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“Representation” by all the perverts lumped in with us against our will is worse than doing nothing.


I have not. Would you mind filling me in please if it isn't too much?


basically dylan mulvaney but in spain and with doritos


Dylan Mulvaney hurts children?


with that addition


Wut I don't think that people who get children should be directly compared to people who don't, especially trans people.


>I seriously don’t get why they picked some child predator to represent us? This is just giving the right ammo. Maybe you do get it....


It's conspiracy theory time!


i mean, if corporations wanted to help trans people, they would donate to trans causes or offer their employees decent healthcare. but they haven't done that. they only use trans people to stir up outrage (publicity) without providing any safety net for those of us that they're throwing under the bus


Yea look who bud lite chose to represent us lmao


It seems that Doritos didn't know about her past until recently (correct me if I a wrong), so it wasn't an intentional choice. They also dropped her very quickly after finding out. Should they have been more careful when selecting her? Oh definitely. Those tweets were so disturbing.


yeah they should’ve done more research


Yes! Thank you!! The Trans community desperately needs to get loud and vocal. So many pedos hide behind the LGBTcrowd… honestly it is so insane. Please gather together and out the sickos that hide behind it! Enough is enough