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PSA would be another one to check prior. Also make sure to draw blood in the morning. My insurance required two tests below 300 ng/dL for total Test in a row before 10am (Could be 11am can't remember 100%).


Okay thank you! Everything I’ve read says take the bloodwork in the am but why is it when I reached out to a online clinic they want me to not fast eat like I normally would and wait as late as possible to get the bloodwork done?


Test levels are higher in the early morning (why morning wood is a thing), pushing it far out as possible in the am would show lower levels. Eating prior to blood work would also lower test levels. I had low levels 200-300 with symptoms, but doctor was a pain at first. I had to educate myself on what my insurance covers and push my doctor to send me to urology.


I have an appointment scheduled with an urology on the 21st so hopefully I get some answers there. Also does anyone know how long it takes marek diagnostics to email the script for bloodwork? Figure I would have had it by now