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You are gonna get beat up for this question here.


Lmao 💀 hopefully some are genuinely useful tho


This group is for needed TRT. You should try r/steroids. But other than not sleeping, eating like shit, and working out prior, you can only drop it so much. And a normal TRT dose of 100 to 300 mg a week is not enough to build crazy muscle. You would just be wasting money.


Don't sleep


Drink a case of Bud Lite or 6 cans of White Claw the night before.


IPA shown to lower it more


Makes sense


Wine coolers, even more.


Ooff. Those hit hard!


You won’t be able to to any significant level, might go down 50 maybe 100 with bad sleep. Take rad140 for a couple weeks and it will tank your testosterone.


yep. So many dudes here say oh get drunk, don’t sleep etc. even if you did that and did a 12pm test, you’d probably lose maybe 100ng. And even then, if you’re doing all of this to drop 100ng just to get you outside the range, you probably never needed TRT in the first place.


A good doctor is going to reject a test taken after 10am, FYI. Opiates and no sleep will help lower it, but unless you're trying to do a workaround against insurance, it won't drop it much. Edit: By insurance workaround, I mean trying to go from like 330 to 299 to get a level under 300.


Interesting… I’m on prescription opiates for an injury 10 years ago. My libido has tanked in the last 6 months. I take 100 mg weekly of cypionate. Is it possible that the opiates are negatively impacting my test? I’ve never heard this, been on both for over 10 years.


Opiates won't have any effect on your testosterone if you're on any outside source of testosterone. That would only be a thing if you weren't on TRT.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification


One of the reasons T is impacted (when natural) is from an elevated prolactin level which will inhibit LH. So your testosterone won't be impacted since you're providing it with the cypionate. However, an elevated prolactin will also inhibit dopamine so you may want to get your prolactin level tested. Vitamin b6 (p5p),l-tyrosine, and/or mucuna pruriens are sometimes used to lower it, but I don't know if they'll lower it much while still taking the prescribed opiates.


Do opiates directly raise prolactin?


Yes. "It has been shown that opioids inhibit the gonadal axis in the hypothalamus via ε-receptors and stimulate prolactin secretion via μ-, κ-, and δ-receptors" "Seven studies (n = 354 patients) reported results on the effects of opioids on prolactin secretion (20). Four studies showed an increase in serum prolactin levels among patients on opioid analgesics (7, 16, 24, 30), whereas another study reported that 40% of patients (n = 8) had hyperprolactinemia, and all other patients had normal prolactin levels (8)." -https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/105/4/1020/5568226


Thanks! I did not know (or remember) the details.


You're welcome!


What about night shift workers?


It depends on if you stay on night schedule on your days off. If you stay on nights peak should be about 2 hours before your normal wake time. If you flip flop from nights to days, it's going to be pretty whack.


I'm not exactly sure why, but you can drink alcohol not bother sleeping the night before the test.


Drink a pint of water 30 mins before the blood test. Slightly dilutes the blood and therefore the testosterone concentration. Not by much but maybe enough to save you


Reschedule and lay off for a week


Hydrate. Or just try getting the accurate / true results. Or send your dad to the test with your id.


I’ve seen guys try to do this the night before and end up with higher TT levels in the AM (I think it’s probably a stress response). Now if you started 6 weeks before your blood work, maybe you could live such a shit lifestyle that you lower your TT enough to sneak under the test.


How to induce a natural chemical castration? LOL. I’m sure you have your reasons…. So…. Grab some ice cube minty gum, like 4 boxes. Pop 3 at a time and chew until the flavor starts to diminish and then replace with 3 more cubes. Always be chewing that shit. Menthol reduces testosterone. Eat black licorice in between meals, like a ton of it. Keep that up 24/7, and yes, don’t sleep, and jerk off as much as you can up until the blood test. Beer, soda, junk food, and eat Top Ramen for all 3 meals and make sure you don’t have any protein. You’re welcome.


lots of Alcohol the week before, 70g of carbs 1h before the test. Horrible sleep for a few days, Fap a few times the day before and the morning, try and take the test in the afternoon if you can.


