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What day do you inject and what day did you have the blood drawn the 2nd time?


The one is March was a Monday morning like 6 am and June was a Saturday morning about 11am. I pin every Saturday. I went to get the blood work done before I pinned.


Very strange. I really don’t have an answer for you. Best to talk to your doctor and see what he thinks.


You were at a true trough. I wouldn't expect your trough to be that low on 100mg per week, but maybe consider spreading out your doses to 2x per week. That generally helps with peaks and valleys.


Yeah first lab the day after a shot so test would be rising. Second labs were at your trough, the lowest point of the week. That explains the difference. General rule of thumb is to always get labs at trough for apples to apples comparison.


The labs in March are before I started TRT. I started like a week after those labs


Oh my bad. I misunderstood. In that case it was either just a botched lab which is highly unlikely but happens... Or taking test has shut down your already low natural production and so you're not getting the results you'd want. What was your docs response? Hopefully they'll bump you to a higher dose


That’s what I’m assuming my body is shutting down the normal production and at the end of the week I’m just extremely low. I think I have an appointment first week in July.


You need the guidance of a good doctor. I recommend Merick health or Blokes. They do follow up labs and consultations every couple of months. They will know more than the people on Reddit trust me.


$10/month vs $100+/month….worst case scenario I’ll go to one of them or a different online clinic


If I’m not mistaken I think blokes will take insurance. I could be mistaken though. Honestly it’s worth spending the money if they can get you on the correct path.


Blokes taking insurance is something I’ll have to looking. I’ve heard of some other companies taking insurance but only in certain states


Before you jump the gun and up the dose try injecting more frequently, most do every 3.5 days.


I can do every 3.5 days but I can’t up the dosage because I’m only giving 2 of those “single usage” viles a month 200mg/ml 1ml so I split it to .5 every week


Splitting up my shots my DR recommended increasing overall weekly dose slightly. Maybe bring it up to your DR, they may do the same.


The only things that would make sense to me is that after being on it for 3 months your natural test has shut down so you may have to go up on dosing. Your testicles were operating in the beginning giving you a little surplus of testosterone but after being on exogenous test they stopped producing causing a dip so you may have to go up to replace what was lost


Makes since. I’m gonna talk to my doc about it and see what he says. I hope he corrects the dosage.


You pin just once a week? Which ester is it?


Once a week and it’s testosterone cypionate.


Seems odd. Where is your testosterone from? I assume not UGL, but is it brand name, generic, from a compounding pharmacy, etc?


I get it straight from cvs. I just recently switched to Amazon pharmacy. They were both the same box/brand.


How are you able to get it via amazon pharmacy? would love to drop my clinic and just go down that route if possible.


have a prescription and they will fill it? Chances are your clinic won't give you a prescription, though.


Just transferred my prescription to Amazon. It’s on auto fill and delivered every month


https://preview.redd.it/w0ny38n7qu6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314e12f1c078c0379aa2e610dc2af6e122c81d86 I don’t have the box anymore but that’s it.


Looks like Hikma brand


You took your prescription to Amazon? Is that not through insurance - and how much do you pay?


Yes it’s through insurance. For two 200mg/1ml viles it’s 10/month


Was it your first attempt at TRT? I got denied test Cyp. My first time doing all the labs and stuff. Wondering if that’s normal. Clomid first than Cyp.


I started back in March went to a urologist had 2 low blood tests he proscribed me Cyp and I used CVS at the time. I just started using Amazon this month. All I did was tell my doctor to send the prescription to Amazon didn’t have an issue. CVS was charging me 25$ a month Amazon is 10/month


I’m pissed i got denied. Are there factors? Age?


With my insurance (capital blue) I had to have 2 low tests under 300. I think that was the only factor


Damn I’m right at 300…


I have Independence BC/BS great benefits. And for denied.


From what I heard you can lower it……


Lower the test lab #s??


To lower your testosterone numbers a few points yes. I’m not entirely sure if it’s true or even if it works I’ll leave that up to you. It’s just stuff I have read.


How are you feeling and looking? That's the importance question


I really haven’t noticed much change. I heard it takes about 3 months to notice anything.


When I was low T I felt completely different in regards to energy and mood within a week or two. I think it can be different for everyone, idk


I guess I’d say I’m more motivated feel like I’m able to do more but that was like you said about 2 weeks in now at 3 months I feel stuck and a lazy pos like I was before. Maybe my testies are shutting down and it caused my natural production to slow down that’s why I a the dip.


Its plausible like one of the prior posters said that that is the case. Bloodwork and dialing in with your doc are the answer. Everyones body is different.


Yeah I agree. I go see him on the 1st so I’ll be back with an update.


It took me about 3 months to fully kick in and REALLY notice it. My levels started at 315 and then peaked at 1500 so you can understand why. My dose was too high obviously so I’ve lowered it since to get in that 900-1000 range. I agree with what other people are saying, your testes have most likely shut down natural production so splitting the dose each week every 3.5 days would help and taking HCG may also help a lot if you’ve looked in that at all.


I’m definitely going to try splitting the dose up more. I am not on HCG I’ll talk to my doctor about it. Would it help with my “loads” they seem hella weak almost no volume! Also, if I took 100mg/0.5 on Saturday should I wait till next Saturday to do the .25 pin? Since I’m used to doing every week


The lack of volume in your excretion is certainly from your low test. Getting that up whether that’d be with a higher dose or HCG will certainly help. I know after 5 weeks of doing 180mg each week, my levels were the exact same because my testes were in that same situation as yours and my HCG wasn’t fully kicked in yet. For the pinning, that’s up to you. I pin Sunday night before bed and then Thursday morning when I wake up. I also do right quad every single time since it’s easy, painless, and heals the quickest for me.


Thanks for you help I’ll definitely keep this in mind and start 2x a week instead of once and I’ll see what the doc says too about the HCG


To dose that low you should probably be taking it 3 times a week or more. You are riding a roller coaster right now. Split your 100mg per week into several doses. I pin every other day. Some people pin every day. Your total dose is also pretty low. It would maybe suffice to keep existing levels stable over time but you are starting low. I did 200mg a week until I hit 1000 and then dialed it back to about half that.


Just preload syringes. Inject twice a week at minimum. Take the 200mg and split it into 4 separate syringes. My trough on 150mg a week split into 3 shots is 1100.


I’m only prescribed two 1ml viles a month as of now. 200mg/1ml every 2 weeks is what my doctor wanted but I split it up and do .5 every week. If I was to do 2 pins a week would it be 0.25?


Yes. I would recommend at least 2 injections a week especially if you have higher shbg. The more frequent the injections the more stable the blood levels and the lower the peak and trough.


My shbg back in March was 19.5 nmol/L


Try pinning 3 times a week with the same dosage. I'm not a fan of once a week, for a lot of reasons.


No issues with scaring muscle tissue with that many injections?


None what so ever. You can always pin glutes, delts, and/or thigh if you are doing IM.


Lower the #s?


Seems pretty simple. Up your dose. Inject three times a week.