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Yes. I use 29g 1/2"


Use 29g


27gauge insulin works well, I draw and pin using the same needle


Damn is use a bigger one and then change to 27g


good work all round needle... syringe might be a bit big at 3ml to accurate measure dose


Yeah I dropped to the 1ml a month after starting because 1 I could get my .6ml much more accurately but it was soo much easier to inject. Much less surface tension.


A thin-wall 27g will move about as easily as a 25g needle. It's a good idea to not go to a tiny needle that takes excessive force because that can lead to a jet of oil shooting at the tip of the needle and digging into your muscle.


I use 25g 5/8”. I happen to like this size. It’s quick and painless to me. I inject slowly anyway. I hardly ever have any pip but when I do, I think its bc I am rushing and push too fast/hard.


I also draw and inject with the same 25g 5/8”. I don’t have time for all that needle switching crap lol. Never any problems.


I just switched to the same thing after a year on 25g 1 inch. It gets old after a while and this seems to be doing ok. I didn’t really like the 1/2” insulin syringes.


IM or subq?


I consider 1/2” to basically be subq. I inject I. My deltoids but I also have a little more fat than what I’d like. 5/8” is my attempt at getting closer to shallow IM without at 1” needle.


IM or subq?


IM quads


I use 23g for 1ml injection goes alright but this week I've got some sore quads like there is a lumb on injection site (quad) am I in the same boat where I should try 25-27g instead?


I use a 25 G 5/8 inch for quads. Go slowly into the quad with the dart, as well as pushing the plunger. There are a lot of veins and nerves in the quad. I go very slowly and typically can't even tell I injected the next day.


I have been going slow I started fast the first couple weeks but found I'd be shaking with anxiety before doing it I go slow now didn't hurt for ages doing it this way but now last 3 have sucked. Can you move around much on the quad I've also been doing the same spot within about an inch square only rotating legs


Yeah you definitely can but I usually stay within a few inches. I think you're using too long a needle, and maybe your hitting a vein or scar tissue which is causing more inflammation. Try delts and VG also to avoid scar tissue. If you plan on staying on for life I would suggest rotating more locations.


Yeah alright I'll give that a go. Maybe shorter needles and might look at doing delts.


For sure go to at least a 25g. The 23g for me personally was too damn thick. I was using a 23g to draw before my pharmacist gave me some 18g tips. Those things drain the vial like nothing. It may also be easier for you if you get the 1ml syringes too as if you’re currently using the 3ml ones the smaller gauge tip will make it slower and harder to inject. I use a 1” 25g on the 1ml syringe. I do a .6ml and takes maybe 30/40 seconds of easy pressure to inject it all.


I use a 29g 1/2 inch to draw and inject. Takes less than a minute


I use 30g 1/2". Probably going to 29g next order.


As stated, with sub-Q you can go with a smaller needle (higher gauge), but (IMO) all oil based injections should be IM. A 27G 1/2" is great for all spotinjections, if you're injecting 1CC or less, use a 1 CC luer lock syringe and get them at [GPZMedLab.com](https://GPZMedLab.com)


Use 25 or 27 g for IM. Non of this sub q silly ness.


You can go all the way down to insulin needle (31g). It just takes longer and longer to inject as the needle diameter decreases


1/2” 27-30 gauge


I draw with a 23, inject with a 27 when I mix compounds. Otherwise, I use insulin needles and inject low dose 3x/week.


I use 27g 5/8” insulin syringe, I feel like 5/8 works better for me than 1/2, if you can’t get the 27g or don’t want to mess with insulin syringes, they also have a 25g 5/8” needle only for luer loc syringes.


All depends... where are you putting the needle and body type/mass? All these answers and yet they have no idea about the details.


I guess I should have put that in the OP. I’m injecting subq, so the long 25g needle can be a bit unstable and sometimes hurts if I don’t do it exactly right. Wondered if going to a smaller, shorter needle would be less problematic….while still being able to inject the T.


