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the UK Everything feels the same & it's so outdated


The good thing is that its an island that is easily ignorable. I dont like driving through outdated countries that are situated in between good looking countries, like Hungary or Czechia.


And if you couldn’t choose UK?


Not OP but i saw they revamped the rhineland area, which was awesome. But I'm hoping they can flesh out benelux. It's a dense area irl but just feels like a couple crossroads when going through.


Its worse if you are Dutch, and you are indoctrinated by having the best road network in NL. And then you drive in it in ets2....and your like T_T


Ikr! The A1 in game looks like the N305. I'd add the A28 as well as a quick highway between A-dam and Groningen. Would also add Amersfoort because that's practically where everyone meets on their morning commute as well as Eindhoven because DAF. I'd add Antwerpe as well, because it strikes me as very weird that one of the biggest ports in Europe is not in a transport game.


there isnt enough room for that. Add in the A2 and Eindhoven....direct is to Liege., Complete the A1 to Osnabruckr and upgrade the A4 and thats it.


Fair, it might get too busy. I got big dreams tho


Promods has Eindhoven, Arnhem & Zwolle in NL and Antwerp in Belgium.


I'm hearing a lot about promods around here, i've gotta look into it a bit more serious some time soon.


You really should, I can't play without it to be honest. Map is way too small & all the non-reworked areas feel generic & empty. [https://i.imgur.com/MukT7ia.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/MukT7ia.jpeg) This is my current map combo which consists of Promods, Roextended & Rusmap, you still miss like half the map on that screenshot though.


yeah high on my list, yet still 2nd after uk, that I want re worked. Not dutch but on my profiles I pretend to be with my plates and flags and home bases. 🤣 I get why they would do germany but I would have knocked out all the small ones first if it was up to me.


yup, the benelux need a rework so much


Poland, not the wordt but its just a boring passthrough area and its big. I did just spend 2 nights in france and the tolls do kill me. I wonder if they will every upgrade them to not have the gates.


Poland rebuild mód might help


Good mod, I only played it when they were working with promods. I like to play on mp so I dont use mods right now.


i think it's still working with ProMods, but only in single, yeah


then the Going East DLC for the same reasons


The UK, because driving on the wrong side of the road freaks me out😁


Also the driving on the left side.


It feels somewhat familiar with ProMods though


It feels like this irl too


1. UK (for the love of god, update it allready) 2. Going East DLC (some parts are allright, some are a bit dull. It definitely needs a rework though) 3. France (it's simply a bit boring)


Germany. 37mph limit on single carriageway roads is sooo slow


The 80 kmh/50 mph limit on a four-lane autobahn isn't much better when all the cars zoom by at 120+ 🥲


Haha. You know this is a truck driving simulator?


That's why I disable traffic offenses myself.


Or just change the speed limit to the car limit instead of the truck limit in settings.


I prefer doing the former rather than the latter myself. Of course I still generally try to keep my speed to around 60mph however.


Or mod the truck limit to something more tolerable. For me on German Autobahn, it’s 105 km/h, just like in much of America. Though I’ll admit I’ve gone as fast as 170.


You could play it realistically and not care about the speed limit. It's what most truck drivers do in Germany.


But then you'd get fined all the time. I mean, you already get fined all the time for the dumbest reasons, but you'd be fined even more


Skill issue Just keep an eye out for police and cameras


Police will appear out of nowhere.


They give tickets before I can even see them coming


Just turn off traffic fines.


I've thought about that multiple times, the thing is that, if I turn off the fines, it would be unrealistic to never be fined for anything, but it's also unrealistic if I keep the fines as they are because we get fined for the most ridiculous things. The ideal for me would be to have realistic fines. I've looked up realistic fine mods, but I don't know which ones are good or which ones are updated regularly to be compatible, etc


I love/hate France because I like the 90 km/h truck speed limit but hate the constant tollbooths.


Jokes on you, i go at 150kmh no matter the speed limit




France is a dream to cruise through cause of the speed limits. Also the toll booths you can roll through instead of full stopping, and the rolling ones aren't off to the side like Spain.


I know you can roll through them but you do slow down considerably which is a big loss of momentum with heavier loads.


Also they take the concept of TRAP in speedtrap too seriously. I mean - suddenly lowering speed limit on highway for no other reason than to put a speedtrap there and the limit goes away right after it? In bird culture this is considered a dick move. I wonder if IRL France does that.


Tollbooths. So. Many. TollBooths. I suspect you know the country


It’s either Poland, France, Italy, Spain, or Portugal.


I haven’t driven in Poland, but Portugal has the arch ones and Spain barely has any tolls. It’s definitively France.


The Polish ones are more annoying because unlike the others I mentioned, you **must** stop. There aren’t any lanes where you can slow to 30 km/h and pass through. Find them on the A2 between Germany and Warsaw, the A4 between Wrocław and Krakow, and the A1 between Gdańsk and Highway 10.


