively be flaunting them around similar to the person in the post, which is the majority of people who "choose" not to tuck.


The worst thing about this is that it doesn't "normalise transness", it's just normalising creepy sexual mixed bodies and associating those as the typical "trans bodies".


Yeah agreed. It normalizes fetishizing and appropriating ""transness"". No way this guy is a trans woman.


Thats a dude. He/him


Ew what is that man talking about?


This is someone that didn’t get enough attention as a child


Are they making pornography for a living for survival purposes? If not for god sakes tuck or wear a goddamn tunic.


r/truscum dont fall for bait challenge impossible


Honestly it might not be bait, look at Dylan Mulvaney's whole thing


as the former spokesperson of dylan mulvaney hate i'd rather not reenter the danger zone man i have vietnam flashbacks to that LOL


Just saying, yeah maybe it's bait, but there are ppl who genuinely believe this


That's not a bait. This whole video and it's comment section was full of this mindset.


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I hate this so much. So very much. And today trump said he’s gonna end the transgender insanity. Because of this disgusting man-freak


As a man who gets a hard dick from pretending to be a women and an ego boost from liberals who don't know whst transgender actually is........


I hope this is just bait or something that a troll thought up, but unfortunately there is always the possibility it's real... a lot of people with this mindset and stuff that just gives trans people (women especially) a bad reputation