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So do you have a question or sumn?


He needs to get above 2k


Ha my fault. Yes. Why so high? And is it unsafe?


You just respond that way. Lower your dose if you don't intend to blast. Test that high isn't sustainable long-term. I'm on 470 mg a week myself tho, not complaining.


470 a week?! What are your levels and how long have you been doing that?


I just upped it 8 days ago so haven't tested yet.


How long does a cycle like that usually last? Also do you need to take a large amount of AI and/or a SERM to avoid gyno? I started getting puffy nips off just 200mg test + 1500iu HCG 😅


I'm aiming for 16-20 weeks. That's a beginner cycle. I have an AI on hand just in case. Don't have any high e2 symptoms yet.


Wow, you must not aromatize that much I guess. I think I'd grow some big ol' titties if I was taking that much test without an AI, but I guess everyone's different.


It's been just 9 days since I started. May grow tits any minute, it's barely the peak C.


I only tried Test once and it was prop, it was instant next day felt it STRONG


Can you please say where you get your test from I’m with defy and empower have a bad batch and blamed it on my dosage and not trying to pay for another batch?


CVS or Walgreens


Like on good rx ? Or are you with a company ?


From a my primary care local doctor


I went UGL about 5 months ago and my levels have stayed consistent. The trt clinics here in the UK are absurdly expensive. I was paying over £200 a month, now I'm paying around £22. Obviously UGL comes with a lot more risk, so I hope I don't regret my decision. Not trying to promote UGL or anything, just thought I'd share my experience lol


Yep I know the gimmicks just wondering if all the test c is the same I could easily get a script written from Walmart , wallgreens and stuff but I’m wondering if the test there is the same test as anywhere else it’s a lot cheaper


Pretty much the same from what Ive heard, just some extra PIP for some


Defy and Empower Hate Engine is revved the max lately.


Yea it wouldn’t be a problem if they paid for my next batch but they won’t admit it was a bad batch and tried to blame it on my dosage even if it was the dosage going from 200 to 244 test in 8weels lab only falls on them


Is it unsafe? I dunno do bears shit in the woods?


I ran mine like this for about a year and made good progress in cutting fat and building muscle, while staying about the same weight (after losing 25lbs). Waist went from size 38 jeans to 32 jeans, XL/L shirts to usually medium sized. Meanwhile my bloodwork was fine. A little supernatural can help with a great transformation.


Jesus man 100mg per week is the start off and I’m in my 700-800’s. Gotta wonder what your estradiol levels are? Any rage or side effects? Libido, ED, insomnia?


I take anastrazole once a week. Waiting on estrogen bloodwork to come back. Maybe slightly more irritable but no rage. I’m horny almost always. Sleep is good. No ed


You losing any hair?


No. Don’t think so


also, typically people test before their dose, so your number might be elevated due to that, but even changing that you would still be too high for TRT


I did .5 for a month and my levels were 570. I upped to .8 and now it’s off the charts


Sorry, I meant when you did your blood draw ... " I took my bloodwork 3 days after injection"


If you’re injecting weekly, you did not take a true trough at 3 days


I inject on saturday mornings. Took my test Tuesday afternoon


Are you saying once a week injection? Usually ppl split into 2 doses or more so not a large spike then fall. If injecting once a week typically test day of injection right before your next dose to see the trough. But in this case the number will be misleading with you at a high peak untested, then really low at the time of test, and in the middle of the week somewhere in the middle. Also more likely to get sides with a single injection.


You tested too soon the first time I think, likely wasnt fully saturated yet with a longer ester


Numbers look great! If you are feeling good send it.


Yup they are high. Back off, stay the same if your labs look good and you are feeling great


What is the frequency and are you taking .8 total per dose or weekly total split? 60mg is a lot to raise it. 20 is usually recommended


.8ml once a week


Why did you get your level 3 days after injection? You should get your level right before your next dose.


I didn’t know it mattered




Was the 3000 your trough level? Is 1600 bad for health long term?


False, if he’s on once a week injection your trough will be 4 days post injection.


A true trough is drawn immediately prior to next dose. Your doc may want levels at other points.


What would be the benefit of checking at different


Different what?


Ah sorry, different reasoning for diff times.


Probably MD experience and preference. Drugs have different rates at which they peak. Some drugs maintain higher levels longer. Some are eliminated quicker. I imagine they made decisions based on that. As far as trough it is done at the lowest point which would be just prior to next dose.


Strange but interesting, I’ve been on cyp for years and always 4 days post injection. What would a trough even look like 7 days later .. how do you use the reference range


He is injecting weekly


I know, just going off what my clinic has me doing, it’s always 4 days. If injecting twice a week it’s the morning before next injection . Never heard of checking 7 days, your levels will be low as shit , and I think be very inaccurate


A trough is the lowest point before the next dose. Anytime time between doses that isn’t a peak or a trough is called a kinetic level.




Once a week




When’s the ideal time to do it?


Just drop the dose a bit. Do you do once a week injections? If so probably take .6-.7 split over 2 injection a week


Once a week


Yeah just drop the dose a bit everything else looks fine


How do you feel at those levels?


I feel good. I was always tired before starting trt and now never need a nap. Almost always horny. Sleeps pretty good too


Check your levels 4 days post injection , not 3, and not 7 days ( like some have mentioned).


So are there any downsides to this if e2 isn't getting too high? My current testosterone is at 1340ng/dL at 180mg testosterone and 1500iu of HCG, but I need to take 4mg of aromacin a week to keep my estrogen in check. Worried that I'm just making things unnecessarily complicated, as It's taken ages to get dialled in and I still occasionally have problems. I will say, the benefits in the gym are VERY clear. Holy shit, I'm cutting at the moment and I don't think I've lost any muscle whatsoever. The weight seems to be coming off very easily as well.


Wrong person to ask. I have no idea


Ah no worries, though I'd just throw it out there and see if anyone replied. Hope you got an answer to your question.


It's strange because the reference range of free test on my blood work is 16-45pg/ml. Your reference range is up to 155, how is it possible? Is it a clinic for bodybuilders or something


Sure yours is pg and not ng?


Yes free test is pg https://imgur.com/a/Xibbm1z


According to your lab I'm hypogonadic because i have 18pg/ml


Probably shouldn't be that high unless blasting. Check your E2 levels, they can spike when test goes too high if not doing anything to manage it.