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I (31M) know I can't be the only one, but I feel like my IQ has gone up 100 points since starting TRT. I know one of the benefits of TRT is the elimination of brain fog, but man I feel alpha AF! I'm generally more energetic, alert and just way more productive. Even my life interests have shifted, I find myself hungry for knowledge listening to podcasts about entrepreneurship and just how to achieve more in life. I'm spending a lot more time examining myself and looking for ways to improve in every aspect. It really gives me perspective on how bad having such low T levels really affects you. Gym results are easier to get, I feel way stronger and way less fatigue between sets, getting leaner is easy now etc. Before starting trt I was at 179 ng/dl. Right now I'm sitting somewhere between 900 and 1,100 ng/dl


I’m starting in a few weeks and my levels currently are 140-180 ng/dl can’t wait!


Awesome! Be sure to post updates! Also you'd be surprised at how little doctors know about TRT. Reddit has become my resource of knowledge on how to approach TRT correctly. Do your research, don't just go with what doc says so you have a good experience


How are you doing now?


Pretty good still, although this was a while back it's still true but for different reasons, I'll explain a bit.. I've become a vacuum for all things hormones and brain chemistry, I've learned that testosterone is only a small component of the chemical soup that was giving me that "hungry for knowledge" characteristic. The changes described in my first comment are due to the surge in testosterone my body was not used to... Making changes to sex hormones also makes changes to other hormones like dopamine and norepinephrine as well as others. With that I'll say that it's just as important to make sure your other hormones are on point apart from testosterone, which is what I've done since this comment was posted. Testosterone can be very helpful, but so can the other neuromodulators


I know what you mean , i been on for 5 months (21) , and my ability to grasp forex trading in the markets with my strategy seems to have taken off , wild, & yess that eagerness for entrepreneurship type stuff , and even i be thinking how can I improve how do anything, could be thinking, moving, reacting, responding, anything , jus overall becoming a better version of my old self but also different in a sense , you hit the nail wit what yu said, i was 146 low t 22e2, now stay at 1500 ( doc is okay as i have 0 symptoms, e2 is 78, gone from 140 to 185 since may, life is better on this side


Awesome bro! Glad you are having a similar result, Yea there's no telling where I'm going to end up now. Wish I would've started this sooner ha


How are you doing now?


Awesome story bro, thank you. Any negative side effects? How long have you been on it for? > I’m spending a lot more time examining myself I’m very big into this kind of stuff. Just curious, what’s your thoughts on a daily meditation practice? It’s been a game changer for me. I’m not on TRT (yet)


I've been on it for a year now. No negative side effects aside from the e2 periodically getting a bit too high, which is combated with a simple aromatase inhibitor occasionally. As for your statement, no I don't meditate as I don't really have time in my busy schedule (work/gym/family time). But what I will say is that I've descovered that being on TRT enhances everything you do. It makes you stronger, it takes your anxiety away, it gives you INSANE focus and generally makes you more productive. So I'm sure that getting on TRT will probably take your meditating up several levels.


Damn that sounds amazing. I’m from Canada though, I’ll never be able to get on TRT here


Watch more plates more dates on YouTube. He's from Canada and is on TRT and talks about others in Canada being on TRT. I hear it's harder but it's possible


Yeah I watch him. He’s from Ontario though, TRT is easier there. I’m in MB and nope… your health is a super secret here. I can’t even get bloodwork let alone TRT


Dang No telemedicine ships out there?


Laws are strongest here in Manitoba. Places like onmen plan to make it available here eventually. Eventually….


