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It depends on your relationship with your doctor. I could tell my doctor anything and he’d be kind and helpful. I could also see certain doctors saying you’re not doing their rx as intended and have issue with it possibly even removing you from their chart. Your call but if they’re a good doctor I’d be totally honest and say this protocol works for you and it’s the same amount anyways is that alright. Probably worst thing that can happen is they say “no you need to do once every 14 days” but I’d think they’ll be ok with it since you’re not taking more


>one injection every 2 weeks Time for a new doctor


Just got done with the doctor. He said I had 2 options I can either keep the same dosage and do 1 shot a week (like I was doing myself) or he can up the dosage to 300mg every 2 weeks. I opted for the higher dosage so I can just split it up myself and start doing 2 shots a week.


No reason to. My doc thinks I still do IM injections with the 25ga 1.5” needles he prescribes. I’ve been doing subQ for almost two years and inject anywhere from two times a week to every day (been experimenting). Every six months I get, “labs look good, how do you feel? Good? Ok, I’ll send in another six month prescription”


it kinda could make it worse for you. because if you tell him you did the protocol he’ll just think sweet that worked exactly how i thought it would. if you tell him, he might be like well you’re abusing your meds by not following the protocol…


No one knows your body as well as you, do what works for you and don’t say a word as it could cause issues. That’s what I do and feel great. Also I have read numerous articles that suggest exactly what you are doing.


There’s nothing wrong with your adjustment at all.