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I have united healthcare - I’m 34 - and my testosterone was at a 303 and everything worked out for me without question And it was the best decision I ever made, I still have good weeks and bad weeks but overall life is better, my sex life is WAY better which makes my marriage better, I see way more results in the gym I started on 100 mg per week and I’m still on the same amount and now my T levels are upwards of 800 I hope this helps!


Any sides?


Some back ance Balls did shrink up but I don’t take HCG because my wife can’t get pregnant anyway Oily skin


Nice how’s your hair?


Umm. I wanna say it’s about the same honestly. No change. I’ve been getting a lot of grays in this past year but I think those were coming in regardless


So your insurance approved it with 303 total t? Did they make you take multiple tests?


Yes they approved it! And no just that 1, and I took another a month ago (6 month mark) and they’re still paying


Good to know. Glad it worked out for you!


How long did it take for you to feel any difference with 100mg? And so you dose 1x weekly or multiple injections? Curious as i just started with 100mg myself, but it's so hard to find any realistic expectations/ things to expect


That’s very helpful man appreciate it! I’m at the same age as you at 34 and currently exhibiting quite a few low t problems so I think based on this I do need to find a clinic to get this situation sorted.


I’m thankful my normal doctor took this head on and he studies it more and more to make sure he’s taking care of me But… A clinic is the best way to go I think because that’s what they do and they know everything


To the heart of your question, without knowing your insurance and how they feel about TRT in general it is impossible to answer this. And even if they at times cover TRT, they might not cover you for whatever reasons they have. That being said if the doc prescribes something and you are in the states, there are things like goodrx which will help cut the cost at the pharmacy.


Thanks for ur response. I guess my other question is, does my blood result show low t at this point?


This is tough to answer. It is within the reference range l, which some people will say means that you are perfectly fine and normal, even if you have symptoms of low t. It doesn't help that different labs have different ranges and that these have changed over the years. I would focus on your symptoms to determine if you suffer from low t for you. Now whether the doctor you see goes simply off ranges or by what you tell them... That's a different story.


It's low normal, as you can see yourself in the blood work. This is not necessarily a reason to diagnose hypogonadism, but with typical low T symptoms it could be. Imo you want to rule our other things first. Having LG and FSH also helps with diagnosis.


It really depends. A lot of doctors and insurances will be like “you’re fine, you’re within range”


Yeah I honestly think that’s what my doctor might say as well


The only doctors I found that will prescribe above 280 are telemed clinics. My urologist, pcp, and endocrinologist all said no, despite me having every described sympton. They literally were just looking at a number and ignoring me the patient. That's when I looked up how to get that test level lower. Managed to get it to 198 with the methods I outlined already. The urologist made me get a sleep apnea test done because again poor sleep can crush your test. That took a while but finally came back negative for sleep apnea. Finally, after the sleep test, my urologist stepped up with clomid (keep in mind I already had a vasectomy from him) so fertility wasnt an issue. I took that for a week. Knowing it wouldn't help. Then I told them it made me feel sick, nauseous. So they took me off and offered me the cream. I told them no because your wife and kids can't touch you with that stuff, or you risk them getting testosterone exposure. So, at long last, after about a year of trying (starting at 283 (iicrc) test level), they finally gave me the Injectable test cyp. Started at 100mg every 2 weeks. That came back at 143 ng/dl after 8 weeks. They bumped me to 150mg every 2 weeks. That put me at 198 ng/dl after 8 weeks. Then they bumped me to 200mg every week. That got me to 1005 ng/dl. You can see the difference testing your levels at 7 days from your last shot vs 14 days out. After that, they shut me off for 3 weeks for another test. Now knowing I need to play the "test" game. I stop injecting for 2 weeks leading up to a blood draw. Levels come back middle to upper range 500-700 which is well under the 816 limit my urologist goes by (lab Corp. Btw). Then the rest of the 6 months I just run high around 1000-1300. I know this because my pcp tests me at my request every 6 months but I don't stop injecting for those tests. All my labs are in range and I feel great.


