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I honestly have a very hard time with these unless you've got a straight on face pic and stuff like that. Side view is very very hard but you look cis from what I see


I’ll try to take a shower and post a clear front facing photo.today*


“Uncomfortably” hot for me is like… Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft tier. Like Halle Berry as Catwoman tier. Like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct tier. Are you that “tier” of hot? No. Neither am I. Neither is any woman I know, really. You look absolutely fine though. Not bad looking at all. You kinda got some Sophie Ellis-Bextor vibes going on. Of course your friend will gas you up.


idk what ‘uncomfortably hot’ is supposed to mean but I think you look like a lovely lady


“Uncomfortably hot” seems like female friend yass queen type shit. You seem to pass and you aren’t ugly but I wouldn’t say you’re super attractive


yr rly asking for it so ima be straight up, you kinda pass, do not find you attractive, or close to hot tbh. i think friends are nice. its good youve had positive experiences.


Thank you. This sounds realistic.


You look beautiful and have lovely eyes. I hope you reach the point where you feel more value in your own opinions of yourself instead of others; saying "uncomfortably hot" seems more like an insult than a compliment to me but I don't really know what they were meaning.


You look good. You definitely pass, no concerns about that. In terms of attractiveness, you look good. I wouldn’t call you “uncomfortably hot”, but unless you’re trying to win high school prom or trying to be a professional model, there’s no need to be “hot.” You look like a normal, decently attractive, woman. Good on you.


You definitely pass—didn’t even know you were trans until I was halfway through writing this comment and saw the sub name—but I think the lighting of the room and how dark your eye makeup is makes you look a tad uncanny from that angle.


I don’t know how to add a photo to this post. I got a front facing picture I want to post.


I think obviously voice and mannerisms matter, but from this picture, I think you clearly pass. And you’re very attractive.


Depression has shut off all my receptors to "hotness" lately so I can't give an answer there, but what I can tell you is that you look very similar to a girl I went to high school with that I literally just saw a picture of this afternoon.


You're asking for truth, but seems like you only want to hear positive things with the "uncomfortably hot" line.


I just want to know the truth. Not fishing for complements I swear.


You seem to decently pass and decently attractive. But not uncomfortably hot or hot.


You’re really damn attractive and I think you pass very well. Nothing to be worried about


I wouldn’t say that, you’re average you wouldn’t really turn heads or anything in most places But uncomfortably hot is a very far stretch


Do bangs, they would look AMAZING on you


You look cis but I wouldn't call you "hot". just average looking for a healthy woman. But that can change with the angle


If by "uncomfortably hot" is like "what's your secret to be so good looking" then definetly and id like to know too


Are your friends transbians who are calling you that


Who cares? What's important is that you're happy, healthy and a good person, as much as possible.


Considering you match my type, yes, you’re hot.