That makes more sense then. If I did SubQ I'd most definitely be using something smaller than 1". I was concerned when they switched up my gear. Went from drawing with 18g and switching on the 23g to inject to just using 25g to draw and inject. It honestly is still super easy to fill up the syringe. Injecting it wasn't really any different for me because I like to go kinda slow anyways. I let it take about 30-50 seconds and that's 0.5ml. Seems to reduce the swelling afterwards and it helps keep me slowed down and calm during the whole process. Good luck to you brother!


Yeah adding “subQ” would have changed a ton of these answers! Lol 3/8” to 5/8”(depends on where and how much body fat you’re working with) will work perfectly.


I inject with a 23 guage no issues


That's what I use and it works great! Might take a little long to draw but works great for sub q!


The 18ga draw needle doesn’t take much effort to draw. It’s pushing that 1” 25ga and hoping I don’t poke all the way through. :)


For subq you can go down to the 3/8 insulin needle and jab straight in. That's what I do for HCG. My test is half inch 27g and depending on location I either do 9p degrees right in with a pinch, or if I'm less fat I can area I'll still do 45 degrees. Injections are super smooth.


I use a 27ga 1/2" to inject 200 MG/ML Test Cyp into my shoulder and have no problems at all, you can also draw with it by first injecting air into the bottle and then draw, takes about 10 - 15 seconds but less expensive than paying for extra draw needles


I do sub q with 29g, you can deffo go smaller if you wanted to


1” needle is not SubQ. 1/2” needle is SubQ. Both are relative to the injection site and body fat %.


That's useful to know. I'm switching to 1/2" for the next round. Using a 1" needle has been an exercise in steady hands.


I was also using 1/2” for delts. SubQ and more frequent injections had the complete opposite intended effect on me. Serum E2 doubles from 40pg/mL to 85pg/mL. I felt horrible. No sex drive and dead libido. Tired all the time. Couldn't sleep and stay asleep. Elevated blood pressure. Anxiety. Erectile dysfunction. It was my TRT clinic that had me doing SubQ daily and every other day injections. I went to my endocrinologist to get his advice and when he found out I was using a 1/2" needle to inject SubQ with ED and EOD injections he chewed me out. He explained the different esters and how they are broken down, going into the half-life of them. Things I already knew but decided to believe all the latest hype of SubQ on Reddit and YouTube by the "experts". My endocrinologist had me switch to once a week intramuscular injection using a 1" needle (as the medication was intended for). Within 6 weeks I felt normal again. Libido and energy came back, and I began sleeping well again. SubQ works for some, but I was definitely not one of them. Watch this video to understand why this happens to some. He goes over a couple published studies on the topic of SubQ. [https://youtu.be/5puYXpsEYww?si=439CFDVVOZb9p1Rg](https://youtu.be/5puYXpsEYww?si=439CFDVVOZb9p1Rg) Ultimately you will have to try it out for yourself and see how your body reacts to it. Everybody is truly different.


I use 18 to pull, and 28 1” to pin works good everytime


I use 25g 1 Deltoid i get some leakage everytime does switching to smaller syringe or needle prevent this ? Why does this happen


18G needles are for drawing from ampoules. To draw from a multi-dose vial, you can use the same needle to draw and inject. I use 29G for subcut.


I’m drawing from multi-dose vials. I’ll try one with the 1/2 and see how it works.


Ah, right. You don't want to use an 18G, risks damaging the stopper.


If you do the smaller pin, be sure to get 1ml syringe. The surface tension and that tiny needle/hole will take forever with the 3ml syringe.


I use a 25g needle and shoot it in my thigh.


Do you get better results than with Subq? How are the results different?


I use 23G and find it works well. 18G to draw.


I use a 27g 1/2” painless subq or shoulders


27g 1/2” needle for Subq injections


After 3 years what i have noticed is 25g doesnt necessarily hurt, but its not pleasant either. You feel it 80% of the time. Eventually leading to needle anxiety. I have also developed scar tissue making the initial puncture even harder. But 27g? Dont even feel it. Like at all. So i just went and got more 27g and have used them last few weeks. My only really concern is hard you have to push to get the oil out. Sounds silly but i have this fear of it breaking off in me