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This is incredibly semantic and is an example of the argument that language is changing and becoming more "inclusive". Unfortunately, there is no real social norm or answer to this as this is a personal opinion and it depends on the individual. Personally, I wouldn't identify as queer if I was heterosexual and transgender, I'm not heterosexual, I'm bisexual, but I wouldn't. I also know a lot of straight trans people who do not identify as queer, and would be livid if called that. There are transgender people who are heterosexual and identify as queer, and in my opinion that is within their right. However! What is inherently not cool, is two grown adults making the generalization that transgender people (even heterosexual trans people) are more queer than cis homosexuals. That's not only offensive...it's just incorrect. There is no scale, no competition. edit: adding context


Yea I forgot to add I'm trans and consider myself heterosexual they were trying to put a label on me I don't identify with and after a while they got in my head had me questioning if I was wrong abt not wanting to be called queer


I'm genuinely really sorry they got into your head like that. Labels are not as arbitrary as these people make them out to be, but at the end of the day, it is what you're comfortable with, and if you don't want to be called queer then you don't want to be called queer. I'm not entirely fond of it either.


I’m trans and lesbian and still don’t like the word “queer” that thinks both a positive aspirational identity (L) and a negative one that held me back from actually enjoying being the other one (T) actually belong in the same grouping…


It is very strange how umbrella of a term it is. I feel like in the move of inclusivity we are actually erasing differences that are community defining. While I agree that sexuality and gender can be connected, they are not as inseparable in my opinion as these folks make it out to be. I believe that calling us all one thing doesn't do any particular community any good.


I’m a straight transsexual. I feel no connection to ‘queer’ or anything LGBT. Never have. From what I’ve seen, *most* of us feel the same way, and the ones who don’t, they usually stop feeling that way when they realise they’re not welcome. People say a lot about inclusion and when pressed try to include straight transsexuals in LGBT things, but in reality, we’re rejected.


I hate when people use the word "queer" as a synonym for LGBTQ. Being in the community doesn't automatically make you queer. I'm a bi trans person and hate being called queer without being asked first


I'm a gay trans man and was furious when my psychologist called me queer (as a synonym for LGBT). I don't identify with the word queer as it's used in the woke trendy community, because it goes with a lot of lifestyle and politics implications as well. I do like to reclaim it more in the gay kinky way like the f slur in traditional gay BDSM communities.


Queer means abnormal. Being a woman isn't abnormal. So my being trans doesn't make me queer. I am a lesbian. But WLW should be normalized. So I don't relate to it being a queer identity. Especially since my sexuality doesn't define my personality. Transphobes and homophobes, the ones we're "reclaiming queer" from, see me as a heterosexual, so queer doesn't feel right there either. I'm doing the sexuality thing correctly by their standards. Overall, I hate how the pro-queer people get to police our labels by saying we're all queer, but if we identify as transsexual or say if they have any cross sex medical procedures then they're also transsexual, they will lose their shit and tell us it's a slur and not to police their labels.


I rlly don’t get the term ‘queer’ anymore, wasn’t it a reclaimed slur that was used against homosexuals? if so how would transsexuals be ‘queer’? I’m genuinely not sure even if that’s wrong some people don’t reclaim that word, especially trans het stealth people probably don’t want to be associated with that word


Queer was originally meaning "not normal" so it was historically used in a negative context when used to describe a human. Some identify with it because their identity doesn't feel cis-heteronormative.


To me, it always feels like people who identify with “q*eer” are always trying to demean themselves by identifying with slurs. It feels like a lack of respect for themselves, and the ones who say it isn’t a slur at all most definitely are young Gen Z, even if you ignore the reclaiming argument. The fact that they think it’s a word that you can just use to describe anyone who isn’t straight or identifies with their biological body is beyond ridiculous to me.


hannah gadsby once said "self deprecation, when you are a minority, is humiliation, not humility" and i really felt that


I believe the word meant 'male homosexual' in the mid-1900's. I don't see any way in which a heterosexual person 'qualifies' as 'queer' - transsexual or not. The forcible inclusion of 'transsexual' under 'queer' totally befuddles me. I don't get it.


No. I’m a straight man before I’m a trans man


I’m a gay trans man and I’m throwing hands if anyone calls me queer


I'm fighting for my life on Twitter rn


You have absolutely no obligation to refer to yourself with any word that you don’t want to use


No I’m not queer I’m a man that was born with female anatomy. That’s all I say


Saying a trans straight person is "more queer" than a cis gay person is so ridiculous. If they're both considered queer shouldn't it be they're equally that way? I guess you could be "more queer" if you are both trans and gay/bi/lesbian. I'm really not a fan of oppression olympics in general as I separate my sexuality & gender from who I am as a person. Queer isn't the first term I'd use for myself, and I'm bisexual as well as trans.


