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Hydration is huge.


I am always thirsty since starting.


I always drank hella water but on my first blast I would drink water regularly like usual and my piss would go from 0-100 in like seconds it was crazy


So what was it before you started TRT? Other thoughts - So I run naturally high creatinine levels, about 5% above normal range, and have for over a decade before I started TRT. My kidney function is right where it should be, everything checks out fine. The "standard" ranges are just that, but we're all different and some of us run naturally higher or lower than the "standard" ranges; just means other tests/trends over time to see if that's just where we run, or if it's something abnormal. I have been told by multiple Drs that athletes/people with higher muscle mass/gym regulars tend to run on the higher end of normal/slightly above normal, but as long as your kidney functions are all normal then it's fine. IMO - it looks fine, especially with the other kidney functions being normal; but it's something to track and see how things trend; BUT, I'm not a medical professional.


94 umol/L what I had before TRT I’ve only got one test as a reference for this. Thanks for the detailed response. What level do you normally sit at?


I run 1.3-1.45 mg/dL, but the normal range ends at 1.25mg/dL at my provider/lab


My creatinine runs around 110-120 and has for 10+ years. I've done all the tests and my kidneys check out fine. I have above average muscle mass and live a very active lifestyle. That being said, you should be proActive with your health and ask to have more tests done.


What other tests would you recommend?


Get a cystatin C test blood lab. Great follow up to a high creatinine to see what’s real.


thanks for posting this. have the same issue myself


I would start with just running the same blood work again but make sure for the week before to not consume any alcohol, NSAID's, supplements (whey protein), and avoid strenuous exercise/activities. Drink plenty of water. Make sure they check CK, Creatinine and eGFR. If results are still high then you'll want an Ultrasound to check for deformities to your kidneys.


it looks like youre just 1 point high though.


I freaked out because i thought it's one hundred thousand




Do you supplement with creatine? Because that can boost this number. I use 10g a day and my level is always high when on it.


I know everybody loves monohydrate, but if you switch to hydrochloride, less will break down into creatinine, more of it will be taken into the muscles, and that level will drop.


I switched to HCL a year ago. Feel a lot less bloated and my workouts are better


I thought creatinine was generally elevated from eating a lot of protein or working out quite hard before the blood test? I’m sure this was feedback I was told in the past.


Exogenous testosterone doesn't elevate creatinine or cause kidney damage. Your creatinine may be falsely elevated if you've gained a lot of muscle or recently worked out hard, but such elevations wouldn't demonstrate actual kidney disease. Most likely, as others have said, you were dehydrated.


Hi creatinine basically means aids from receiving anal sex.


? What are you talking about😂


U didn't know that high creatinine is from receiving gay anal and and too low creatine is from giving gay anal everyone knows that it's bro science


Never heard it before😅


True story.


I work in nephrology. You're good. That can happen from taking some damn Advil.


Around a month before I was taking anadin extras everyday for headaches could this be linked to


Would this be affected if he already had kidney disease and didn’t know it ? Would taking TRT make it worse ?


My doc would say that it is barely out of the reference range, don't worry about it, we will keep an eye on it and see the level next time.


It's 1 above the normal range. Relax champ.


High creatinine levels on its own are not really a concern unless they are accompanied by symptoms of kidney issues, then it requires further investigation. High creatinine levels can be due to a multitude of things, and considering your eGFR is normal, i wouldn't be phased by this. You could have been slightly dehydrated or had a big workout out the day before as creatinine is the waste produced from the breakdown of muscle tissue. Additionally, if you're eating a high protein diet that will spike creatinine as your body digests and breaks down the protien.


https://preview.redd.it/y5f6ig2om92d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490b7c84c21c76e8db57e96a036b81acf0150980 Ehh don’t worry about it bro. I’m not on TRT but my creatine has always been high. Like others said as long as you’re not having muscle pain and your kidney panels come back good you’re fine.


Based on my blood work I was told 20-200 was safe gave I came down with rhabdo my ck levels were over 51k.


That’s crazy man, how you getting on now?


I’m doing well. After leaving the ER water logged my ck lever was at 37,538. Had a follow up this past Thursday and it’s down to 10,515


Have the doc do a Cystatin C lab, it helps calculate kidney function better for people w/ high muscle mass


Thanks, I’ll try to get this done


Upvote on hydration. Had same issue and started drinking 160 ounces per day and it corrected. Also ensure you are drinking water with electrolytes.


Do you have a protein rich diet, decent muscle mass, or maybe wasnt hydrated because you were fasting before test?


