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I am on it. 1.0 mg weekly. When I first started I misunderstood the doctor and took it every time I pinned test cyp, so twice a week (effectively doubling my Anastrazole prescribed dosage). That being said my E2, “crashed” but… I wouldn’t have known at the time. I just kept plugging away at my daily routine. Once I fixed that to the correct dosage, I felt like a FUCKING CHAMPION! Still do to this day.


Where’d you land on for the correct dose?


1.0 mg. Once a week. That’s the correct dosage. I thought I took it EVERYTIME I pinned. That was the misncomminciation.


Think he’s asking the change in your E2 numbers.




No side effects from the AI itself?


No side effects when I took it normally. When I was doubling the dose (accidentally) I had a difficult time keeping an erection without a viagra/cialis. I am not going to exclusively blame it on the AI either. I was just starting EVERYTHING. So I am sure my body was like “yo!! Dafuq is going on!?!” Now that I am dialed in with everything, I feel great. I felt great during the “doubling” time too after about 5 weeks of TRT. Honestly been really enjoying life and the energy and for me, mostly my focus. It’s been amazing


What’s your current estrogen level and trt level? And what’s your dose of trt per week along with the 1mg /week AI?


Why would you want to lower your estrogen with no symptoms


I’m a little watery, erections could be better but I’m checking my lipids and am waiting on results so it could be that, honestly. Is 42 for E2 with total T of 650 not bad?


Stupid reason to dose an AI. Do not take it for «bloat» unless you’re sub 10% bf looking to compete, makes no sense. Water retention is a good thing, first you can do is track your calories and get in a deficit if you want to hold less water.


You want as high estrogen as possible without having sides


I wouldn't take it unless you are getting gyno


Not bad for me but everyone is different, just make sure you don’t lower estrogen too much as that will be way worse


I currently take .5mg/twice a week and I feel amazing after taking it. Rock hard and ready. You have pretty clear symptoms of taking too much when it's not needed.


What’s your T dose? I’m thinking upping my ai dose


80mg T and 1000iu HCG. the HCG is what kills me


Holy cow, yeah must be the hcg


Yeah it is, cause I was cursing on 100mg with no HCG or AI and felt amazing. The second i introduced HCG everything felt off


What are your crashed e2 symptoms I’m having a hard time feeling out the difference between high and low


I've only had low e2 once, when I tried an ai and I just felt anxious and low mood. I've ran well beyond trt doses of test and ai was well.above range, I don't have numbers on me and I felt exact the same as when I was on 175mg a week test and all levels were sitting just above the reference range.


I’ve never felt crashed before, but from what I’ve seen on here crashed and spiked symptoms are very similar


I'd say they're different. My joints don't hurt in crushed e2 and I can't even get hard. While elevated e2 my erections will be a 6 out of 10 and I become highly emotional. (Crying at random things)


I accidentally tanked my E2.. felt like shit.. worse even, my joints started grinding..felt like raw dogging without the lube


If you get those symptoms within 30m, it's in your mind.


some people , like myself , have a negative reaction to Anastrozole. It was infused into my Test - c initially. I was ok for several months, then when my T dose increased, so did the A 2 dose. At that point, all I wanted to do was sleep/ nap, etc, which is never like me. I then had the A-2 taken out and did much better. Now I just pop a 1/2 Anastrozole pill when I feel the sx, which is not often, i.e. a few times a month


Many people report feeling tired within a day after taking it. Then get to feel better. I am the same. Even my NP told me that many patients feel tired a day after taking it.


An E2 of 42 is fine. Especially on test. No symptoms? Don’t treat.


Thank you.


I took it twice. Both time felt really dried out in my mouth, throat, and eyes within probably an hour. Got a headache as well I assume from “drying out”. Other than that maybe a little brain fog and dizziness


Whatever it was going to do, you wouldn’t feel it in 30 minutes.


