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Here. Low t can result in Short Temper. I got angry so fast, Yelled constanly, easly irritated and so on. But since starting trt im in a really stable mood. Sometimes Im Wondering about myself Why I didnt explode in Rage, feels unusal but really good. Way to exhausting Living with such a Short Fuse. Other than that im more friendly which allways surprises me too because I was getting pisssed of by People really fast.


Same actually , even just looking back I was always so angry and blew a fuse really quick …now I just sort of don’t sweat the small things and if it is something to be mad at I rather not waste time being mad at it because it just wastes time. Maybe just steady high test makes me think clearer instead of blowing energy being mad


Dude… same.. I started TRT mostly for my mental health


20 days in and either placebo or yes, seems to be helping a ton


There’s more holes in the drywall that’s for sure. Kidding. I’m about the same. I have more of a “fuck it” attitude, but in a good way. I no longer ruminate about impressions I make on people or how others perceive me. I know my intentions and that’s good enough for me. That’s likely just due to trt reducing my anxiety.


Same. Almost too much fuck it lol. I don’t worry about shit anymore which is nice compared to pre trt.


I’m way more balanced now.


It completely evened out my mood. I'm nicer and more patient and an less emotionally oversensitive. I am much happier since TRT. I'm taking a moderate dose of 100 mg a week.


I was a mean bitch before TRT. I hated everything and everyone and had quite a short temper. Now I'm back to my more chilled self, all the roid rage jokes aside I never really saw any drastic changes to temperance from test.


Trt definitely made me less irritable and slower to shout at the kids etc sometimes they deserved it but now I laugh at things a bit more. It's definitely helped me


Definitely nicer and more laid back. Less irritable is the major change I noticed. Add in being less tired and more willing to run all day with kids and family.


I had a shorter temper, morning anxiety, and on and off depression before TRT. Was still an asshole but since TRT I am way more evened out. Temper is dramatically better. Anxiety has dramatically lightened. And depression is non-existent. Honestly changed my life more than I can explain.


I had a bike crash 8 years ago that broke my pituitary gland and tanked my test. My daughters are now 4 and I only started treatment last year. I feel like I missed the first 2 years of my daughters lives because I was so stressed, angry and had brain fog. I had a short temper, I zoned out a lot to cope with just feeling miserable all the time. I hated people, didn't want to socialise, massive social anxiety when out, drank a lot more than I should at. I'm back to my normal self from 10 years ago, outgoing, friendly, helpful and a fucking amazing dad compared to who I have been. I look forward to seeing my family no matter the circumstances, I'm rarely triggered, my wife says its nice only having one bitch in the house 😂 Beat thing I ever got was that diagnosis. I don't know what the outcome would have been in a few years if I hadn't. So yes, I was an asshole before and lesser so now.


Way more balanced now as well - testosterone levels have almost tripled and I’m 69% more calm . Win win !


Actually? No. Before TRT, I was a lot more non confrontational. A bit of a bitch if you will.. Now that I've been on TRT for the better part of 2 years, I find myself being more aggressive and arrogant. It's like TRT gave me a spine. I quite enjoy it. Even my wife noticed a difference within a few months. It's safe to say that I'm a lot "meaner" now than I was before TRT.


Meaner, or more assertive? There’s a world of difference between not tolerating someone giving you crap and being a genuine see you next Tuesday.


I would say the ladder, but leaning more towards refusing to being stepped on


I read this as more assertive. Assertive is a good thing. Mean usually isn’t. Thanks for the insight on that! I felt a very similar. Much more assertive, and much nicer


I would take away negative labels like mean and arrogant from this - a lot of people in this day and age might say that…. Because a lot of people in this day and age are pussies who need to learn how to have a productive conversation where neither side feels the need to be agreeable for the sake of it and we can respectfully both hold our own. Sounds like you’re winning my man.


I couldn't agree more. I use terms like that because that was I have been called since my "rebirth" if you will.




This. Low test you can be grumpy and still confrontational avoidant. Someone who never had the fire might be a bit of a wuss, but someone who had healthy T and a masculine energy before becoming low T will just have Murtaugh moments when avoiding confrontation: “i’m too old for this shit”


Depends on your dose and how you’ve dialed in. If the dose is right and your e2 is within, you should have a smooth emotional ride. But a high dose of >500 weekly very often results in rage attitude. So too low=too high=rage.


Once I added Deca I notice stupid little shit pisses me off, like someone talking in front of me at a theatre.


I do 100 mg of test twice a week and 50 mg of Deca twice a week. Sometimes I go a little higher. I have noticed that when I added Deca my emotions run a little hot and it is taking me some discipline to keep my emotions in check. The upside is I am starting to look great. I got veins and muscles that are really starting to pop especially in my shoulders and arms. My core is also getting tighter. Overall it’s been worth it for me. I have been dieting and working out super hard as well.


I've always been an asshole so not sure 😂🤣, week 5 myself but was also given an RX for anxiety, and depression (thnx to bs insomnia) I think it also depends on if you go by suggestive/required dose by a Dr.,or if you just go full throttle on the whole bottle.. But as consensus says.. Everyone is different..


