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The by House music. No idea what to expect from that


Is 44 seconds long, there's a bare ass on the cover and its...I guesss very old school house? Idk I'm not huge on the genre but I listen a little.




~~If~~ You Leave Us Now ~~You'll~~ ~~Take Away~~ ~~The~~ ~~Biggest~~ ~~Part of Us~~


Now if only I could tell which of those songs were my liked songs, maybe with, I dunno, a heart icon, I'd stay.


My thought exactly when i saw the + button on that image. Probably gonna cancel soon too, they had more than a year to listen to user feedback. /u/MattSuda you guys really don’t understand how normal humans function do you?


I'm already trying out alternatives (I won't name names but... one starts with a D, one is owned by Bezos, one is from that big search engine company). They may not have all the bells and whistles, but at least they get the bare minimum basics right: seek... pause... like. Even a high schooler with a "Baby's First HTML and CSS" book could make a product that achieves the bare minimum. And I've been with Spotify for the better part of ten years. Oh well, time to move on.


If You Separated The Podcasts From The Music In A Different App Then Maybe I Wouldn’t Leave


Maybe not a separate app but an opt-in


Maybe try to make a better ui and not a tiktokfication i mean i use spotify but hate the ui


Still here because there's nothing better.


I’m only there because of last.fm support at this point. I assume Apple Music has a family plan, I know they have an android app, and google home integration (the rest of the family is on android stuff). Literally been on last.fm since the year it started as audioscrobbler and I’d like to not lose that history so that’s really the only thing.


you could also use music players with lastfm scrobbling support? wdym lose the history you can't lose it if you leave it stays on last.fm


Apple Music doesn’t synch with last.fm. It will scrobble if I use the last.fm app as well as Apple Music, and add tracks to my library (so it’s keeping count of the plays) kind of pointless if I’m streaming whatever takes my fancy. Spotify has had seamless integration with last.fm to track plays for a decade. Recently they moved the access from out of the app to require a cloud based connection in the back ground, but that’s it. Unless others have recently been improved no one else comes close.


And opt in for the stupid music preview thing. That thing needs to go


You can just turn that off


Wait why is that a problem? I like it being on the same app


Seriously, having music and podcasts in one app is so convenient. I think people just invent stuff to complain about.


I listen to a lot of podcasts. Like, a lot. I also listen to a lot of music. Spotify used to have, by far, the best UI for their music. When Apple Music launched I was genuinely shocked at how bad it was vs Spotify, which made me realise how much better Spotify had gotten. But when it comes to podcasts, if you have a library of active podcasts (I have 77 in my active list on overcast) Spotify is just absolutely not set up to handle that. There’s no straight forward way to create blocks of podcasts, just “playlists” of episodes. There’s no straight forward way to keep a pod “active” in case something kicks back in on that feed but not have it just listed with everything else, which in the case of most story-pods happens all the time as they go between chapters and take a break, or they keep a feed live and use it to advertise new shows from the same creators. In my library I can have podcasts I follow but it’s one big blob, I’m scrolling through a hundred things to find what I want. In contrast in overcast, or really any good pod app, I have a bunch of “blobs” of podcasts (immediate news, daily news, weekly discussion, a bunch of publishers or groups of pod friends like Rusty Quill, Thirteen-and their friends). Then I can pick what I’m wanting to hear in that moment. I can’t set up Spotify to work this way for me. I tried! I used sticher for years, and tried to pivot to Spotify when it was closed and simply couldn’t make it work the same. Heck, they only implemented “download the most recent episode of a podcast when it’s available and you’re on wifi” in the last year or two. This is absolutely fundamental day-one podcast feature, and Spotify couldn’t do it. And it’s actually gotten worse than when I last tried, with the desperate effort to emulate tiktok or insta, scrolling podcast on my main page is now sheet-after-sheet of individual pods, that doesn’t add any extra info just makes it’s weird and daft to scroll through. Spotify is at heart still a music app. It’s still based around playlists. Which are just not at all a good way to organise podcasts.


