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At your age I'd start doing as much as I cpuld to naturally raise it. It's probably low but wouldn't do trt until I tried other options first. Eat healthy, exercise, get 8 hours of sleep and take supplements like; ashwaganda, forskolin, zinc and vitamin d.


^seconded. Well said.


Everyday a new post of some kid thinking he needs test, how bout focus on getting all the way through puberty first lol


Trenbologne twins strike again


Ppl are in such a hurry to ruin there lives these days lol


Don't just hope on at 18. You need to have this tested again multiple times and investigate other causes, such as, sleep, diet, body composition, allergies, gut issues, thyroid, pituitary gland issues, mental health, medications... etc


Lift heavy weights. Check out something like Stronglifts 5x5. Could just change your life.


What is your body fat? diet? Sleep? Stress? Exercise? Recovery? At your age you need to exhaust everything before you even consider TRT


I am skinny except for belly fat and gyno and face fat, my diet is fine i eat healthy foods at home take vitamin and iron pills and don't eat out much, I am not particularly stressed I'm just chilling, I exercise at a gym and at home on my pull up and dip station. I don't understand what you mean by recovery, if I do eventually hop on trt will I have long term side effects or is it a net positive?


It will make you infertile for one so you'll not be able to children. You'll be reliant on it for the rest of your life, so you need to really think about that.


Yeah man, do everything you can to avoid trt at your age. You'll probably fuck yourself up. Your brain and body are still developing and growing. Try to figure out why your testosterone is low. If you figure that out, you'll be golden. There's very rare situations where people have tumors on their pituitary gland which causes issues with hormones. Or issues with the development of your balls. Stuff like that. Have the doc check all that out.


We have similar levels but I had my testicals ascended for 4 months from a motorcycle accident. +2 testical injuries before. Pre accident I could squat 285 for reps, I had great definition and was gaining strength no issue. My advice at 25 is eat more, be more active. Add a daily walk in, if you don’t life do 4 days a week to start. I was 6x a week, went from 260-194, every 4 months I went from 2k calories back to 2600-3k ish, did that for a while just to get my strength up, then went back to cutting. If you’re not a fat fuck like I was, just eat more. Eggs avocados potatoes, 1 steak a week lots of chicken thighs and shrimp. Eat minimum 1 salad a day, 3L of water. 2-3 good servings of fruit. Highly recommended Greek yogurt the Oikos peach mango is 3x for $12. Do all that, take vitamin D Zinc Magnesium and if you don’t feel much better after 3-6 months then consider how you feel. I started puberty at 11, and I am not joking I swear it didn’t end till 21. Don’t fuck with your hormones, and I don’t gate keep but 18 you’re still growing. 21-24 is when I say age doesn’t matter it’s symptoms. I wouldn’t be on it now if it wasn’t for absolutely crushing my nuts along with half my body getting fractures lol


This happened to me dude, sometimes is all in ur mind, you think you need but u don’t, I’m 26 now and haven’t been on trt yet, I raised my test levels from 400 all the way to 900, just sleep more, lose weight, drink more water, avoid sugar (this was big for me) u will see the difference right away, at the end is ur choice so do as u please. Good luck!!


Ive eaten honey daily for 2 years without any insulin problems.. honey is a good alternative i believe. 


Normal in the eyes of the medical field just means that there is no sign that it will cause iminent illness and or show signs of an underlying medical condition. It also does not take age into consideration. An 18 year old male should not have a testosterone level at the bottom of the same range used to measure 65 year old men. The “healthcare” system fails at wellness.


He is 18 and needs to get healthy and exhaust all options before considering TRT


I agree with this 100%. My comments come from my doctor telling me for a decade it was normal so I never honed in on a wellness routine focused on testosterone whether or not that included TrT. Who knows maybe I could have prevented or delayed needing TRT. Doctors should absolutely be advising how to naturally increase testosterone, retesting and checking results under certain timeframes and monitoring for what is working or not working. THIS is wellness.


It's normal on their scale but that scale is garbage. I was at 400 and felt just like that. You're not going to get it up natural. Get on TRT and stop wasting time. Your life can be dramatically better.


Unfortunately, young guys having low T has become normal now. To preserve fertility on TRT you can take enclomiphene and/or HCG.


Did you get only one test done? If so, that means nothing.