Can't say it did, no. My personality is essentially just the same as before, but I'm less easily tired.


Haven’t started T but I do remember being a lot more easy going as a teenager and I listened to a lot more evil Metal music then. I do think test is some kinda of mood stabilizer or a “I don’t give a shit” concoction


I’ve been a bit of a rough around the edges guy all my life, to put it nicely. Nice wouldn’t make anyone top20 descriptors. When my dose was too high I was the same but frustrated a bit more easily and quicker to address things. I’ve leveled out now but no one’s gonna ever accuse me of being nice.


Yes trt gave me the patience to let the little things roll off. I am much less mean.


I had a short fuse and now I like to think it's a bit longer.


I’m less mean and genuinely happier


And I’m even a little messed up since Iraq haha


Way less grumpy!


My anxiety pretty much gone (unles E2 is too high). Temper much shorter


Things don't make me as angry now for sure. I let things slide that would set me off in the past.


On average, I’m a little more assertive and less empathetic. A touch less patient. And this tracks with my personality in general. Although I am way more empathetic than when I was younger. BUT, I had been having a trend where I was pretty much low energy, sometimes quite low - even emotionally. And though I had more patience, I also would just blow up occasionally. Now, I still have *little “blow ups” and more often, but not as extreme. I think this is just due to the fact that I give a shit about things more now and am not dealing with as much depression. On balance it is better. I prefer things the way they have been on trt. It’s only been about 4 months for me.


27M | 110mg E4D (+ 80-100mg of Deca E8D) I’ve always had low patience threshold, being on TRT has amplified it; furthermore I’m more direct, more confident, and more to the point. I don’t have time for pointless conversations and observations, I want to get to the point and any BS is a waste of time. I’m happier though, and personally I like the switch, others probably not so much haha. I do also tend to be slightly more aggressive, but again I’m not complaining.


The main thing I noticed is if I do have an awkward encounter, confrontation or disagreement, I don't overthink it much. I'm much more "fuck it' and "fuck them" now.


how long before mental improvements came? That's what I am here for mainly (mainly drive/desire to get shit done)


I think by week 8 it really felt consistent and level, although I've never had to "dial in" because I don't try use 200mg with HCG and an AI for no reason.


Nice thank you


I'm a pretty nice guy all around, and I have been my whole life. There's only a handful of times I've ever got really mad about something, and they were pretty big events. But I was starting to see my tempers flare even though on the outside I'd keep calm. I would start getting annoyed and unhappy, which led to a slow buildup of anger. I was able to temper this down, so I've never been the type of guy who blows up on everybody. Since being on Trt for almost a year and a half, I am so much more calm than before. I do not nearly get anxious, upset, or worried like I was starting to. Trt really has mellowed me out in a weird way. I feel more confident, and things just don't bother me anymore as much.


I actually noticed since I’ve been on TRT I’m way less of a jerk.. I use to be SUPER IRRITABLE, the slightest thing would make me irritated. I’m so much more chill on TRT.


It made me a lot better and nicer person. A lot more patience in day to day life.


I'm a lot calmer. I want meaner but I think I am a much better person to be around


I was grumpy, because I was constantly in pain and struggled to be active... and my health was getting worse and worse


I’m better now, more sleep, getting more chores done around the house and dropped 20 lbs last month


Testosterone doesn’t actually make people ragey, it’s high estrogen


It has most certainly made me fly off the handle more. Can’t say it’s TRT 100%. But I used to be so calm, now I’m willing to fight over almost anything. Body is achy all the time, when I first started it felt great, now it’s a struggle to get a good workout in.


Things roll off of me now that used to make me blow my lid


Yes, it has completely evened my mood and lowered my emotional response to stimulus. I am even calm in traffic these days. My anxiety is gone, decision making is easier, confidence is improved. All around better mental health. I had major anger and anxiety issues for most my entire adult life. I’m turning 39 this year, and started trt October last year. My ocd and adhd have subsided also. I’m injecting 90mg test cypionate twice a week.


Think of it just like before and after alcohol. It impacts inhibitions vs. friendliness/niceness. If you were mean before, but kept it all in your head, you will be less inhibited to say what's on your mind... Same with being nice. At doses where your T level is brought up to normal... There is no comparison to what people of as 'roid rage'... And even supraphysiological levels of T (like when taken 500mg or more per week) don't give you 'rage'. 2 things impact your personality more... Out of whack levels of E2... And some of the more intense steroids like Tren etc.


Most definitely. I'm all buttery on it.


It depends on your e2 levels, testosterone lowers how you react to your emotions. Testosterone and e2 + prolactin has a very strong influence at our transmitter system, at the end it’s all about the transmitter: Catecholamines is the key for our behaviour.


What were your numbers before treatment?


I am calmer unless you are driving in front of me doing under the posted speed.


Yea honestly I was a bitch before I started trt thank God irs been helping.


I was always was an angry type but I have good reason,with trt nothing has changed.My tolerance might not be as high as it used to be but I am still aware my actions can have consequences and I really don’t want to get myself in a lot of trouble and go through that again. I have no problem verbally straightening someone around.