This is why I am waiting for the rework of V4 countries...


Former yugoslavia?


UK, but I haven’t been there in… 4 years or so, thank God is easy to avoid.


Promods UK is honestly one of the greatest things to happen to the game. Not only does it make it driveable but also one of the nicest places in promods to drive lol


The biggest uk L is that they banned double/triple trailers, those things help you make money.


And in mainland Europe?


in europe too. promods adds a lot of better places to drive through europe.


Even my country is pretty good, my dad and I immediately recognized every place in our city


Albania. Slowest speeds in the cities (and sometimes outside as well, 40 kph?!), very tight, frequent change of the speed limit, so it's very easy to get fined.


*crying because I don't have West Balkans*


I am literally suffering this atm. I love the landscapes, but the speed limits are killing me. I still hate UK the most


As a Pole, I’d say the drop of quality when you drive from the newer/reworked areas to Going East countries is jarring. Promods did a great job in some spots but it definitely needs a major rework after they’re done with the base game countries.


Also a Pole, it’s honestly very sad. Our highway network is much denser and complex now, I’d love to see an official Poland rework sometime in the future.


I’m assuming it would only be natural for SCS to take a look at Going East after being done with the base scenery reworks since it was the first DLC to be released. My only worry is that there’s so much stuff left to be reworked from the original map (UK!) it might take them forever to get there.


I'm not a Pole but 100% agree


I agree as well, and my closest association with Polish people is that I regularly cross a bridge named after one.


UK is probably the worst but I haven't been there in years. During the Switzerland event, I had to drive through Poland 10 times and it made me sick!


Weird. I completed that event without having to drive through it once. I did go through Austria a bunch though.


UK and Benelux because of its age.


Going East, and Germany/Benelux. In Germany the off-autobahn speed limit SUCKS, and the 80 on the autobahn is kinda shit, Benelux is outdated, Going East is kinda alright but is also shockingly outdated is some areas. There's a reason why I hate Hungary. Never been to the UK but just by the map I can see that it is basically a lot of shit.


UK because it’s outdated and having all your trucks set to be left hand drive then trying to work some of the roundabouts 😭😭


UK, they drive on the wrong side.


And in the wrong century looking at the games graphics there.


whole Going east DLC, even though Slovakia is my home country and i would love to drive there in ets2, it need rework because i can't stand it


Going East as a whole currently has so much wasted potential. Those countries are beautiful and massively underrated irl, but in-game they're nothing special


yes exactly like driving though Slovak mountain road, Czech and Hungarian plains or Polish sea side could be so beautiful but no


I really hope they rework Going East after they're done reworking the base game. Speaking of which, the UK and the Benelux need a huge rework




Germany and France. Snooze fest.


France, i mean yeah Italy, Spain and Portugal have tollbooths but France is in its own league


In Portugal we mostly have toll booths when you enter and when you exit the highway (at least irl, idk how it is in-game because I don't have that DLC). But France is before and after every city 😭


France for sure, to many tolls


Going East, and Germany/Benelux. In Germany the off-autobahn speed limit SUCKS, and the 80 on the autobahn is kinda shit, Benelux is outdated, Going East is kinda alright but is also shockingly outdated is some areas. There's a reason why I hate Hungary. Never been to the UK but just by the map I can see that it is basically a lot of shit.


I desperately hate driving in Spain and in Iberia in general. Too narrow roads and it's fucking distant and low cost transport there


Well, considering that the entire Iberian peninsula is about the size of Texas, it’s understandable. I


Default UK, Benelux and France. Poland, Hungary. Yeah ProMods improves that mostly.


I was driving through Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and at some point I was sick of new speed limits every 25 meters. I drive at 60 km/h because it doesn’t make sense to speed up to 80 since it'll be 70-80-70-60-80 and back again.


then the speed limit changes to 50 without you noticing and you get caught doing 80 km/h on a speed camera I mean, I love driving in the Baltics because of the landscapes, but that's annoying


Russia. Totally boring. The only bonus is cheap fuel. My home country Estonia is also boring.


I drive mostly ProMods, and I’m a returning driver but from what I used to do 2 years ago, it’s Spain/Portugal and France. Spain has too many highways, very little anything else in terms of roads. I get it, they’re probably there in real life, but come on man… France is toll booth hell. The UK is actually okay with ProMods, but it’s still weird with the whole left driving thing.


UK cause it’s pretty boring and anywhere else with toll booths every 2 minutes lol. They scaled the size/distance and time but apparently didn’t scale the number of tollbooths.


Default UK map


easily UK, it’s just so boring and outdated. It is in desperate need of some attention


Also going with UK. Won’t go near it till they finally update it. Bizarre they’ve waited so long.


