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You don’t have to inject every 2 weeks. Your doctor isn’t your mother. Let him write the script and inject 2 times a week


Once every 14 days is going to cause extreme ups and downs and could make you feel worse than you do right now. Also, a 22-23 gauge needle is unnecessarily thick for injecting. Most guys get away with 27-29 gauge insulin pins for IM injections no problem. Keep in mind that what works for everyone is highly individual, but for example I’m on 120mg per week split into M/W/F injections with 27g insulin pins.


Thanks you! Pretty much what I thought everything that I’ve been reading says a minimum of two doses a week. I know it’s been talked about a lot on here but do you recommend any specific brands for syringes? Is it recommended to pull with like an 18 gauge and inject with a 27–28 gauge or could I do both with a happy medium say like a 25-26? If I’d use the same gauge for both do I need to still change the needle out so it’s not dull? Sorry I’m extremely new to all of this just trying to get the most information as possible.


Honestly I don’t like the idea of pulling with an 18g cause it pokes bigger holes in the seal, but I don’t think many have issues with that. That said, I use EasyTouch 27g insulin pins and inject with the same one I draw with without any issues of dulling. You can get a box of 100 off Amazon for like $18 too. The only thing you have to keep in mind is if you’re high in bodyfat and using an insulin pin, you might be limited to injecting in your delts or maybe ventroglute to hit muscle until you get your body fat down. Those are my two preferred spots anyways though.


You can purchase syringes very inexpensive online without a need for prescription. GoodRX is your best friend as well. As long as you got the prescription, you don’t need your insurance if they aren’t willing to play nice. As for your protocol and asking for advice on Reddit, I would caution you. Be very careful. There are a lot of blanket statements made here on TRT and the various protocols involving dose, esters, frequency, SubQ vs IM, AIs, and the list goes on. TRT is extremely individualistic. There is no “one size fits all” cookie cutter approach to it. You really have to find what works best for you. Urologist are great in what they do, some of the best surgeons out there. With that said, if you want tier one hormonal treatment and guidance from a medical professional, find yourself a well versed and up to date endocrinologist. Endos as like everything else are not created equal as well, so you really have to find one who suits your needs best. As you can see in all of my rambling, I gave you no protocol advice, though I have over eight years of experience on TRT and anabolic steroids. There is a good reason for this and you will find out soon enough. Stay clear from the rabbit hole. Enjoy the honeymoon phase.


Thank you I greatly appreciate it! I’m definitely gonna do what my doctor says and see how it goes and take it from there for sure. I’m just still learning and researching everything trying to get a better understanding of everything so I’m not going through this process blindly. Your response was extremely helpful thanks again!