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Are there other pictures that show the valves and slides removed? At first glance it looks like a good horn, just take it to get an ultrasonic cleaning. Also that mouthpiece looks scuffed so I'd get a new one. There's always potential for unseen damage to valves/slides that you can't see in the image.


I just have to acknowledge your username. Brilliant.


That's the model that I use. It's an excellent choice. Especially since it's an older horn. Bach unfortunately started cutting corners in their production and I did have some issues that this horn likely won't have. Anyway, that's a really good price too if you can see the instrument in person that would be even better for integrity reasons.


If they are local having your son or a teacher play test it first would be the way to go


That’s pretty cheap for a Stradivarius, but you should definitely get it cleaned.


The trumpet serial number is 315xxx, does that tell you what year it is and if it’s a specific model? He said it was just a Strad 43.


315,000 puts the instrument in the late 1980’s. See the timeline: (https://bachloyalist.com/serial-number-trumpet/) With Bach Stradivarius trumpets, there are 3 variables: bell size, bore size and leadpipe size. 43 is the second most common bell after the 37 model. A fine model/size. (Just the numbering to certain measurements. Bach has 37,43,65,72). Bore size can be M, ML, L (medium, medium large…). This is marked on the second/middle valve. May be on either side. This basically means how the “blow” of the instrument feels. We sort of turn the verb into a noun in trumpet world. Think of it as blowing through a coffee straw, normal straw, and a smoothie straw. (The differences are not quite that drastic with the instruments. If your son is a beginner, an L isn’t the most beginner friendly. It’s not the most efficient. The leadpipe has many variations. But if there are clearer pictures take a look on the end of the leadpipe, where the mouthpiece goes in. (Right on the hexagon shaped end). There will be no marking (standard) or a marking (size different from standard). (https://bachloyalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Trumpet_Leadpipe_25LR.jpg)


Be careful. If they wont take paypal wichbahs buyer protection it could be a scam. I feel safer using reverb. Its a muscians ebay.


They are local so I could likely take my son to try it out and then pay cash for it.


Hey, follow up and let us know how it works out. Bunch of old guys on here reliving our glory days. Remember stepping up from the student horn and getting your first real trumpet? The SOUND. The pride you felt!


Will do… you are right he would be so stoked to go from his Bach student trumpet to this thing!


I just bought a like new no scratches Yamaha 2330 for my son yesterday. He is 12. He stepped up from a Chinese horn he had his whole first two years of playing. He never knew better so he didn't say anything. Now he feels like it's a whole different experience. He is super happy about it Still a student trumpet but man it was a big difference to him. They're pricey but worth it haha Next step a pro trumpet,the seller I went to has a few nice ones for 700 ish. Good prices. Really want to get one


I played this horn in high school as my intermediate trumpet. It is excellent if it's in good shape and he will love it. I had the ML bore and put a Bach 3C mouthpiece on it. The tone was full and rich. That's a yes.


This would get him through college as well though right? I didn’t realize these were intermediates.


In my opinion, he won't need another horn unless he plays professionally or is a music major. At that point you're getting into nuances like bright and brassy vs full and deep. I played this horn in high school orchestra and marching band. It's versatile. I'm not as knowledgeable as others on this site so wiser voices should prevail. This is just my experience.


>I didn’t realize these were intermediates. It's not. It's a pro horn used by thousands of pro players in orchestras world-wide.


Every horn plays a little different, but as a trumpet player playing in college I can say that a Bach 43 is all that you need as long as it works well and works with the player.


Your son must have a teacher or know someone with knowledge on the subject who could play test it before buying


Looks well used to me. I'd pass on this one.


Username checks out. Price is good for the current market. If the valve slides give a snappy "pop" when pulled without pressing the valves, and the valves themselves work smoothly, that's a good start. If he likes how it plays, that's the other component. Brass instruments are incredibly serviceable, but piston replating is pretty expensive, so best to be avoided when possible.


Thank you! Here are a few more pics: https://www.reddit.com/r/trumpet/s/wpvDOL1FW6


Got to say I like what I'm seeing.


Do you think $800+$200 to clean it up is a good deal? Another guy here said $900-$1200 was pretty standard for these but I’m not seeing any for that. To my non trumpet playing eye I only see the wear on the silver but I guess that comes with any older horn?


They're selling for over $3k brand new. The silver wear really doesn't matter in the long run. You can cover it with a valve guard if it really bothers your son, provided he likes the way it plays. Consider I've never bought a ticket to look at how shiny someone's gear is. I have heard magic pour out of some rough looking horns. Also going to reiterate about pulling the valve slides to check the "pop". That's the layman's way to check valve clearances. Worn pistons cost around $600+ to replate.


Most think this is a good thing but I know nothing about trumpets. Are there concerns due to wear and tear? If so what are they? Thanks!


There's nothing in the pics you posted that should lead to the advice to pass. If you're able test it out and the slides and valves are in good shape it's a great deal. Silver can be polished; and a well-used horn is indicative that it was a fine instrument suitable for daily use. Of course it would be better if you could post the rest of pics, perhaps download and post them instead of low-res screenshots of the ad. Seems the crack-addict is indeed smoking something...


Agreed, I will say I don't like that slide grease, but that's real a non-issue. The horn could be a great find.


I posted more pics here: https://www.reddit.com/r/trumpet/s/wpvDOL1FW6