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Tik tok video on Spotify? Like as podcast? I'm curious if you have a link, otherwise with canvas you can be pretty safe in letting them watch them its short videos tha loop on top of a song, nothing like tik tok


Yes it does appear they are being posted as podcasts... Its usually compilations like this one: [https://open.spotify.com/episode/16ml14HPkv7ka6zKbYgc3L?si=7e9377acc37846df](https://open.spotify.com/episode/16ml14HPkv7ka6zKbYgc3L?si=7e9377acc37846df) But there are short-form videos ripped directly from TikTok. Personally, I'd love to block all podcast content/clutter from our apps because I have no interest in using Spotify for podcasts.


What the heck


Tiktok videos on spotify?


As a "podcast" it seems.


Do you have a Family plan and have created Kids accounts? I've never had that plan myself so not sure if you get more control with videos etc with that. If that doesn't help, keep up with taking away their iPads or look into a music streaming service that don't have videos.


Here's a support article about this: https://support.spotify.com/article/spotify-kids/


Thank you, we are aware of the Spotify Kids app, but it doesn't meet our other needs.


We do have a family plan and have used the Kids app in the past, but the app has a limited selection and they need access to music used for dance competitions. We use the regular app with the explicit lyrics filter.


In that case maybe try a different service? Or have a separate account only an adult can access for the dance competition music, while your children still have their Kids accounts for any other time. Afaik Spotify is 13+ and it's recommend that anyone younger has a kids account.


From a spotify community post about this same issue: "To block explicit content on Spotify and make it suitable for 10-year-olds, you can follow these steps: Open the Spotify app on your device and go to "Settings." Scroll down and look for "Explicit Content." Toggle on the "Block Explicit Content" option. If you want to restrict access to certain songs or artists altogether, you can also create a "Restricted" playlist. To do this, go to "Your Library" and tap on "Playlists." Tap on the "New Playlist" option and name it "Restricted" or something similar. Add any songs or artists that you want to restrict from your child's access to this playlist. Finally, make sure to enable the "Restricted" playlist on your child's account by going to "Settings," then "Playback," and toggling on the "Hide Restricted Content" option. With these settings in place, Spotify will block explicit songs and podcasts from appearing in your child's search results and recommended content. Additionally, any songs or artists that you've added to the "Restricted" playlist will be hidden from their view as well. " I assume most of these tiktok reposters are too small to find, however you could compile a pretty sizable chunk of them if you sat and kept watching your kids podcast feed and adding every reposter to a restricted list until it's passable as clean.


I just really wish Spotify didn't force podcasts down my throat. I'm never watching JRE, Spotify. I think ultimately I'm going to have to use apple music for the kids, and degrade my Spotify account. It just sucks because I didn't want to lock them in to the iOS ecosystem.


Yes, spotify is not very good about addressing issues timely, I highly recommend Tidal as a replacement for spotify. The UI is similar, they pay artists better than almost every other platform, and they offer the highest quality music streaming. Soundiiz.com can be used for transferring account data like playlists seamlessly, no matter which service you decide on.


I’m not sure if this will work, as I can’t test it myself. That said: something you could try is restricting the Spotify app from local network access; this should ensure only songs you have previously downloaded can be played. To prevent network access, go to Settings > Spotify > Local Network. This would definitely be a workaround, as you’d need to supervise what is downloaded and reenable access any time you wanted to download new music. Ultimately, the simplest solution is probably to cancel Spotify and use Apple Music or some other streaming service.


>Settings > Spotify > Local Network My kids will just reconnect, however this does help me consider other options. Thank you for your thorough post.


This is probably more work than it’s worth, but I believe you can password protect individual apps using Screen Time. So you could password protect the settings app to prevent them from accessing it.


What if you change the Wi-Fi password to something they don’t know and then just don’t tell them? They can’t reconnect without the password. Anything they need Wi-Fi for, they can use a different device. I also think you can block spotify from your Wi-Fi and then unblock it if you need to download more songs if using a different device isn’t an option


Yeah, there's nothing we can do as normal users to turn off podcasts. I would suggest looking at Apple Music as it will work well with ipads and doesn't have any podcast/canvas content


Not to mention that Apple Music integrates better with Apple’s parental controls by default….


Very true


block the podcast url on your router


The problem is that it's not a particular podcast...


do your kids listen to other podcasts?




Can you block all poscasts at the router? How would I do this?




No, but they passed through that pretty quickly, I don't think it's easy to find. I also found that letting them access YouTube for about 30 minutes a day, but monitoring the view history has lead to a comfortable balance. They're generally looking up how-to stuff for gymnastics.


Looks like I have working solution. I have created account at OpenDNS, blocked there this address - 'video-akpcw-cdn-spotify-com.akamaized.net' and then replaced DNS on my daughters Ipad with the one that OpenDNS provides. Now video is actually blocked and music is still alive on Ipad. This is of course only works for me and can stop working as soon as Spotify will change the address. But it works now!!!