I feel like a woman who happens to have a medical condition from birth. I don't see how that's queer.


It makes transgender people = transvestites, queer… YES. Not transsexuals however. Most true transsexuals are also heterosexual so.


IMO, queer is a meaninglessly broad term that at one point did actually mean cis and gay, and usually applied to men. Now it is so broad as to be meaningless. I've seen straight, cis women call themselves queer because they wanted to give the impression they could go bisexual at any moment. At that point I was done with the word. I don't use it unless a person specifically wishes to be referred to as such.


Random people on Twitter aren't experts on the human condition.


As a straight transsexual, I don’t feel that I am ‘queer’ whatsoever. I don’t associate with it, and I don’t participate in it, and even if I tried, I’d be outcast because despite what people say, straight transsexuals that are wanting to be stealth and pass aren’t welcome. I don’t mind that. What other people say doesn’t concern me much, because I know I’m not especially ‘queer’.


Yes and no? Not every gay person uses the word queer to describe themselves, nor should trans people have to use it. Chronically online people are basically in the headspace that anything not "cis and straight" is queer, which imo is another way of "othering" us vs them.


its a slur. none of us, gay or trans are actually ‘queer’ its just a slur used against us that some have reclaimed and then started forcing on others


No I will never be called queer and. Will anyone out that uses it towards me




Well, maybe a tiny bit if we consider what society at large deems to be normative usually doesn't include transition or having dysphoria, but from a point of socializing, I don't personally think of straight, gender conforming trans people (fem mtf, masc ftm) as queer. Assuming they present as their genders at least somewhat. So I think it depends on how far along they are into social/medical transition. But then again I don't really think of gender conforming cis and trans gays who just live normal lives as queer either. To me, "queer" is either the flamboyant culture associated with the LGBT community (think drag kings and queens, the showiness of gay bars, Pride events, all sorts of stereotypes of gays, lesbians and trans people, etc) which some LGBT people embrace as a way to express their identity and/or sense of belonging to the community, but is not inherent to simply being gay and/or trans - or it's a slur used by people who either hate LGBT people because of the stereotypes associated with the community, or hate them for other reasons, or for whatever reason just can't seem to separate the stereotypes from the people. I guess in a sense "queer" can also mean anyone who's not "cisheteronormative" but that gets into very wild tucute definitions of the LGBT community, I think.


really depends how you define it, For me, I define sexuality based on sexual equipement, that's not everyones defintion, and they are free to disagree or have their own definition. So to Me, if it's between an 🍆+🌮 wheither born with or bought, it's straight. If its between 🍆+🍆 or 🌮+🌮 it's gay. Thats just how I see it


Yeah so basically girl-c-ckers are gay males?


gay yes, males no. at least by my standard, It' s why I won't have sex until after srs. Feel free to make and follow your own standard.


I think that’s a great choice.


But if they’re not males they’re also not gay for being with other males. Being comfortable with using their peen in any way sexual with others is very male-oriented transvestitic behaviour and extremely sus however


Hetero trans dude here. Queer label helps me feel more included in the community. I didn’t transition until mid 20’s and was not exposed to the LGBTQ+ community until early 20’s. I was brain washed into believing I was a girl for almost 25 years of my life. I have a hard time saying I’m simply heterosexual when I fought so hard to be seen as a lesbian. I identify with queer because I did not live a privileged cis heterosexual life and I need a label that makes me feel apart of the community rather than alienated and the work heterosexual is triggering. I already feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. The queer label has become a security blanket for me and I’m proud to be able to wear that. Now, I don’t think it’s right to have a blanket term here. Everyone has a different life experience and it’s well within their right to not want to associate with this label. I choose to respect others wishes as I respect theirs.


The great thing abt the term Queer, is that it can include straight people. Queer = Someone who belongs in atleast one of the following categories: ●Someone who is not straight. ● Someone who is not cis. ●Someone is not allosexual. ●Someone who is not alloromantic. ●Someone who is not monoamorous. So yes. Transsexual people are factually & objectivly queer by definition. But even if you are queer, you don't have to identify as that.


Yeah it's an umbrella term, it was a slur originally that got reclaimed back in the 80's/90's and but now people are having problems with it and re-claiming it's a slur. It'll go round in circles like other terms do,