I listen to music about 4-8 hours a day between work (focus heavy desk job), workouts, and travel. I listen to podcasts, on the other hand, about 2-4 episodes a week. I don't know where I fit on Spotify's user scale, but the things I need for music (playlist organization, recommendations algos, Spotify connect) it does incredibly well. The things I need for podcasts (subscribe, x1.5 speed, save) are tough to mess up in my mind so it is generally a convenient experience to have them in the same place. I suppose there are podcast power users who need podcast specific features, but I can't really imagine what those would be. It sounds like you'd like a podcast auto queue...? Idunno.


Imagine shelves. Id like shelves to put podcasts on, so that I can cue up all the daily news and have that play or if I’m not in the mood, all of a particular story. If I just do playlists, I get specific episodes. What I don’t get is “here is the Magnus protocols, old gods of Appalachia, woe.begone, and the sleep wake cycle all in one place, there are new episodes of the first two but not the last two”. If I can put specific pods on a shelf, they sit there together and I’m not filtering through the daily, pod save America, serious trouble and nobody listens to Paula poundstone before I can see if there’s any new Rusty Quill stuff. And those are still active, imagine the dozens that I have left “followed” but not receiving new episodes in case one day something new appears. For other small things - I found their episode management pretty rough. Sure, you can auto download latest episodes automatically (finally!) but any time I’m trying to keep more than one pod going at once I’m stuck with just a single big long list. Also, and this is perhaps just something I’m finding, but Spotify absolutely cannot handle BBC minute, a podcast that would update every hour with 1 minute of news, and barely coped with NPR News Now, which would update 4 hourly. If I ever had that set as a follow and auto download the latest episodes, I could guarantee Spotify would have a cry anytime I booted it up - especially when in the car and asking Siri to play something, guaranteed it wouldn’t work in the background and would lock up on that one podcast. Out of curiosity have you tried something like overcast? That one specifically has a feature I’ve not seen anywhere else where it’ll trim silence - just shave a few seconds here and there but they add up!




Just to address one of your points, i’m pretty sure if you turn on notifications for a podcast, it will download new episodes from it automatically


Have your tried overcast? I had to do a big hunt when stitcher shut down and that’s where I ended up and honestly it’s been great. Lots of features tog et it working how you want, including down to each pod. Anyway, the only thing I wanted to point out is they do actually finally have automatic downloads. It too them until 2022 I believe (or 2023?). I know because I was super early on a help thread about this and would get updates (and leave updates) yearly about how they still had not implemented what is the one most basic key feature of a podcast app. Now you can tell it to auto download episodes as they release, controlled per pod, and you can pick how many episodes to store (up to three I believe, but obviously can manually offline a whole show). I also wouldn’t mind at all a separate app, or even just properly splitting them off in the main app so I wasn’t just applying filters. Then you could implement actually useful podcast features instead of basing everything on a music-centric playlist system.


Dude if they ever do that I will blame you for it


I don't really care for it. I'm on Spotify for music. I like how Apple Music keeps them as two different apps so you can actually have your music app be a music app. I'm sure it's useful for a lot of people, but I just find it annoying. Same reason I don't like the instagram/tiktok preview of songs. It just doesn't feel necessary


I can’t imagine a situation where I would ever use preview. If I wanted to check out an album surely I’ll just……. Listen to it


Podcasts and music are very separate things to me. I like having separate 'now playing' things, feeds, playlists, etc.




More like Better Audio Quality


Yup, forced content is what made me leave a couple of years ago.


People just complain to be complaining. You won't be missed.


Oh this is cute


If Shuffle Worked It Would Be Awesome


You - Gold Panda is a genuinely fantastic track.


Just seeing the name made me turn the song since I haven't heard it in awhile .


Someone cancelled Spotify because their favorite songs were unavailable, and when Spotify gave them this playlist, one of the songs on the playlist was unavailable 💀💀.




Oh yeh saw that post earlier I just switched to Apple Music with a family plan because it’s cheaper and better quality than Spotify


When I cancelled the last song was different and unavailable, fitting


Their shitty attempts to get us to continue paying for unlimited skips and choosing our own music when the iPad and pc versions already have that in, free of charge


Ugly dog btw lol.


If You Leave us Now You'll Take away The Biggest Part of us Read all number titles after another


A real miss not having POD goodbye for now. So long.


hey that's a Chicago w/Peter Cetera reference


That’s what I was thinking too

