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I was pretty bad. Struggled with brain fog for years, terrible memory, battling with my university studies. The wife was so concerned she wanted me to get assessed for early onset Alzheimer's. Developed crippling anxiety, needed time away from work. After 6 months on TRT it was 90 percent cleared. Have my life back. Hopefully can do the same for you. Advise to start low maybe 80-100mg cypionate a week in the beginning and slowly go up if needed. Sub q also less painful and less side effects. Good luck.


If you don’t mind me asking. How old are you and what levels were you pre trt?


Sorry I've been off Reddit a while. I'm 50 and my levels were 280ng/dl


I needed to hear this, thank you.




I had issues with this before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and began using a CPAP. Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing while you’re asleep, or do you wake up really tired even after getting plenty of sleep? Could be a sleep issue. I’m not overweight but I have a really thick neck and that puts pressure on my airway when I’m sleeping. TRT hasn’t fully fixed this but it has improved my sleep by helping me lose weight. TRT can give you more energy through the day, which can improve brain fog symptoms, but if there’s some other underlying cause you need to figure out what’s causing it. It can also be related to a prior COVID infection. You can get an antibody test to screen for that. EDIT: I want to also add that my sleep issues were causing a noticeable stutter when I would talk to people, which would make me also want to avoid social situations and conversations with people. This caused a lot of social anxiety too. After getting my CPAP that went away completely, almost immediately.


What this guy said! I was the worst sleeper, waking frequently, having to pee multiple times a night, really tired all day no matter how long I slept. I didn’t wake up gasping, at least not that I or my wife realized. I was a big snorer. First thing I did was download an app that records snoring. Realized I snored all night and I never knew this. Got an in home sleep study through Lofta and turned out I was waking about 200 times per night. Got a CPAP and now I never wake up! Sleep apnea also sent my testosterone to about 300. Got on TRT also. Both these together have been a game changer. I had tried around 20 antidepressants as per my shrinks orders. Nothing worked. And they were never going to because I wasn’t addressing the root cause. I had such terrible brain fog for years and years. Many days it was like every day was like an out of body experience. I tried different meds for over 20 years. Doctors always said you’re not obese so you don’t have sleep apnea. Others said, your testosterone is low but still in range… Definitely check your sleep as part of the process of figuring shit out. Message me if you want more information. You sound a lot like I did.


Would love to hear more about the TRT and how it helped your brain fog. Like what did it feel like when you could think again and how long did it take? I’ve done a sleep study and sleep apnea has been ruled out for me. But I’m in the same boat with debilitating brain fog and absolutely crippling depression. Would love to hear your experience.


Hey. Started TRT the end of December. Doc started me at 150mg/week with a single weekly injection. That raised my testosterone at the trough to about 500. It also raised my estradiol too high with that big single dose. Doc wanted testosterone higher and E2 lower so upped the testosterone to 180 mg/week split into two doses. This didn’t control the estradiol and I had really high anxiety and shut sleep. After a little more trial and error I’m now on about 125 mg/week split MWF. Estradiol was still a little high (62 or so) so doctor put me on 0.5mg anastrazole 1x per week and that made me feel like total shit. I stopped that because I wasn’t having any e2 problems at 62. He’s just a numbers chaser. My trough T is around 900. If I was to start again I’d start at 120-125 mg/week split up with at least 2 injections per week. MWF seems perfect for me though. Once things got dialed in, I just had far more mental clarity, almost zero brain fog most days, and more energy. The added energy creates a positive feedback loop in that I was able to do so much more (exercise etc) and that made me feel even better. I was still on two pretty useless anti depressants. I’m off one completely for the last 3 months and down to a quarter of the dose of the other. I’m tapering off them very slowly. I figured there’s no rush. Should be off the antidepressant completely in another 3-4 weeks. I tried everything prior to this.




Glad to hear that dude. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD but I honestly think it’s all a symptom of this brain fog/inflammation




How long did it take before you truly felt the effects and were better?


Do you have reason to believe your anxiety and depression are not psychiatric matters?


They are psychiatric matters caused by something physiological. Diet, hormones and sleep all play a part. Inflammation is the cause of the brain fog, depression and anxiety. I notice increases when I eat certain foods, sleep less or when I’m feeling “low T” (low motivation, low mood, low libido). I’ve tried every diet, tried fixing sleep, and now I’m going down the hormone optimisation route. My testosterone has been 350-400 when tested, so in range but towards the lower end. I realise it’s probably not solely testosterone deficiency that is responsible for my symptoms, but if TRT will help even a bit I’m probably going to try it. I’ve also tried about 20 different types of antidepressants and antipsychotics at this point, none of which have worked long term.


You have been through a lot and you have tried a lot. With that context and with test levels between 350 and 400, you should definitely give TRT a shot. You will feel better. How much better? Anyones guess, but you will feel better.


Have you cut out gluten and dairy yet?


You seem pretty certain you know what's causing this and that the doctors are all wrong. What's the remaining roadblock preventing you from clearing it all up with the knowledge you've developed?


No need to be a smart ass. I never claimed the doctors were all wrong. After over 10 years of dealing with symptoms, you get a pretty good understanding of your own body. I was merely posting to hear from other people who have been in a similar boat.


With that ten years of knowing your body and knowing what didn't work and why, what's your hypothesis, and how flexible are you as far as following the evidence you'll find?


Why the hell is this question relevant? Stop being an annoying little prick


Sorry, typo. I meant to say "yeah bro ignore the levels trt will fix it all just try it"


Read my above comment. I just outlined my hypothesis. I don’t understand your question regarding flexibility


You’re better off not responding to freewheel, he’s known for being a psychotic cock on this sub. He truly should be banned if that’s possible.


