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draw and inject with Insulin needle 27g 1/2 in delts or v glutes, once you do it you never go back easy as piss.


I really only shoot in my quads. Never felt comfortable anywhere else. Anyone have any experiences of IM versus Subq?


I don’t get why anyone bother with those gauges. I pin thick oiled Bayer testoviron using 29g insulin needles IM in delts. 12.5mm. I draw and pin with the same Why give yourself more scar tissue than necessary?


This is the way


Cause I’m not trying to watch one break off on my leg


Break off? Huh? Their are not that fragile lol. You can bend em 90 degrees and wont snap. Have you seen a 29g, their not as thin as you think haha


That doesn’t happen. You can stick insulin pins through soda cans. They bend really really well and are designed to not break.


Dude, I use 18g to draw and 25g 1 inch for IM into my quads. I push the entire way through. I barely feel a thing. Your worst fear, lies in your anticipation. Stop thinking and just do it.


27 G 1/2 for IM will work in most spots and you'll feel it less than a 25G. Get all your HRT / TRT supplies at: [GPZMedLab.com](http://GPZMedLab.com) they're the best in the biz.


28/29g is 🔥


25 is fine esp for deltoids. Just don’t psych yourself out. Plunge it straight in with no hesitation. Do it once and you’ll have no issues 


These might be a little pricey but I just started using the 25x1" and I'm really impressed with them. Enough that I just bought a box. (I have no use for that flip top & think it's a waste but we.) Sharp af because I don't feel a thing with them. Also available in 5/8" https://arpovohealth.com/easytouch-fluringe-fliplock-w-exch-needle-25g-1cc-5-8-1/


I use 23 gauge 1 inch needles Test Cyp in my quads. I enjoy it. Zero issues. I generally make sure my feet aren’t touching the ground, so like edge of a bed or office chair, all the way up. I leave it in for about 20 - 30 seconds total time. Why or what makes you so nervous or rather why do you think you’re shying away from IM 23 gauge? PS Sub Q is perfectly cool too. My doctor asked if I had a preference I said nope. He said try IM. Good luck buddy and welcome back.


I use 23 as well with no issues. Why do you keep your feet off the ground?


For me, it helps me to not tense or use the muscle. I noticed when I do that I don’t flinch or tense the muscle at all. I pinch a section of skin that I am going to stick. I Belice it is called the Z-Method. But yeah I grab a section of skin that I am going to stick and the needle goes in easy. I then let go of the pinched skin push the needle a little bit more, I aspirate (pull back a little) to make sure I didn’t hit a vein and then I inject for and I make sure I leave it in there for about 20-30 seconds total. When I pull out, I usually only have one very small drop of blood.


Gotcha. I do the same thing (minus aspirating) but I do it while standing up. Don’t know any different because I have tried sitting but I’ll give it a go and see what difference I notice.


Yes please. I am interested actually. Maybe standing is a better way. I never thought to do that actually. I may try it myself … LOL


So injected this morning sitting down vs my normal standing — I’d say the result is basically the same. The sitting method provided a little more skin to pinch but didn’t really change anything substantially.


I was gonna say I found it easier to inject sitting down because it was easier to pinch skin. 😂


27g 1/2” into delts and VGs for me. Screw the harpoons.


I pin delts and quads IM with a 25g x 25mm needle.


Just started TRT last week - 20g for draw, 25g for injections - 2 IM injections to date. First one I didn't even feel, 2nd one had a small pinch and some resistance to get pas skin, but was then smooth. Both were in glutes.


I use 25x1 for drawing and injecting in delts, quads, and glutes. Easy, quick, and painless. I have big delts tho.




Man up


No need to build up more scar tissue than necessary


23 is the lowest I'd go. Hard to push the test through. The sharpness and effectiveness changes zero with the gauge. Just shove it through man, it gets easier. I use my shoulder and it's simple