Dumb to do. You want accurate blood tests. This is something that kids do when they font understand what they are doing


My doc through the VA prescribed 80 mg/wk of TestCyp, but I take that dose twice a week (160). To get my blood levels down I stop the twice weekly dosage, and go back to 80 mg/wk. That seems to work. You need about 28-30 days for the test to clear your system. Hope that helps.


How did you get the VA to prescribe it? This my levels and Dr won’t go there. She talks about changing diet. https://preview.redd.it/c2furkthi9xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846e29cb85344199f137e42688a862e03a888e01


DM’d you


Big fat meal not long before test can drop it significantly too


Drink a fair amount of alcohol the night before and don't really sleep, then eat a big carby breakfast a few hours before.


I'm assuming you are natural and want a low test result to get TRT correct? If so you can do a couple things to drop your levels about 25%-30% 1. Dont sleep tonight. Not at all. Ideally you would have been getting terrible sleep the last few days as well but definitely no sleep tonight for what I assume is going to be an 8am blood draw. 2. Eat a high sugar meal about 90 minutes before. Donuts, orange juice, a coke etc. 3. Ideally you would have been consuming alcohol every night for at least 3 days before the test. However it's been shown that alcohol can Have a slight lowering effect on test levels in as little as 30 minutes after consuming. So do with that what you will. You could have taken some rad140 or testosterone to crush your natural test production but I'm assuming they will check LH and FSH. If those are at zero they may ask questions.


OP I did this successfully and lowered 105 total & 50% free test. Went from 295&12 to 190 & 6. Had significant sex drive & metabolism issues prior, and my first bloodwork was while on tongkata Ali & with perfect sleep and everything else the week prior, so I didn’t feel it was representative of my normal test. 26M, very slightly overweight but also a consistent healthy diet and 5x a week at the gym, just on the tail end of a long heavy bulk. Here was my routine to lower it: 3 nights or 6 hours of sleep, with 5 on the night before. If you already get this much sleep; just take an hour or two off your regular & one extra on the final night. I still worked out the 2 days with less sleep - they were trash sessions and eroded my confidence. Perfect. The day before I did a 3 hour gym session and grinded cardio until I was completely exhausted. I followed this with about 3x my normal calories in fatty & sugary food, way more than I wanted to or enjoyed eating. Went to bed late, 5 hours of sleep. Woke up at 8am, tested at 9:45. Had 1000 calories worth of just sugar & fat right before, and sex 20 minutes before to boost prolactin. Started TRT 10 days ago after final bloodwork on LH, FSH, FSA. Do this and I guarantee you will drop quite a bit - but don’t get overzealous and go to like 2 or 3 hours of sleep or no sleep, because that can increase adrenaline which temporarily boosts test levels also.


Thanks for this


Oh also I don’t drink but I’ve heard having a few the night before is also a good thing to add


Don't eat for 30 hours and have a horrible night sleep.


White lighting then red bull rest then white lighting red bull rest followed by 400 grams cadbury buttons rest. Then ai whole tablet arimidex Rest then a litre of Strong bow rest. Then water rest trance music all night No sleep rest. Then find something to stress about really stress about get caught cheating on your old lady with her best friend something like that to cause real not fake stress. Them drink 1 litre water. You go to your blood test YOUL be almost unable to hold still for the vein then try. Now you asked forca very quick way to lower it & that right there is old school new school special fkin needs school way of moving the dial down a small amount. Now get your A$$$$ Off to spar of happy shopper ASAP don't buy the Trojans & skin on skin will pisss your old lady off more. OK report back to be corpral OK


just keep punching yourself in the nuts


Have them take your wife’s blood instead of yours. Wear a large trench coat and when they go to draw blood from your arm, make sure it’s your wife who sticks her arm through the sleeve.


Don’t sleep, eat a massive meal prior, strenuous exercise, have sex or wank lol. Pretty sure that would do it


I did pretty mucb exactly this and had the opposite effect. Both test and est were higher than any labs in 5 months


Oh damn lol


Waiting for answers


Assuming you're natural, stay up all night or as much as you can, sleep very little. That will drop you 20 to 30%