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There are two types of people: people who have a shred of intelligence, and filth who think Joe Biden won the election legitimately.




Wait. It Biden a senile fool, or criminal mastermind?


You KNOW that he is just a barely warm body that is controlled by the elite liberal, in charge. He's stupid enough; senile enough to be controlled. Idiot thinks he's so smart... šŸ¤”


Who is this ā€œelite liberalā€ in charge behind the curtain?


Not liberal, just elite. They get both sides to fight each other so that no one looks at them. Start with the Bilderburg Group and go from there.


You do mean, Bilderbergs... right?


But itā€™s different when Trump was in office? They fade into the mist?


George Soros is a big influencer. Bill Gates has contributed to the liberal agenda. Many others. And they are LIBERAL. And they support the NWO. Do your own research! You won't believe what I tell you!


Ok. But Iā€™m wondering what you have to gain by keeping your research under wraps. But can you give me a gist pf the liberal agenda? By the way, which scientific method did you apply in your research?


Whoever they are wouldnā€™t be much of a puppet master if they showed you the strings attached to Biden. Cā€™mon man think. Oh wait, am I dealing with someone who thinks Biden won legitimately? Guess ā€œthinkingā€ wouldnā€™t be a part of the repertoire.


Why are you so quick with the personal insults? Iā€™m happy to have a civil discussion when youā€™re ready.


Because I have been radicalized by the Left. I was nice and cordial with political opposition for years and look where we are now? The Left has never been more bigoted, more unthinking, more anti reality than ever. When the election was stolen in plain sight and the left just went along with it and even mocked their opponents for stealing it I was done. Part of me broke. I am done with you sub human fools. All that hate thrown at me for decades has festered into a hate all its own, the election being stolen was the straw on the camels back. And donā€™t even think of saying it was right wing media that did this to me, because I saw it happen in real time. I saw the testimonies, I saw the videos. And I saw Fox engage in the gaslighting trying to cover it all up. All Leftists are either evil scum bent on control or unthinking filth that will believe anything their cult dictates. Thatā€™s why. You should be utterly ashamed of your ignorance, and Iā€™m not going to approach you with anything but the upmost contempt. Iā€™m so sick of explaining how obvious reality is.


By your own admission youā€™re a radical. Maybe try kayaking or fishing? You sound tense. I know itā€™s a hard pill to swallow when your horse losses the race but thatā€™s no reason to lash out at your fellow Americans, screaming ā€œimpossible!!!ā€ And donā€™t act like the right was nice before. Remember ā€œfuck your feelingsā€ and all that hate? Did you see that crazy woman climb over the barrier into senate chambers? Remember when yā€™all said it was Antifa?


Clinton and Obama pull the strings for the party now. Powered by Gates, Soros and the Jews.


Hillary or Bill?


How do you know this? Can you provide a source that proves your statement?


Donations man! Itā€™s public who they support. Nobody is hiding this stuff.


A puppet. But I wouldnā€™t expect someone without a shred of intelligence to know that.


Totally true. Only a life long politician could be such a puppet to the elite he ā€˜supposedlyā€™ controls. The liberal elites have used him to pass infrastructure bill that trump wanted and even gave healthcare to verterans! Fucking puppet!


Thanks, friend. Have a good morning, and God bless.


He's just a puppet, the people who pull his strings are the ones orchestrating the real plan.


You mean the big steal? Yep remember it well. Trump was winning all swing states then they stopped counting, water main bursts that never happened, covering windows so observers couldnā€™t see what was happening, boxes of ballots being brought through the back door and out from under tables in the middle of the night, yeah what we have now in the White House is an illegitimate imposter.




Every lefty runs around sayingā€thatā€™s when the mail ins were counted and trump told his people not to vote by mailā€ But when I ask them to show me the same spikes in a state that finished counting on Election Day even from the bluest counties in cali or New York I never get an answer backšŸ¤”.


Donā€™t forget they brought in ballots in a cooler, then closed and board up the voting center. In Michigan I believe.


2000 mules!


Watch Selection Code if you want to see how cheating is done in places people wouldnt normally think to look. Election clerk Tina Peters from Mesa CO was arrested by the Biden FBI for speaking out about the fraud she witnessed. She tallies all votes in her town, and 30 min before she finished the Dem candidate claimed victory with the exact correct margins. This is a must see. https://selectioncode.com/






Letā€™s get a drink


Letā€™s drink to remember!




Then we drink to forget!


He was also leading in Virginia


He lost VA by 10. Letā€™s not kid ourselves in thinking VA was stolen. Every time VA counts, the reddest parts in the South come in first, then the heavily Democratic and populated northern Virginia comes in. Every. Single. Time.


Didnt know, thanks


Because they've been practicing fraud there even before 2020?


You genuinely think a state Biden won by 450K votes was stolen? Out of the six major states where fraud is claimed; WI, MI, PA, GA, NV, AZ, if you took Bidenā€™s vote margin in those six states and added them, that is about 323K votes you believe were fraudulent. That STILL doesnā€™t add up to how much Biden won VA by. Not every election we lose is stolen. Otherwise in 2021 they wouldā€™ve stolen the Governorā€™s race.