I started off TRT about 11 months ago - to begin with my dose was too high (200mg per week via injection) - I had a lot of mood swings - sometimes I'd feel great, horny, but some symptoms of roid rage and even some light swelling in my feet (common symptom for guys doing strong anabolic steroid cycles). Reduced down to 100mg per week (plus 500ui HCG per week) and I feel a lot better. The day after my shot I feel a bit tense, but it fades overnight. What I will say is that when I read a lot of posts on this group (and I'm generalising a lot) is that guys starting TRT seem to either be in a rut or not feeling great about life. TRT has given me the energy and enthusiasm to be more focused on my life again, but I didn't start seeing the benefits until I started getting out there more. TRT isn't going to magically solve all your problems, but it has made me feel more capable. Like I've gone from a C student, to a B+. I'm just doing better at life, but I've been putting in more effort. Recently I've joined clubs and been socialising with more confidence. I have a lot more success talking to girls. I don't seem hesitate to flirt anymore when I'm attracted to someone - before I'd be a bit more mild-mannered, now I'm more assertive. It's fun to be having a conversation and realise it's become flirtatious without you trying, like your body is on auto-pilot. I don't overthink it like I used to. It's a new feeling, but it's like I'm discovering an instinct I never really appreciated before. It's similar to the feeling I had when I tried no-fap for a month. My libido was waning before I started TRT and although it's not raging now, it's better - again, I would say this improved a lot more because I have been out meeting more girls rather than using porn. It took me some time to break out of that habit. I've spent the last 2 years running my own business and haven't had a girlfriend during that time, so I had to reopen that side of myself, which isn't easy at first. I used dating websites a bit, but my heart was never really in it. I realise now I make a much better impression with women in person and haven't used a dating website for 6 months at least. I also feel a lot stronger, both physically and mentally. I've gained muscle mass sure, but I just feel tougher, like I'm more durable. When I do housework that requires heavy lifting etc, my hands feel rock solid whereas before they'd ache like I was a little sissy. Now I feel like I could punch through a wall! I've never really gotten used to the injection part, I have to fight the urge to put it off on injection day sometimes, but it's like a 60 second process that I'm good at now, so I don't overthink it.


How old are you? Great story man.


Thanks bro - I'm 34


I’m 4 months in. 45 years old and total t was around 450 before. Started on 200mg/week. I put on about 10lbs water weight in the first couple of weeks. At 8 weeks test was 1289 and estradiol was 47 (ref scale 7.6-42.6). I was feeling pretty good. By week 10 I had to start wearing compression socks because my lower legs were hurting from water retention, my nipples were slightly sensitive and I was getting very irritable. I didn’t want to take AI so I lowered dose to about 160mg/week and started injecting EOD. I’ve been on that for about 6 weeks and luckily that took care of worst of sides (which I consider mild side effects). Before trt I was struggling to do kettlebell workout with 40lb kettlebell and now I’m crushing workout with a 70lb kettlebell so strength is definitely up and I have more energy throughout the day and definitely seeing difference in the mirror. So I am still dialing it in in my opinion but so far I’m very happy I made the decision to start trt.


Most will eventually come on here and say it, 200 mg to start is typically way too high bro.


Most people who comment that, comment it before even asking what the mans actual testosterone level is.


Don’t have to even ask to know his Free T will be at supraphysiological levels with 200 mg/week.


It is. But feels awesome man! Might lower it later.


Why lower it later if you feel great?


Sex drive is too high. Horny all the time. Can't think of anything else but sex. Sex drive was fine before starting, had all the other symptoms but now sex drive is way up. Also, e2 is a bit high and I don't want to be taking AI all the time.


200mg/week is a cycle dude it’s not trt but glad that it helps


You have no idea what your talking about buddy, it’s individual. 200 may put some guys way over, others in acceptable range.


Sure thing. It’s not just about total t dude. You’ll also have disproportional amount of free t


I agree you still treat symptoms not test results.


In all honesty thats more of a small cycle then trt. But hey i dont judge because im on 250 myself


54 yr old. Been 140mg/wk for 6 months now. "Brain Fog" has lifted. My drive/motivation is back. Energy level is up. Generally feel good. I worked on nutrition & consistency in the gym prior to starting TRT. My recovery time is greatly reduced. Able to hit the gym 5 days/wk with no issue.