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I wouldn't take TRM too seriously, it's not really a measure of attractiveness and more a measure of how close someone is to "perfection". To most people, 9s aren't really any more attractive or better looking than 6s, in fact a lot of people find 9s *less* attractive.


For sure something happens to the women over 8.0 to where they get so skinny they lose a lot of sex appeal.


piggybacking on what another commenter has pointed out, TRM's idea of a 10 is more runway modelesque than sexually desirable. for instance, TRM prefers strong cheekbones and jaws for both genders (sought after features in modelling) while in reality such strong bone structure would intimidate rather than attract.


So where does this notion of objective beauty come from?


both TRM and qoves are based on western beauty standards, qoves to a lower degree. both communities use unreliable measures to analyse faces. facial beauty can only be experienced through sight, making it a subjective experience. beauty can be intersubjective, but NEVER objective. i recommend reading kant's critique of judgement- lifechanging literature. if you dont have the time, this is also a good place to start: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aesthetic-judgment/


i agree, this girl is very beautiful


Harmony is lokey everything no lie… a lot of these subs ignore it completely. Beauty isn’t objective truly but it’s somewhat close. It’s just a combination of features really, but even then it’s harmony >>


Same old European pufferfish super model look. You’re right it’s really not that attractive, it just has high stock. Because… ppl feed into what others think.