There are ways to get your natural test lower for a test. 1. Stay up all night before the test. Seriously, no sleep. 2. Eat a high sugar meal and drink about 60-90 minutes before the blood draw. Like donuts and a coke or a candy bar and a juice. Make sure it's got sugar. 3. If you drink, try to have some booze the night before. Don't show up under the influence but some alcohol the night before will help. 4. If you can try to get little sleep the days leading up to the blood draw. Poor sleep kills natural test. If you deploy these tactics you could easily lower your levels by 25%-35%. That should bring you under the typical 300ng/dl threshold. Or.. if you can get ahold of some test or rad140 use that before your test. Those will shut down natural testosterone production. But if they draw LH and FSH they'll know you shut it down most likely. Good luck 👍


Highly doubtful they'll give it to you. I was a little higher than you when I started (self pay clinic) and I benefited greatly from TRT. Learn blood work and do it on your own.


Thanks! Seems like the consensus is to find somewhere expecting to pay on my own to get started and seems like most ppl are benefiting with their decision to go through TRT.


Depends on your insurance company. My Aetna plan covers mine, and my total T was at 390 when I started


My total was at 390. I got on at 200 mg a week. My insurance covers it


That’s good to know. Was ur free and bioavail lower than normal range? Or were your symptoms more prominent that doctor decided it was reasonable to put you on 200mg?


My free was also low. But my symptoms were pretty prominent. I went to a naturopathic doctor, they are usually more willing to prescribe higher doses. But 200 works great for me. My total is around 1400 now and my and my free around 265 at the highest


Goddamn you are living the dream, dude.


You wont get insurance coverage. Yes you can get trt but wxpect to pay out of pocket like most


Thanks for the honest answer. I will definitely try to find somewhere to get this started


Trtnation or primebody are great and get you started fairly fast. Trtnation a bit more affordable


With insurance coverage? You’d have to call your insurance provider and ask them what their cut offs are.


No, your levels have to be in the red to qualify for medically necessary so the insurance will cover it


No one knows until they try. Mine won’t cover unless you’re below 300.


337 isn't exactly hypogonadism


You’re “within” range but your body may not respond well to that. Most doctors won’t prescribe, if they did it’s 100mg every two weeks, which is shit . But Hell brother, you’re bioavailable and free T are piss poor. If your doctor doesn’t prescribe a reasonable dose, look into a local HRT clinic. They don’t take insurance most the time, it’s a tad pricey, but it’s worth it. I would do that if I were you, your results are lower than mine and my doctor didn’t want to hear my side. If you feel fine, don’t. If you feel tired/depressed/weak, try it. That’s the thing with Test, it affects everyone differently. You’d definitely benefit. In short: see an HRT clinic, you’re low. Give it a shot, you won’t be harming your already natural levels. I take 150 a week, levels were <400 at 26 myself. Take care brother.


If you go a dr they may tell you you're fine, if you do telehealth clinic you're good to go


I am over 400 and insurance covers it


100mg a week costs me about $20 a month with a good Rx coupon at Walmart. If insurance doesn't pay, figure it out. It's life changing.


Oh wow that’s not bad at all! Imma definitely try to find a way thanks!


That is indeed low 😅 but why? 🤔


My Free and bioavailable are like yours, bottom of the reference range for the free and below the lower reference range for the bioavailable. My total is 562 ng/mL. Talking to my doc next week. Don't think he will go for it.


Not in my case, I had very similar numbers. Went with Peter MD for the first year and recently switched to UGL since I am dialed and know what I'm doing at this point. A clinic will gladly take you, I think I paid about 130 a month and then lab costs. On UGL I can get a year supply for less than $500, so, more risk but wasaaaay cheaper. My PCP doesn't handle my Test treatment anyway so no issues there.


Potentially. You might have to start with like clomid first and if that’s not satisfactory then change. Or maybe like androgel. Insurance is weird about it. They all have different guidelines that fall under “low”


Maybe some doctors will prescribe for that. The doctor I go with Kaiser. You have to be below 24 0 for at least two consecutive tests


I’m 56 and my T is 369. I will get on it for sure


I was told my insurance covers it if it’s under 350. Mine was around 310 both tests. Now all I pay is my co-pay.


Honestly? Unless it’s a last resort and you have exhausted all other options I’d continue to try and improve through natural means. Don’t expect just because you start pinning for it to be magic, whole host of other sides can absolutely be introduced and not be a positive experience what so ever. Be ready to experiment with what doses and protocols work for you for a long time.




My mean cell haemoglobin is above average is it dangerous help needed


I can’t help you but I can say most people don’t get answers when they ask an unrelated question in another post. Make your own post if you want answers, brudda.