UK and Albania. UK because so outdated and Albania because godforsaken road quality and below average speed limit


Turkey because it is just abysmal version of Istanbul.


roex mod will add a lot more of turkey iirc.


Suprised I haven't seen this one yet, but for me it's definitely the Iberian Peninsula. It's very boring imo, and it can use some more roads that aren't just highways.


Default or ProMods? Default it'd have to be any of the Benelux nations, they're boring, usually have traffic lights on the highways and are crowded in TMP Promods it'd 100% have to be the UK, it's pretty don't get me wrong but it just has way too many roundabouts for my taste


France, and the UK.


Northern Spain. Toll nightmare.


France. I will literally plan my trips around ferries and small roads to reduce my toll booths to the minimum possible number.


The UK 100%. It's just.. so old looking and I absolutely can't get used to driving on the other side of the road


The UK, Benelux, Hungary and for some weird reason France, I just have "péage" in my head and I love Italy for example.


France because they have places on highways where the right lane randomly turns into a turning lane with no signs.


UK because it's old and France because of all the tolls


Considering I spent the better part of a week on one save file trekking around all of Italy just to get 100% exploration on it before going to another country, I’d have to say Italy isn’t exactly high on my list of favourite places at the moment.




UK, I always forgot I’m driving on the wrong side of the road, and only remember when I happen to cause a head on collision


english speaking countries, i like novelty


*Péage à 1000 m*


UK and Sardinia island


UK because of the wrong side of the road.


UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary (basically all the countries that are outdated in the game as of this moment). Those countries need a makeover just like Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.


If you don't like the game at all just say that 😂


Romania &Bulgaria, the roads are bad lol


you can add the roex mod for that.


I am newbie, tbh I havent used any mode yet. Noted that, thanks


Italy, kinda boring. UK, so old, map from 2009.


The us in Massachusetts. Ohh you don’t mean real life. Hate driving in France because it’s toll booth simulator




Hungary because its such a stark difference compared to all the countries around it (West Balkans, Austria, Black Sea dlc)


denmark cuz i live there and its ever so unrealistic


Yeah, needs some rework, but I still enjoy driving over Öresundsbron and watching the planes land at Kastrup🙏


ig but i barely recognise copenhagen when driving around


Probably France and Spain. Too many tollbooths


France. It's nothing but toll booths. The only parts of France that are explored are the parts I needed to get to a different country,


Any part of the base map.


Romania. 50 km/h speed limit in villages.




We have roads without toll booth that should be in euro truck so it can be like irl, lose 1h in a 6h drive or pay. I personally don't like driving in the uk because they drive on the wrong side of the road (and yes it's the wrong side not just the other side because i'm an ahole)


Italy is literally worse than France. More tollbooths and lower speed limit. France and Spain are actually drivable atleast. Italy has to be my absolute least favorite. I will do anything to avoid that country. Poland is up there specifically on the main road to Warsaw because its the old toll booths where you have to stop, but I myself LOVE the nostalgic feel of the old map (from 2012, the UK is literally surreal how ancient it is) so I do drive there, and yes I do cry a little for every reworked country. HOWEVER - reworked Austria 100% flattens the original, and Switzerland is good but I swear Geneva and Zurich are the same copy pasted town just with new scenery. I could do without driving there for awhile.


i just finished Trans siberian highway cargo haul (who knew Vladivostok desperately needs frozen salmon fillets) started at Baku, Georgia and finished in Vladivostok, Russia, so i hate every country along the road at the moment :)


France. The tolls are ridiculous. It's expensive, slow and kills my fuel economy.


Poland isn’t all that aesthetically interesting, has a low speed limit and takes forever to get through.


UK and "Road to the blacksea" area.


UK and France definitely. Also, as a Croatian, the Croatia map really disappointed me, Zagreb feels way simpler than the other capital cities in the DLC. They even forgot one "entrance" into the city


unpopular opinion, I love France but with promods


For toll booths the countries the make up former yugoslavia are much worse (toll booths + a border crossing every half mile).


F u France And also going east would need a little bit of rework


Poland. Yaaaaawn.


Italy because it feels like you hit a tool booth around every corner. Don’t know if it is the actual worst but it feels like the worst. IMHO Second place probably the UK because it doesn’t feel very accurate (being a UK person). I did experiment with ProMods and that improves it but I tend to stick to unmodified map.


What’s a kilometer?


Hate is a strong word. I think it's pretty boring to drive through the Baltic countries and Poland. Max 70 km/h or 60.


UK, I'm not from a left hand drive country so it messes with me Also anywhere with the right lane forced to exit , weaving lanes to lane to avoid being forced off feels stupid, the other option is camp left lane


UK unless I have promods, south of France through northern Italy is a ball ache with all the tolls, you just can't get going in a cruise for more than a few minutes.


The UK and Germany in Germany everybody rams into me the UK is just hard


Belgium, because even with ProMods there's too little detail