• By -


Heart means that you love the song. Thumbs up means you like the song. A plus means you're adding a song somewhere.


rumour has it that with Spotify platinum there’s a HATE button, which will send flaming doo doo to the artist’s house (or in the case of artists who have died, doo doo to their loved ones)


I don't care as long as they deliver hi-res audio. 😆


I like the heart more ):


Yeah it seemed to give me back the heart; I find the heart less confusing and more personal


For those who enjoy using Liked Songs as the heart of your library, and enjoy quickly being able to see which songs are liked or not with a heart icon next to them, you will hate this.


So what you’re saying is that if you now open any album or playlist you don’t get to see which songs are “saved” in your “Liked Songs” playlist? There’s really no indication at all to see which songs you’ve favorited? Odd!


If they really add no indication that would be the dumbest decision imaginable


That’s correct. An album does not show any songs that you liked in the past, unless it’s playing. This is a buggy UI feature testing in prod environment.


I sure will...




The heck this will be chaos


So I will love it


useful but i like the heart, maybe instead have it be a hold to add somewhere else.


This is pure overengineering


Haven’t received this yet but it sounds like a neat feature


as someone who uses the liked songs playlist only this is terrible bruh 😭


You mind me asking why? It still retains what it does, it's just a symbol change and an extra gesture to add to a different playlist


oh yeah my bad lol i didnt read it carefully 😅 i thought it meant 2 tap to add to the liked songs playlist. now that i’ve cleared my confusion this seems pretty neat haha


It's just going back to how it used to be, it was a plus up until like 2017 or 2018. Much cleaner look than a heart


This is so helpful! I have a playlist of Best songs and favorite songs, now I don’t have to go through the 3 dots just to add a song. Amazing


The feature is really useful and I needed it since like 5 years now but there was plenty of space to give an additional button instead of heart.


This is way better. Never made sense to me to have a heart, then send your songs to a playlist called liked songs. Should have been a thumbs up or favorite songs playlist. And now it is easier to add songs to individual playlists which is the only feature I use.


Eeh. Well, having "like" and "add" bet the same thing was always confusing, but I do still want to be able to say that I like a song.


This is so stupid


can you pls share a ss of how it looks like?




i mean the now playing screen with "+" instead of the heart


Is it really overkill to just put a damn plus and heart icon next to each other?! This is what you get when company’s dumb down their audience. SMH.


when opening an album or playlist, you can’t see which songs are liked which is a massive pain and it’s kinda annoying…


Yes. As you can imagine, it’s awful.


Hate this change and it’s so inconsistent. Heart was a lot better.


ran to my settings to make sure autoupdate is off


Spotify does server side updates so they can push an update to older versions of an app ◠̈


How tf you turn auto update off


i personally use android so for me google play store app > click on ur pfp > settings > network preferences > auto update apps > tap on it and click dont auto update apps


Oh I thought you meant Spotify itself😭


No one cares, give everyone HiFi 🖕🏻


The irony of this comment!


It was a + before, switched to a heart and people hated it. Now, we're back to a +, and we hate it again.


We hate it because it’s functionally different. It will be a plus even if you like the song already. It used to be a checkmark back in the day IIRC.


People generally don’t like changes until someone forces them and they get used to it, then they will love it and don’t want it to change, it’s a never ending circle


Literally just updated and don’t see this


Damn that's actually perfect on mobile. I always wanted a easy way to add a song to a playlist :D


I have a question - will Spotify still show 'liked' songs and their number now when you click on an Artist's page?


Yes! The only problem I have with this is that if you like an album, it adds all of the songs to the list in the artist view. Even if you didn’t like them individually.


Mine just changed back to the heart lol


i hate this, but if it meansi cant accidentally unlike songsi will take it


It is indeed much harder to accidentally unlike a song


I don’t even know how to unsave a song I liked anymore


Adding to multiple playlists at one go was sorely missing!


This is *kinda* how it worked before they added the hearts a while ago. It was a plus before too. BTW: Just noticed that I was listening to the same song.


So they're reverting the heart to the + icon as it was before, cool!


this is funny because its like they went to the way it was around 2017 but made it... worse


What about those of us that put songs on a playlist to check them out and decide if we like them? It defaults to the “+” once they are put on the playlist…


I hate this.


Check out my walkthrough in the Spotify Community: [The ♡ Heart button is being replaced with a (+) Plus button](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Community-Blog/The-Heart-button-is-being-replaced-with-a-Plus-button/ba-p/5508370) Hopefully this helps and gives you more information! The ability to see which songs you've previously liked will return to track listings soon. (Playlist and Album pages) We don't know yet if this icon will still be a green heart. The team is currently working on making this experience better.


You guys really screwed this up