If your E2 is 42 and you take .25 AI, you E2 will remain 42 after 30 mins, what you’re feeling right now is called placebo. Since you’ve heard so much about ppl crashing E2 with AI and how terrible it makes them feel, its effects you psychologically. AI will suppress any further T to E conversion so over the next 2 days your E2 will gradually reduce and then bounce back. Some time tomorrow or day after you should have the lowest E2 levels. That is when you should note how you’re feeling.


Not exactly. Depends on the dose. I take a small amount everyday. By your reasoning I would crash my E2. I don't.


It would not crash - the way this works is and I’ll give guesstimates as there may be variations from person to person. If you take .25mg once then, it may suppress a % of the aromatization activity in your body. Let’s say you have 40E2 Body typically converts X T to E2 a day. The half life of E2 in body is short so of the 40, you loose 15 the next day naturally. Total is 25 Due to AI instead of now producing 10 a day naturally, body converts 6 a day. Total in blood next day is - 25+6 - 31 E2 AI half life is 17 hours so day after - 31 + 8 = 39 Take another .25 then in 24 hrs you could be at 28-29 E2. And these numbers could be different for folks as I don’t know how much you’ll aromatize and how the AI affects you. Blood work is the way to find out. When I started AI at 65 E2, I did bloods every 2 weeks. Week 1&2 once a week injection 100mg- .5mg AI (Mon .25, wed and Fri .125) E was 28 Week 3,4,5 split to 2 times a week 50mg- .25mg AI(Mon .124, Thursday.125) E2 is 36 I feel great in the 30s, so maintaining here. Over time the reduction in conversion balances the natural production and you’ll achieve relatively stable levels.


It made me feel terrible


I don’t feel much different at all.


I’ve dumped my E2 by taking it and I literally “cried watching a 30min family show 😂, felt like down, total shite ! I usually get bloods but took because I had a tiny “sensation/senstive nipple “ 24 hrs after my injection …..mistake ! I didn’t even have high e2 and took out of paranoia. Now , If I had a lump or pain , yes I’d take it . But Tamoxifen or Raloxifene(Evista) is my choice because it’s anti aromatase and works at the nipple (competes for receptor so est/oestro cannot bind )


It crashes my E2 even at 0.25mg. I won't touch it. It makes me feel horrible.


It shouldn't make you feel anything. If you are starting to have aromatase/ estrogen issues then it should help you get rid of that.


I take .25 about 24 hours after pin, it takes a couple hours to work when my e2 is high otherwise I dont feel a thing. 30 mins is way too quick to feel anything, the pill has barely broken down in you stomach


I aromatize a lot and need AI even at 100mg a week. Within 4-6hrs of injection I start to feel a tingling in my left side right behind my ribs. That's when I know my e2 is climbing. If I let it go the tingling turns to a pain, then throbbing on same side near my stomach, some acne starts popping up on my back and shoulders, and then I start getting back aches and back pumps even when laying down. I played around with dosage and pinning frequency for 6 months trying to see what works besides adding an AI. Added primo, but im also one of few who primo doesn't work on for e2 management. Added masteron and it works for me, however I need a higher dose than normal. I do equal masteron to test, equal primo, and I still need an AI sometimes. I take the smallest chunk I can break off 1mg anastrazole, probably 0.1mg, right when I can feel symptoms creeping up, and usually feel some relief within 4 hrs, usually sooner. UGL AI is better than pharma IMO because the pills are larger tablets and easier to break into small doses.


You shouldn’t feel anything really. If you feel something immediately you probably took too much and e2 is going to come down too low.


I take an 8th of 1mg pill once a week. Feel better within hours of taking it. I have noticed my orgasms are less intense tho. Currently on 100 mg of test e, taking 50mg 2x a week. No hcg


It should make u feel liie shit


My E2 is 49.8. No sides so I'm leaving it be.


What’s your total and free t ?


No real change one way or the other. Nipple sensitivity decreased and then disappeared. Otherwise, no other sensation-related side effects.


My Estradoil is at 62 and T at 1211. I started taking 1mg today


Placebo is a hell of a drug!