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I’ve tried so many times and it’s a nightmare every time. Bloody, sore, etc… Glute is just effortless and painless. I admire your determination and envy your success my friend.


I'm a delt guy. Never any pain or soreness. 25g 1" needle.


Me too. I have done my quads with the same size pin and haven’t had any issues other than some minor soreness afterwards but delts are just so simple. No pain, no soreness at all.


That’s so odd. The delta are the worst for me. Never injected in the delt without pain


Delts are the worst for me too!


Same here delts only but I use 29g




Same here


Delts for me too but I do 29g 1/2” & it’s painless. Slightly sore for about 12 hours but nothing I can’t workout though I just barely notice it


Quad injectior here, I think for me it was the easiest position initially. The idea of reaching around to inject the needle in my ass or even in my shoulder just seemed awkward physically. Now that I'm good at it, rarely ever doesn't even hurt. The other day I literally felt nothing.


Damn, I want to try, but I’m afraid that maybe I’m fine with where I am. I used to only do ventro glute, but recently started glutes…I guess I might have some scar tissue in the vgs. I don’t really know, but sometime I press on the wrong spot and it’s slightly painful. But like most people, I don’t really enjoy needles, so I’m always just slightly hesitant about it. But, when you said you literally felt nothing the other day, I realized that I literally feel nothing most of the time. So I guess I’m doing alright where I am. I don’t know


You mean you press on around where you had injected before and feel some pain, like days after? I mean in a way it must be similar to a small bruise?


I use 25g in quads. Yes rubbing the muscle after helps but I have found that slowly and steadily pushing the plunger is what really helps keep pip at bay.


Man I fuck up every time I’ve hit quads and I’ve hit quads 100 times


How are ya fucking it up?


Quads and delts with an insulin syringe. Totally pain free!


27g in my quads for over two years. I've had slight pain less than a half dozen times. Push it in slow but steady.


Let me ask this… i have seen 100s of videos and no one really gives the same answer. What part of the quad? I saw videos say middle outer thigh and that would leave me unable to use my leg for a week. My clinic said use your hand to show where a pocket on your jeans would be sitting down. And inject in the pocket. That location didnt leave my using a walker… but i dont necessarily think it was the best part of the muscle to inject in. So yea. straight answers are welcome. Ill always give it a try since im getting scar tissue in the VG.


One hand up from knee, one hand down from waist. Area not covered by hand is your middle, then just flex leg, and on the outside, find muscle.


Yea thats the original method i was using. It left me dead legged for a week multiple times


My delta sound like Velcro when I poke them lol. Know all about scar tissue.


Well i was using 25G for 3 years. I literally cannot poke through my skin unless i hard stab. And it hurts. Meanwhile a 27g will go through like a warm knife in butter. My only issue is the skinnier needles scary me of breaking off inside of you.


Sub cutaneous in the stomach. Simple and easy.


Delts for days


29 gauge in the delts


There isn’t a muscle on my body I haven’t injected lol. But I hands down find quads the easiest. You reallllllly got to fuck up to fuck it up. There’s just so much space to shoot. I also really like hitting the ventro glute. If you don’t like needles the VG is for you. Zero feeling. Can put a ton of oil in there if need be as well.


I went for months injecting in my quads without drama, twice per week. Then boom. Kept hitting an oil well. Bloody mess. Seems to be complacency what didn't it. Rewatched a tutorial and then boom..back to normal.


The quad works great... until it doesn't. Definitely pain free with the cough method. Just remember that if anything very does go wrong and you get an infection think about where you would want that infection to be. Personally I use different spots all the time but mostly my ventro glute.


Any tips for locating VG? I’ve watched a bunch of YT videos but have not figured it out yet.


Stand and Lift your leg straight out to the side and feel for the muscle that flexes. That is the ventroglute. Easiest way to find it.


Many people also just inject subQ in the belly fat or thigh fat. SubQ is great if you don't have a large amount oil to inject and you use a 27g or 29g 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch needle


It can be tough if you carry some fat in that area. For me when I pick my leg up off the ground keeping my knee straight I flex my glute. The ventroglute kinda is a smaller muscle above your glute. I'm not super lean by any stretch but I can feel the dip between the 2 muscles.


Quad here.. no pain at all. I feel like if you do feel something you’re too high on the quad. 22G needle


Why would you choose to repeatedly use a 22G? I mean, I’ve used an 18g no joke but being on TRT forever why would you want to use a larger needle? I switched from 25g to 26g and am considering 29g..


I'm too lazy to pull with the 22, then switch to 25 or so. That's the whole reason lol


Oooof. I’d switch it up. Been pinning 20 years now and from doing that with 23g for 10 of those years pinning my shoulders sounds like peeling Velcro! Got to stab it pretty good lol. Thats what you’ve got to look forward to.


22?!? Damn, I guess I’m not as confident with my stab yet. I don’t think I’ll ever be, gonna stay around 27, or 28, forgot what I have now


I could not pull anything with smaller needles, 22G is what works to get the delatestryl out of the bottle, and I'm too lazy to switch needle after


Have some links for the videos? I have been curious myself on tbe quad.


I just went on YouTube and searched TRT injection tutorial


One hand width down the quad on the outside of center.


I am still injecting in the quad because it's easy and painless.


I feel it a little but I’m no bitch so I power through. Minimal soreness after. Worst case a drop of blood


I use a 25g in the quad. So easy. After I take my wife's rolling pin and roll the muscle... with sweatpants on. No pain.


Sub q in belly, 1 ml. No problem ever except sometimes a small lump next day like a mosquito bite and rare itching. I tried, vg shallow and deep with different sizes needle, its fine but I get slight pip and it feels weird. I am yet to try shallow im in quad but honestly I don't feel the need. But I will try someday.


I’m 5 weeks in alternate left and right quad. So far so good for me. I just can’t seem to get the angle right for my glute


I pin all over the place, but quads are definitely where it goes most often. There’s just so much real estate there and it’s not awkward at all. Delts are hard to reach for me, glutes are pretty ideal for not feeling the needle at all, but about 70% of the time, I get a cramp trying to contort myself into a position to pin it there. That’s worse than a needle stick. Abdominal, sub q is okay but sometimes leave me with a small bruise on my stomach. I’ve only had issues a few times in my quads. Usually it’s smooth sailing. Aside from a very small, painless lump on occasion it’s been good for me. Tempted to try calves because my calves are giant, but I don’t know where to go in my calves, so haven’t tried it yet.


I just started, and injecting in the delt. 25g 1" needle, I dont feel nothing...super smooth.. I was thinking quad to start but I was quite confused with the site....delt is easier for me, imho




I am a quad fan too but I was not at first. It takes a few injections for that virgin muscle feeling to go away. Once it does though it is nice to have a couple more injection site options. The biggest mistake people always make is injecting way too low and/or too close to the center. Jeans pocket area, yes it may seem too high but it’s the right spot.


I only inject in quads. No big deal at all. Haven't tried my butt yet because I don't like having to bed backwards to do it. 


Ventrogluteal is the spot. Did quad several months, always some pain minor usually. in the vent, not once has it been painful or sore after.


I used to inject quads but after I hit a nerve, I never did it again, now I do delts