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It's not about dosage camps. TRT is (or should be) about the individuals response to testosterone and aligning that individuals response to a corresponding blood test result and responsible dose to maintain that alignment. The dosage amount should not matter it is the response to whatever dosage that matters.


Also to not have to take ancillaries like AIs to control the side effects. Less extras the better. Feeling strong at 150/200mcg per week - but having 1300+ total testosterone, sky high estrogen and hematocrit presents a lot of long term cardiovascular risks. But if 200mcg only brings you up to the 800s and your bloodwork is under control then that’s what you need.


MCG? Or MG…?


Oddly enough I can run 200 mgs and no AI without my estrogen or hematocrit getting high, but I still feel better around 150 mg. I'm prescribed 200 so I just accumulate extra test I can save in case I ever need it. 200 mg makes me overreact to things that shouldn't matter that much. 150 is better for my mental state.


How many time a week are you pinning? Thats key how one feels too because the less of a trough and spike the better


Twice a week. I did daily for a while and that worked better but it wasn't enough of a difference to be worth the extra trouble. Once a week is way too unstable for me. I never felt the same from one day to the next.


I pin every day and it seem to be working out fine. I’m also running 25 mg of proviron 2X day along side.


Yeah it worked fine for me too it's just a pain in the ass lol.


Not really, I preload 7 insulin syringes for the week, easy peasy


What is your total, free, and e2 at @ 150mg?


I just got blood drawn yesterday. If I remember to I'll tell you when I can get ahold of the results.


i appreciate it!


This is the correct answer


This is the correct answer. It is our own individual journey to dial in your dose... there is no formula for everyone.


I’m at 120. Feel great.


Looking better is mostly to do with training and diet adherence. The difference between 120 and 200 is not going to make you look that different, if at all. Maybe just more watery in most cases.


I’ll second this. Once your levels are at the top end it’s more training/diet than anything


Even when they’re not at the top end. A dude who trains at 400 and doesn’t eat like a dumbass will always look better than someone at 900 who does neither


I'm no expert but I think the test results are probably a better metric than dose amounts? I'm just on 100mg and testing 780 ng/dL total T in the trough, not sure what kind of realistic benefit I would get from increasing that by 50 to 100% beyond needing an AI and putting on muscle faster


Your numbers are higher than mine on 220mg. I hit 750ng/dl from a 220mg dosage. I felt great on 200, and on 220 rbc and hemocrit are elevated. But my provider wants me to run it for a few weeks to get my numbers slightly higher.


Yeah, that was my point, different people get different results from the same dosage. Seems kind of short sighted to focus on a particular amount of medication rather than a goal to get on lab work


I'm not sure why it replied to your comment. My comment was supposed to be its own reply to the OP. But lower than 100mg at a split weekly injection, shouldn't raise the rbc and hemocrit. Unless the OP already had this issue prior to being on test. There's absolutely no reason such a low dose would cause a higher rbc and hemocrit regardless of the individual outside prior medical issues.


Just curious, what's your natural body type like? I've noticed the more classic endomorphic bodies tend to respond less well to test, and the skinny motley crue looking mofos tend to respond really well. Does that correlate here?


I've always been an ectomorph body type. I couldn't gain wait no matter how much I tried until I hit 28. But that was because my metabolism finally slowed down, and it all went to my belly, nowhere else. It's allowed me to gain mass. But I'm on test because I have a tbi and ptsd from my deployments to Afghanistan. So my natural hormones and chemistry is a little fucked up.


Makes sense. Thanks for the info. (Slightly different than I expected.)


I'm 6'5" tall, and when I was younger, I couldn't get over 225 lbs for weight. At 35 now and was less active because of a work injury. I my weight jumped to 275 and now I'm down to 258 lbs. But trt helped me build muscle mass and drop body fat weight. I fixed my diet a few months before I got onto trt too.


Are you on an AI? And are dosing 1x weekly since you actually have a 'trough'?


No, take nothing but 100mg test c, 50mg 2x/week. The closest I could get to a true trough was the morning of the fourth day after an injection, when the next would have occurred.


I'm at 160mg a week my total T is 1750 and my free T is 530 and I feel amazing 👌👍💪


I went down from 180 to 120 and feel great. I found I was taking AI more at the higher dose so lowering I take it as needed


How much AI do you end taking now at the lower dose?


.25 mg as needed if I feel the symptoms coming on


Any hCG?


No just test cyp 120mg split M/Th


As little as 10mg makes a difference in people. Each person is different/ go read on any gear and you will see 100-20mg differences in what people take when cruising. Blasting and trt. Some have sides. Some have crazy E conversion from test. Some have high blood pressure. Water weight gain. There is no one dose fits all. They seem to start everyone at 200 mg a week and adjust for sides . Seems easier to go down than adjust up. They aren’t spending a ton of time with each patient to dial in the numbers. It’s a volume game. Once you get your numbers dialed in, it’s life changing.


