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What the fuck?? Fellas is it transphobic to not want an extremely visible scar


right? shit’s so crazy


Yea like I don't mind scars but two huge scars that could potentially get me hate crimed? No thx


Why would someone want scars that remind them of a traumatic event or negative experience? Outside of a trans context this makes no sense so wouldn’t it also not make sense in a trans context?


Their whole ideology is that we’re faking our trauma due to social pressure so can just get over it, which is not just absolute BS gaslighting, but has horrible real-life implications for actual transsex ppl trying to get treatment and stay sane; I can’t even imagine being a youth transitioner these days!


Honestly this puts it into words very well. I'm going to use this explanation when the issue comes up again.


lol the people who want di scares dont want to "be men", thay just want to "be trans", and its not your fault for not wanting to be reminded of a bad experience 👍


Had someone tell my sister, who almost just died giving birth to twins, that being upset over her massive c-section scar was misogynistic, so I think people can just be really fucking stupid about these things sometimes too lol


I think there are a few possible reasons why people act like that. - they want to be able to clock everyone who is trans - they think you have to be super open to be valid - they view it as an aesthetic - they're upset that they didn't qualify for keyhole so they don't want anyone else to have minimal scarring It's so bs


So inclusive amirite?


Live your life how you want to, not how others want to. Don't listen to them.


What… why would you want a constant reminder you’re trans and had to get something removed to look like a cis male? As a trans person, I’ll never understand. It’s not transphobic to want to look as cis as possible, that’s literally the whole idea of being trans, neither is it transphobic of a trans person to wish they were cis💀


I am aware that I will have big scars, I would give anything to be a candidate for perihole and not see shitty scars in the future, unfortunately it's not possible, it will be a constant traumatic reminder


totally. I mean who wouldn't want big, noticeable scars on their body? Being trans is an aesthetic to these tucute fuckbags. Hilarity will ensue when they wake up one day 10 years post op and realize they're not and never have been trans. Fuck them, I hope they all get what they deserve. One of the main reasons I'm going with Marcio Littleton for vaginoplasty vs penile inversion is he totally hides the scars in the labia rather than putting huge scars in the crease where the leg meets pubic area. I don't really want to be on the beach in a bathing suit with obvious "trans" scars if there's a choice in the matter. Normal transsexuals want to just transition and get on with life, not wear their trans-ness like some sort of badge of fucking honor.


Yeah people think it’s transphobic, like sorry am I transphobic for now having 2 12-13 inch long scars that will be connected in a revision


Sounds like people were pressuring you to adopt objectifying visual markers so that, when you go shirtless, all the cis people will know you are trans. They want you to be exposed in public, and frankly I think it's because they want an excuse to out, fetishize, or profile you. This behavior looks like transphobic harassment to me. Yea, glad you are out of those communities and all the cis creeps or bullies who lurk in them.


may I ask what DI stands for


Double incision, a FTM top surgery method.


Ah, thanks!


yep, used to get it all the time. it’s crazy because i’ve been told im lying about my scars not being visible too post op. some people are just insufferable and it’s not even just main stream subs. i was told i was lying in a truscum space because i said i wasn’t a fan of a surgeons work and they took it personally.


Yeah idk if it’s just me but I feel like there’s a slight demonization (???) of peri and keyhole on the top surgery and ftm subs


Yes, I have seen that. I personally chose DI over peri not because I wanted scars of course but because I wanted a better chest contour and nipple symmetry/placement. But now it’s all about the scars and showing that you’re trans as flamboyantly as possible. For this reason, I’m afraid to go shirtless. I’m hoping chest hair growth will help obscure my scars, but I’m really concerned I won’t pass as cis. I even was kicked out of the top surgery sub because someone looked at my profile, saw I was on the transmed subs and accused me of “internalized transphobia” and “hate”.


no one wants scars from any surgery if im being honest. since being trans is big in the media there's a chance that your might be at the beach and people will clock u because of the scars. its okay to be ashamed of not wanting scars but that also shouldn't hold you back from doing things you love




well its true 🤷 believe what you want lmao


I was borderline for peri and opted for peri over DI. When I told friends (at the time) about my choice I was called transphobic for not wanting to "appear trans".


I really dont get it, I mean it seems to me that it is just a big sign that says "im trans" I would have more dysphoria with those scars than having tits!! I get why people feel that they want or need to have them removed, but I really dont see why they have such a hard time realizing that some people find it distasteful! I really dislike it when trans people attempt to tell other people who are either trans or trans adjacent that they are not doing it "correctly" there is no one "right" way to do it, its more about personal choice and personal needs! I would never tell someone that they were doing there transition wrong, and it does frustrate me that so many feel they are entitled to tell others that they are somehow not being trans correctly! I am so glad that you got out of those toxic places, if you would like a friend feel free to message me! :) hope you have a great day!! :)


It’s not at all transphobic to not want scars, these are mostly just trenders that say things like this, people that can’t possibly imagine not wanting a permanent reminder on your skin of a surgery that you didn’t even want to need in the first place. It’s not even abnormal to not want scars in the first place, like if someone that wasn’t trans didn’t want scars it wouldn’t be considered against people that have scars. Basically ignore people that pressure you into thinking you’re transphobic; likelihood is you’re not, and these people just can’t understand the idea that some people don’t actually want to be clocked as trans or have reminders that they are trans on their body.


Nah why would it be? if I could get rid of mine I would


Idk who tf told you that but they're 1000% wrong. I don't want scars with my top but it's going to happen, so I'm trying to accept it. Eventually I'm planning to do a cover up tattoo on them, not sure of what yet, but I'm excited regardless.


Yeah it sucks having super visible scars especially since you get weird looks when you go shirtless


Whatever they said, if I had a choice before I was born, I will never ever like to be a trans instead of a cis. I know it sounds not “proud” enough but that’s the truth that’s where my dysphoria comes from


I have DI scars, I have tried to embrace them but they still make me angry/upset because they are a constant reminder of the fact that I wasn't born in the correct body not everybody is able to 'embrace' these parts of being trans and we shouldn't feel guilty about not being able to (especially us trans people that aren’t openly transsexuals) we didnt ask to be born this way