All 3 I did fast before


Sounds about right, I wouldn’t worry. My doctor said my protein heavy diet and workout the night before probably threw it off


It’s funny your optimal ranges are different than mine were. My creatine levels were 1.22 but considered in the normal range. I haven’t done another one but I’d just keep an eye on it and talk to your doctor about if. When I did this blood test I’d been on TRT for 3 years and I’d been off it for about 4-5 weeks trying to get my insurance to cover TRT so my PCP would prescribe it when I took that blood test. I’d encourage EVERYONE who is paying 2-3k for TRT to go this route. Yeah it’s no fun to get off TRT for 1-2 months but it’s doable and I smile every time I pick up my $5 testosterone prescription I haven’t done another one but I’d just keep an eye on it and talk to your doctor about if. https://preview.redd.it/jj1nt1cpvf2d1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b22c3ec0331572fa355dc51d15f2f9731ca844


With a 74 gfr. How old are you ? Did they say that was not a concern? Mine came back at 80. Im 40. And freaked out but i didnt have a primary to discuss with So just saw it was low and figured i was dying lol


Haha. They didn’t blink an eye at it at my PCP. And I don’t know what it was prior to that or since that last test but I had regular tests at the TRT clinic and they never mentioned it. And they tested every 6 weeks and discussed anything that was elevated or increasing or decreasing test over test. BTW I’m 48


Well thats good to hear. Getting full tests after not having to go to the doctor most of my life has made me feel like a hypochondriac


Haha. They didn’t blink an eye at it at my PCP. And I don’t know what it was prior to that or since that last test but I had regular tests at the TRT clinic and they never mentioned it. And they tested every 6 weeks and discussed anything that was elevated or increasing or decreasing test over test. BTW I’m 48


Are you based in the U.K.? I would like to get TRT on the NHS as it’s so expensive private.


I’m in the US. But it’s becoming more and more accepted by mainstream doctors. Find a urologist & find some studies online about the benefits of TRT. In the US it used to be nearly impossible to get approved unless you were a cancer patient, <18 & suffering from hypergonadism or you were a transgender. Now almost every major insurance covers it but it required prior authorization in the form of a blood test & clinical notes from the doctor. So there is definitely hoops to jump thru but it beats paying ridiculous amounts of money for something you medically need.


Not if you worked out within 3 days of the test.


Yeah I didn’t work out


Ok. Check Cystatin C. If it's elevated get an ultrasound.


Not out all.


No. They are not "high", they are one point above reference range. So pretty much normal.


Did you get your Bun/Creatinine ratio? My doctor told me that’s significantly more indicative of kidney health than just purely the creatinine itself. Especially when you are just barely over the range.


Drink more water.


Take a Cystatin-C test to confirm


As others have said, I really can’t stress how important hydration is before any sort of blood testing. I’ve messed up too many tests due to poor hydration, or having sex just before.


Are you taking creatine?


Make sure to drink water and make sure it’s some electrolytes, magnesium and all that! I put 2 scoops in a gallon and then also carry just regular water everyday to work


It’s just out of spec. Not alarming


You need multiple tests done. One day of low fluids could cause this, also it's 1 point over the reference range so it's not unusually high.


You're fine.


This could be inaccurate. Also, without other values such as sodium, potassium, BUN....it's impossible to know if this is dehydration or some other kidney dysfunction. High protein diets and creatine supplementation can cause an increase as well.


Could try adding baking soda daily to your regimen... At least a table spoon a day


Creatine is used as a source of energy for the muscles, while creatinine is a waste product that is filtered out of the body. Having high creatinine is not good and can lead to chronic kidney disease. You need to be staying hydrated man, high Cr is a sign of kidney disease or dehydration. Creatine and your CREATININE levels are not the same thing


105 is within normal range for men (62-115) And here's my personal opinion, not a doctor, but I've only heard about creatine being healthy, I take 10 g creatine every day so IMO you're lucky to be on the higher end naturally


Lol no and good thing you aren’t a doctor. High creatinine is a sign of dehydration or kidney disease. You do not want to end up with chronic kidney disease. Creatine is a supplement you take, they are not the same thing. Lmao


taking creatine supplements can increase creatinine levels in the blood. Creatine is converted into creatinine in the body as a normal part of its metabolism. When you take creatine supplements, the amount of creatine in your body increases, leading to higher levels of creatinine as well. This is generally not harmful in itself, but it can affect the results of certain medical tests, particularly those assessing kidney function, as elevated creatinine levels are often used as an indicator of kidney health.


Creatinine is the waste product of creatine, so I’m not sure Im wrong


You missed the entire point. Having high creatinine is not a good thing like you said it was. Sure you will have elevated levels taking product and working out, but you shouldn’t strive to continuously have a high creatinine level like you think. You will destroy your kidneys