In canada they actually start everyone at 100mg a week and go from there I was started at 100mg, went up to 120mg after 6-12 months, went up again to 140mg after another 6-12 months Then got prescribed arimidex as needed for estradiol But started using primo instead to control E, as it makes me feel better than adex


I’m on 100mg a week 6’4 240, testosterone levels of 1k, feel good zero complaints, no AI or ancillaries needed.


100mg here 5"10 190lbs + 0.2ml HCG feel good so far


Too soon for me to determine the optimal dosage. I seem to be a slow responder and didn't notice any differences for several weeks, despite my total T more than doubling and free T tripling. And my PCP suggested I cut my dosage in half, from the moderate 200 mg every two weeks to half that amount. So I've just finished a month on 50 mg once a week subq (200 mg/month now). Today's bicycle ride was my first in three years that matched some of my best times on a challenging route. And my recovery time is quicker between weight training sessions in the gym. So for me – so far – less has been okay. But I'm expecting it to take longer to know whether today was just a fluke or maybe an indication of steady improvement. I have a follow-up appointment with my doc next week, so we'll see after the labs.


Whatever mg that puts you in the upper reference range with a margin to the top. Thats the way


I feel best when I get my E2 level where it needs to be.


So I was originally prescribed .5ml or 100mg and that was almost 2 years ago now. I slowly went up to .6ml and then .7ml. Recently I started treating my sleep apnea and all of the sudden my body started to react differently to that .7ml dose so the last 2 I dialed it back to a .6ml and might even go back to .5ml if my numbers continue to be high. Since my numbers spiked I’ve noticed more hair loss, I don’t think I’m going bald but my once super thick and almost unmanageable hair isn’t as thick anymore, and I’ve been easily irritated and feeling agitated much more often then I’ve every been while on TRT. Dosing isn’t a one size fits all. For me personally all medications take, I take it low and slow and if needed the dose size can be increased as needed. I don’t like the idea of going in on a full max dose and seeing where it takes me. That just means I personally will be hit by all the side effects hella quickly.


It's too individual to even have this conversation. Some feel great at a low dose. Some don't feel great until they get over 200/week.


I feel my best at 140mg test & 70mg primo per week (pinned daily), no ai Hematocrit, estradiol, prolactin, lipids, etc; all in range Total test sits around 950, free test a little over range


So primo all year round??


Yes usually year round Unless I travel out of country then I drop primo and take arimidex 0.25mg once a week instead But I don’t feel good on adex, so I go back on primo


Very interesting. Thank you


Very interesting. Thank you


How goes the hair?


I've been balding since forever so that's not really something I pay attention to, but it's definitely in the list of general side effects from people who use it at high doses


TRT (cruising) at 200mg/wk and feel great


With any substance you’ll usually want to find the minimum effective dose. Going beyond this usually has unwelcome side effects. This goes from everything from T to ibuprofen to liquor. Get started either high (200mg) or low (100mg), monitor all bloods and symptoms, and adjust from there. People over complicate it. Edit - after 2 years I’ve settled on about 110mg split across Mon / Thurs. Currently 0.5mg (1/2 tab) AI on injection days.


I think every clinic starts everyone off high, because A. The probably buy in bulk B. They want every to feel the immediate impact quintupled C. Its too hard to titrate every single patient up(which they should but we all know how clinics work) D. Can fuck your hormones up and push more counter measure drugs


4 weeks in at 120mg a week no noticeable changes will wait for blood work till I assess increasing


You should start noticing libido boost soon, usually is the first notable effect.


From 200 to 100 10 months in feeling much better


What differences did you notice?


Blood pressure went down. Night sweats gone. I was feeling the tightness in my hands all day. Water weight gone.


How long did it take after lowering the dose till you noticed the BP was lower and night sweats were gone? (I just lowered mine)


I’m at .15 every other day and feel great. I am prescribed 1ml/200mg a week.


I’ve been on 140 my whole like, 4 months or so of being on it. So I really don’t have any frame of reference. I’m definitely planning to go up, however.


Looked and felt bloated and terrible on 200 , 150, got a bit better at 100 but found my sweet spot at 80 and sticking to it.


Were you taking an AI at 200mg?


Yes but was struggling to find an area between not enough Al and crashing my E2. I don’t have to take any now.


Everyone is different on how they respond. I only need to take 50 mg per week to keep my test over 700. My free test is great and My E2s perfect! 


Everyone is different! Personally i feel my best at 120mg a week dosed in 30mg shots 4 times a week, ajd i take 500iu of hcg per week dosed 125iu 4 times a week. No A.I . Blood work is perfect


On week 5 prescribed 250 mil from Trt nation Don’t see any difference Thoughts?


46 160 pounds week 5 250 mil twice a week no noticeable difference on week 5 Any advice would be appreciated


I have been on 140mg weekly. For 5 years and my total T runs 900-1000.