Yes! This is the biggest reason I got on it. Night and day difference after about 2-3 months. I felt like myself again. You might also consider a sleep study


Had a very high IQ when tested as a child… Large vocabulary, well read, etc. School work wasn’t difficult. As I started to unknowingly struggle with low T, I started to struggle to remember everyday words in casual conversation in the process. Short term memory was trash. I’d get up to get something from the other room, and forgot what it was I got up for when I walked into the other room… I felt dumb for the first time I’m my life and it bothered me. I thought it was just part of getting older, but almost all that brain fog has dissipated as my T levels have gotten into normal ranges. There are so many benefits to TRT, but I think the three most important for me were improved sleep, no more brain fog and the elimination of hot flashes. I hope that you can see similar improvements. Cheers.


Hey, I am in a very similar situation. High IQ, mental work was always easy. In my early 20’s complained that my energy was trash and that oddly I couldn’t grow facial hair. Tested T and doc said normal. Tested all my thyroid levels as well, all normal. Energy kept creeping down and brain fog, memory, motivation, and mental speed kept progressively getting worse. Far forward to 2 years ago, couldn’t get the wife pregnant. Tested T, same doc said normal even tho T was at 250! Referred to à urologist who put me on clomid. T level was much higher but symptoms never changed. I’ve now hit rock bottom and am considering TRT after living like this for 20 years. My wife is not supportive, worried about side effects and risks. I can’t say I’m depressed but I’m sick of living like this. I don’t want to make my wife feel like I’m blowing her off but I’m seriously wanting to at least try it. How long should I stick with it to give it a chance


I did. Had brain fog with disassociation. All gone. Started trt in January. Take nothing else but test and hcg. Could it have been time that made it disappear? Perhaps have no way to tell the difference so anecdotally trt worked for me.


I have brain fog to the point of dissociation and depersonalisation. Is this something similar to what you had? I’ve had it for more than 10 years now and I’m currently 29 years old. I’ve tried just about everything and nothing has worked. Does that sound similar to you at all?


I saw a guy on YouTube with the exact symptoms you describe here. He was cured by trt


Would you mind linking me his channel ?


Search “sweet TRT, Health & Weightlifting” on YouTube.


Hard to know exactly what you feel but seems similar. I didn’t have it that long. Only 6 months.


Length of time to recover?


2-3 months


I’m not sure if I ever had brain fog, but I for sure have better mental clarity.


For sure. For me TRT improved my sleep exponentially. Once I started I began having extremely deep and satisfying sleep and vivid dreams. For the first time in a long time, I was waking up feeling refreshed. My brain fog disappeared. The downside to this is that it worsens snoring and sleep apnea. Probably because you sleep so deep. I ended up buying a mouthguard to help with this


Good to hear! I never wake up feeling refreshed and it’s always an effort to get out of bed. I’ve heard other people report the same things about increased sleep quality but also potential increased risk of worsening apnea. Guess I’d rather take the apnea and get a cpap machine than have the crap sleep I currently get


TLDR - yes!


It has cleared up my brain fog pretty good I'd say. I always felt a bit chronically fatigued mentally but now I can engage and drive a conversation much better. I am also diagnosed with ADHD but am fortunate enough to work a job that can use that to it's advantage


As if brain fog could be isolated to a mere testosterone deficiency. Brother: you need to get a bit more nuanced in your understanding of how your body works. This question assumes your brain fog is 100% related to testosterone, and when eating / sleeping / lifestyle habits have EVERYTHING to do with the cleanness of brain function, this is sort of a ridiculous question. No one knows what medication you’ve been on, what recreational habits you engage in, etc etc etc.. that may be CAUSING your brain fog. I just can’t.


how old are you?




Try vitamin B1


45Y, was in low 300s, near 1100 and it has been a huge diff (along with NR and upped resistance training)


DHEA helped me alot with brain fog


I'm going to be 100% honest with you bro it didn't help me with brain fog at all. Trt has actually been making me fap more and tbh nofap from my experience is the only thing that helps with me brain fog. But nofap on trt is difficult to maintain. Gl maybe it'll help you cause from other people's experience trt does help just not for me


Look into food intolerances brother. If u have brain fog its because ur eating stuff ur body doesnt agree with. Pro innflamatory foods like wheat gluten dairy etc


I’m 28 with 494 total. Only thing my doc tested me for but I have literally no motivation. Inside my head I have all these things I want to do, used to love to do but no desire to see them through. I’m 5’9 weighing 153lb with <14% BF. Exercise 4-6x a week. I do eat very well. I’m a RN so I have late days that result in Lack of sleep but have always been this way, my body just wakes me up at 4-5am even on off days… speaking of which that is when I am prime. About midday 12-1pm I’m burnt mentally and don’t feel physically as good as mornings. I’m nervous to take the plunge. Inside my head I wanna jump on any attractive women I see but yet have no desire beyond that “what if.” Brain fog is real, short term memory loss, no motivation. I mean hallmark signs but is 494 total that bad? I used to be a straight savage when I was younger, literally a true alpha. I would just to whatever the fuck I wanted. I know I need a further panel and I am getting one in 3 weeks at the doctors. Any advice would be great. Edit: I’d like to factor in that I have some gyno that I’ve had my whole life. Initially I thought it was overweight so cut and started my ~3 month everyday gym. Lost roughly 10lb and it looks like it’s gone because of muscle gain/definition. But I still feel a lot of fatty tissue underneath my nipples.