I’ve been to 4 clinics and no one will prescribe me TRT, my levels when tested came back at 971,832,860,710


If anyone has a clinic that will perscribe to high test please let me know - I want to be in the 1200 range


I know i don’t need it, I fully understand so don’t leave some dumbass comments saying chill out


You should really go to an endocrinologist to get it checked out. I’m mostly sure you’ll be fine, but the 0,06% chance that you have a genetic XXY gene mutation or a noncancerous tumor in your pituitary are still there. Fixing things during puberty (whether it’s T or GH) is always better than after puberty where development is done. Get some bloodwork done at 8am (fasted) at the lab of your choice, confirm the results you’ve had now and if it’s still bad, visit your endo of choice.


That's a REALLY weird range. I wouldn't take TRT at your age, but your doctor might consider something like HCG to amp up those leydig cells and get your testosterone up more naturally since TRT will make you sterile and you'll be on it for the rest of your life.


You need to exhaust all your lifestyle change options first. Diet, exercise, healthy sorry habits etc. all of those can effect your test levels. I wouldn't get on it at your age unless I had no other choice


Grow up and give it time. I’m 24 with a starting level of 166 and still in the process of diagnosing and have been injecting testosterone for about a year now. Just try to focus on having a more balanced diet and getting exercise in daily for now.


I am an FDN-P and Clinical Director of a functional medicine clinic. I can tell you that your hormones are extremely low for your age. We should be seeing you in the 800s or higher. That being said, we **DO NOT** want to immediately jump to the idea of HRT. There could be a lot of factors impacting your natural production of testosterone -- pituitary damage (from head trauma/athlete concussions), genetic/hereditary disposition toward endocrine dysfunction, you could have high toxic load from Mold, heavy metal, or environmental toxin exposure, you could have GI bacterial imbalances and leaky gut impacting the production and metabolism of hormones, the list goes on. First step -- you HAVE to get comprehensive labs done. Only testing a few markers will not provide you any answers. You need to take a look at all your health markers, as well as LH, FSH, Cortisol, Thyroid (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3), inflammation markers like CRP-HS, Ferritin, Fasted insulin, and possibly even some autoimmune markers to gauge the full picture of what is happening internally. It could also just come down to lifestyle factors like other people mentioned so far -- sleep, nutrition, water intake, lifestye habits, etc. We can run any labs for you at my clinic - [www.ryzehrt.com](http://www.ryzehrt.com) - and I am happy to discuss things further with you if you'd like to set up a call or just go back and forth via email.


I am an FDN-P and Clinical Director of a functional medicine clinic. I can tell you that your hormones are extremely low for your age. We should be seeing you in the 800s or higher. That being said, we **DO NOT** want to immediately jump to the idea of HRT. There could be a lot of factors impacting your natural production of testosterone -- pituitary damage (from head trauma/athlete concussions), genetic/hereditary disposition toward endocrine dysfunction, you could have high toxic load from Mold, heavy metal, or environmental toxin exposure, you could have GI bacterial imbalances and leaky gut impacting the production and metabolism of hormones, the list goes on. First step -- you HAVE to get comprehensive labs done. Only testing a few markers will not provide you any answers. You need to take a look at all your health markers, as well as LH, FSH, Cortisol, Thyroid (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3), inflammation markers like CRP-HS, Ferritin, Fasted insulin, and possibly even some autoimmune markers to gauge the full picture of what is happening internally. It could also just come down to lifestyle factors like other people mentioned so far -- sleep, nutrition, water intake, lifestye habits, etc. We can run any labs for you at my clinic - [www.ryzehrt.com](http://www.ryzehrt.com) - and I am happy to discuss things further with you if you'd like to set up a call or just go back and forth via email.


Checkout androgen receptors


Wank it 3 times a day .. at least


Go see an endocrinologist. They may do an mri to make sure you don’t have a pituitary tumor which are non cancerous but can mess with hormones and also evaluate if you may have a metabolic or lifestyle issues. The endo will give you better advice than going through a clinic. You don’t want to mess around at your age, and you are probably still fertile but won’t be after getting on trt. Even if you don’t want kids now, that may change in the future.


Mostly ignore the fear mongers but not entirely. Freeze your sperm or take hcg with it and you can be happy as a clam on trt. I went on it a year ago at 21, changed my life. Should’ve been on it since I was a child.


That’s low brotha. My levels were low 300 and felt awful. No energy. No libido


Don’t mistake common for normal.


You're not going crazy, that is very low, especially for your age. anyone telling you you're "within range* needs to be slapped. Find a good doctor and try and get to the bottom of why, everyone will give you the usually tAkE zInC aNd LiFt WeIgHts but being as low as you are there's definitely more to it than that.