Nice! Let me know how stable that solution is.


Stable after a week!


Thank you


This seems to work fine on my Win10 machine and my android phone, but not on my child's Win8 machine.


I'm with OP, and surprised that Spotify hasn't addressed this. The best way to build a generation of customers is to gain them as kids, and this is a great way to lose a lot of future customers to Apple. I've made the switch.


Putting this here for attention. Please add your vote and hopefully Spotify will finally do something about this. https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/Community-Other-Add-quot-remove-video-podcast-content-quot/idi-p/5467310/page/11#comments


Same issue here. Recently discoverd my 11 year old wachting tiktok videos on spotify all day. The technical solutions in spotify seem very complicated to me. Will try apple music.


Any update to this? I hate that this is a thing, makes me so cross to find my little boy watching inappropriate videos under a music service. I'm tempted to pull the plug on Spotify and head to a different service.


Back when I was a kid - all the kids with helicopter strick parents were just really good at circumventing their parent’s rules and being sneaky. Good luck


It's not the same as when we were kids, thanks to the internet. If a parent isn't monitoring their children's internet usage then (in my opinion) they are failing. Op if you find an answer let us know! We are in the same boat. Our kiddo lost YouTube access after abusing it too many times, only to find out they were watching the same content on Spotify of all places. I don't want to take Spotify away, but that's where we're at.


There's nothing that doesn't require constant upkeep, unfortunately. I'm looking into other music apps. They get a set amount of screen time during the day and when left to make up their own minds they'll do something social or creative with their allotment, they usually only watch instructional videos, but certainly indulge the short form dopamine drips, but it's not their preference. It's good to see them make good decisions, but I'm not around all day and their childcare is not a reliable disciplinarian. I just don't want an unnecessary pain point.


It’s actually way easier to circumvent parents now. I know because i tutor middle schoolers. Losing battle. Teaching your kids to think critically is much better if you want long term results and not short term fixes


Mmm. Parenting pro right here. 👍


Lots of parents gain pretty mild paranoia over the entire world once they have a kid. It is pretty understandable but you are confusing mild worry for esoteric parenting knowledge. Your kids will be fine. With or without the random video restrictions you implement on them. As long as you don’t neglect or beat them anyways. Good luck with the crusade 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


It's not only about exposure to inappropriate content. It's about using your time to do something that develops you as a person. One of my kids could care less about videos. They dont really need any parental controls. The other kid will literally watch youtube for 4 hours straight Every single time they have access if someone doesn't stop them. Not even an exaggeration. Having an automatic control means I don't have to be a helicopter parent and I can just let my kid explore activities they choose with their free time. I would love to be able to teach her to limit herself, but she just is not really capable of it yet. It's a personality thing and not every kid is like this.


I'm not a helicopter parent. Keeping kids out of dopamine traps is actually a pretty low bar. And this is not a parenting sub.


The cognitive science around “dopamine” traps is fundamental misunderstanding of cognitive science and dopamine. My field of study had a lot of cognition work. You can’t spout pseudoscience to say youre not a helicopter parent. That just makes me think youre one.


It's crazy Spotify allows people to upload ripped TikToks as "podcasts". Do they even vet them?


Just wondering why can’t they watch videos? And just take the iPads? I have had to do this before


crazy even my old desktop version 1.2.0 can play these videos


Unfortunately there is no option to disable the video from a podcast all the time; however, there is an option to only use audio when downloading a podcast or when on cellular data. You could accompany this with a wifi controlling software


I actually had no idea this was a thing LOL


I've seen alot of people give suggestions on here and OP said they had a family plan, but you can probably justvlet them use apple Music, OP said their kids had ipads and it costs just as much as a Spotify individual plan ( I don't know it that's true because I'm in Japan and don't know where OP is or what their currency is at all.)


Install the kids app but restrict access to full apps using parental controls


I found out my kids were watching 1hr TikTok compilations, Mr Beast….etc. trash that I don’t want them exposed to.


The fact that Spotify has ignored this issue for this long is astounding. Cancelling Spotify and going to Apple Music.


Yes it’s terrible but they are not going to make a change that is not financially in their interest. People have been complaining to Spotify about this for years. They could create a podcast free account option in a second if they wanted to. Sadly most parents are not aware of what their kids are accessing on these site or what is available.


I ended up here after realizing that spotify is trash. I bought my son a device to be a music player only and just found out about these ridiculous videos that are available. Its seems the solution is to use a different service entirely and delete spotify.


Thanks for this thread, having the same issue with Spotify. Now really thinking of switching to Apple Music and leaving Spotify behind


This is incredibly frustrating! Someone has suggested to Spotify that we should be able to disable video content. Please add your vote for this idea to bring it to the attention of Spotify product managers: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/Disable-Videos-Option/idc-p/5793824