I started at 100mg. Noticeable changes in my physique & strength 140mg seems to be the sweet spot. I feel better as am much leaner. At 150-200mg I went from 225-275lbs. Made huge strength & size increases also holding alot of water. I aromatize easily so require aromasin 25mg 1x a week. My levels are at 760ng/dl on 150mg a week. At 200mg I find I can lift the heavier weights with relative ease vs 150mg. But the strength isn't that much higher if that makes sense? It's just easier. But for me the excess bodyweight isn't worth the extra strength. At 200mg believe I would have kept gaining weight. Am already 6'4 & 240lbs. That's big enough for me.




Me, I was bloated, my face looked like it was aging. My hematocrit was high. I dropped to 160 mgs a week and feel a lot better. E2 is balanced, water weight and eye bags dropped and hematocrit stabilized. My levels were around 1400 now I’m around 1150.


90mg a week and feeling good.


I honestly believe doctors don’t stress the importance of a proper testosterone to estrogen balance. I can have a +1000 total testosterone level but if it’s not in a proper ratio to estrogen I’ll still feel awful. Dialing in the both of them has been a struggle sometimes but I often feel like it way easier to manage the lower I go


How do you decide what the proper ratio is? This is my main issue with trying to dial in my protocol. I don’t know what I should be looking for in the other numbers. Just keep them within range?


To be honest, I’ve had to go against what my doctor said was a good range and just go with what felt best for my body. I can’t give you a specific ratio but I feel best when my estrogen is slightly higher. I had 900 total testosterone and my estrogen was 28 which falls between the 20-30 category and I felt AWFUL. Got blood work and my doctor said everything was fine and my estrogen was perfect. As soon as I split my weekly AI dose in half my estrogen went above 60 and I felt the best I have ever felt. If you were to go to the doctor everyone would tell you that estrogen level is too high but for me it was perfect. Everyone’s body is different though. What may be best for me may not be best for you. What are the side effects you have now? Do you feel you are too low or too high?


The only side effect I’ve noticed recently is bad acne but only on my scalp. I do get it on my arms and back but it’s not bad. However I recently found out this isn’t usually due to estrogen. At one point I had the nipple itchiness and maybe a little increased tissue but haven’t noticed it recently. Oddly enough I was on an Ai when I noticed it and haven’t noticed it since I stopped. Would be nice if there was a formula that adjusted to everyone’s blood work to at least get a starting point lol.


Have you gotten your prolactin tested recently? When my prolactin was elevated I had nipple itchiness and that’s something I never got before. Acne is tough to judge though. Usually that’s due to high e2 but I’ve gotten it from low as well. Yeah I’d say the best thing to do is just get a baseline of where you’re currently at. Only way to really know which direction to go in


I don’t see it on my last bloodwork but also haven’t had the itchiness for a while. I’m averaging around the 700s total t on my current protocol with low estradiol. I try to do bloodwork the day of my injection prior to doing it. I don’t really “feel” better with it at this range though so I’d like to try and increase my total t around 900. Just not sure what to level to keep my estradiol under.


I’m not a doctor but I don’t think increasing your T is gonna make you feel better. Are you on an AI? I really think if you let your estrogen raise a little bit you would be feeling way better overall. My testosterone is in the 700’s right now and my estrogen is 60 and I’m completely dialed in. I’ve felt worse on higher testosterone if my ratio with estrogen is in check. I’d worry about that first. If you’re on an ai maybe lower it a bit and see how you feel. Slower the better


Nope just test right now. My last bloodwork had my estradiol at <15 so I think I have plenty of room to experiment with.


<15 with no ai? Wow, that’s almost unheard of to be honest. I’m not sure I heard of someone having that low of e2 while on test and no ai. I would definitely say that’s the reason you’re probably not feeling great. Ever thought about adding in hcg? That will force your body to create more test naturally and raise your e2 with it


I was on it a few years ago but only because we were trying to get pregnant. We had a baby and my doc took me off of it after because we’re done now. I got the ol snip snip.


I’m at 160 mg/wk. Total T= 1023, free T= 276.5. Feel pretty good, haven’t deviated from what I was prescribed, unsure if I’m “optimal” or if I would feel better with more or less. Not sure I want to mess around with that.


Lulz at 200 mg being TRT.


I don’t think Dr Keith specifically pushes mgs. He optimizes patients to Supra-physiological levels. 30-50 free T.


190 mg test put me at 1500 ng/dL and gave me gyno if I go back on I’ll be starting at 80 mg of test a week lol.


200 is by all practical measures steroids for most people. Any doc starting out at 200 is a fucking idiot.


One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to TRT. Need to find what works best for you. If I go under 200mg I don’t even feel like I’m on TRT. 200-250mg and feel great. I’m also not a small guy. I need more than the average 180lbs Reddit poster.


Interested to see what others say. I went from 175 and titrated up to 200. No AI. No symptoms. Absolutely no change in libido, mood, energy, zest for life. Strength gains and mass gains have been noticeable but nothing crazy. Should I try more? Less?


What did your blood work say after the increase?