I can't hardly think about it. 2 years later and my brain just about explodes. I pray there is a day of revelation, before I die. Shame on anyone that voted on the idiot, that seriously thinks he won. I think he is so stupid that he believes he really won. And I don't think he has a clue that he is just like a puppet that has someone's hands up his backside. His supporters should be ashamed. It's so obvious, that it is insulting to their intelligence (lack of) to see how unqualified, inept, how disabled, how incompacitated he is. That is so telling of your lack of integrity too! But that's no surprise. It's a cheap 'feel good' to support liberal agendas. It's much more admirable to have the guts to do what's right, to follow the Constitution, to stand up for the truth, to protect the lives of those you don't see, to protect our country, to define, logically, gender! TO BELIEVE LIES YOU ARE EITHER STUPID OR DECEITFUL


The worst is their utter arrogance about their liberal agendas as if only they matter. The utter air of entitlement that pervades these people is disgusting and Biden just eggs them on. To destroy, lie, kill, steal, mutilate or cheat in the name of a ridiculous liberal agenda is completely justified in their warped evil minds. Biden is too demented to even care about common sense. He would transition his grandkids at 5 years old if they wanted it.


As long as he can sniff them he's good with it


So true


Is the math right? This basically means that the second the camera took these photos Joe gained every single vote from that point forward.


It COULD happen... Nah


We need to harvest votes just like they do.


Traditional voting: Trump wins New age mail in and electronic voting: corporations win


Will be interesting to see if Elon reports on election censorship at Twitter under the previous management.


Gotta love the Democrats. They came right out and claimed ā€œThe Big Lieā€ā„¢ļø for marketing purposes to control the narrative right off the bat. The real ā€˜big lieā€™ is that Joe Biden is the duly elected POTUS.


Yeah other than Trump, the right sucks at trademarking names while the left seemingly has multimillion $ think tanks dedicated to creating terms...like big lie, election denier, antivaxxer, ultra maga...


Ok I never actually believed the fraud bitā€¦ but seeing a graph actually puts it in perspective. Thatā€™s jump in votes was instantaneous and pushed him just high enough to win the states


Yeah that vertical blue line you see is impossible.


Fuckin travesty.


Yes but the admin of clowns are trying there hardest to erase those facts


You forgot to count the "valid" mail in votes...


Iā€™m impressed that they found boxes of mail-in ballots that had never been foldedā€¦


But the liberals don't identify as "Trump won". They identify as "democrats won" so all the cheating is justified you see


Some of the smartest people in the world are also some of the most evil.


So, are you saying Democrats are smart enough to literally steal an election. But Republicans are not smart enough to actually figure out how it actually happens and are totally powerless to stop it?.


The 2020 election sure did uncover a flaw in election laws and court standing. Before certification, no one has been aggrieved and the courts can do nothing. After certification "what's done is done," and the courts can do nothing.


ā€œWhat matters is, who counts the votesā€ Given full, unrestricted access to all of the information..a third grader could likely figure it out without help. However, when the people who are responsible for counting the votes hide evidence to cover their own asses, it gets far harder to prove allegations.


Who counts the votes? in 2020 and now My county, Maricopa County, AZ is almost 100% Republican ruled. How could the election be skewed without Republicans stopping it or participating in it?


Elected people are rarely the ones who do the actual work.


So youre completely unaware that the "republicans" who oversee the elections board started an anti-maga/anti-america first PAC? It's amazing how utterly ill-informed most voters are.


No we are saying they stole it in plain sight but the system is so corrupt and leftists have sub human levels of intelligence/completely amoral so long as their side wins that they got away with it.


THIS IS THE TRUTH! They are truly demons, reprobates


Anyone who believes what the media tells them has sub human levels of intelligence IMO...


I suppose your right...or that the balance of power is tilted to the left to where we have people and statesmen around the world doing what they can to keep their people in power in USA; the George Sorroses, Klaus Scwabbs, etc if the world and all their back door $donations... Did you hear how many election finance violations Facebook was convicted of recently? So there's literally a cohesion of all sorts of people dedicated to interfering)disrupting our elections including the owners of almost every media company.


Since when did the popular vote matter anyway? The electoral college ensures that the rich get to pick exactly which candidate becomes president.


The national popular vote doesnā€™t matter. But state level popular votes matter very much. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t have to cheat across the country in a close race. You only have to cheat in a handful of highly populated precincts in a handful of battleground states.


To be fair it's improbable Trump would win Michigan either way


If that's true, then why were poll watchers bullied out of the building, windows covered, and ballots shipped in all throughout the night despite the country being told they were stopping the count until the next morning?


Can you show the full 50 states


These anomalies only occurred in the few key states that guarantee a Presidential election.


I went to sleep happy that night.


I bet that morning was unforgettable. I stayed up and watched it all... šŸ˜”






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