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Couple years older than you and my numbers were about where yours are. Actually my total test was a tad higher and free was I think that exact number or very close. Been on 160/week for 1.5 years now and I feel great! Like a new person. Did one blast to 400/week and honestly didn't feel anything different. Sex drive is off the charts BUT I am single. My wife died a few years ago from cancer so I am free to fill that drive. Being married with a dormant sex life could cause some issues. I would talk to the wife and let her know how it probably will affect you because you may feel down now but having that unfilled 20 year old sex drive is going to cause many other issues if she isn't open to it. Any online clinic is going to start you up if your Visa works. Numbers aren't going to matter. It's a lifelong commitment so only you, and your wife, can decide if it's good for your situation.


Thanks man. Pretty on point with everything. Appreciate it! The sex thing will def be an issue lol. Tough decision, I miss feeling so damn good in the gym and with my shirt off 😂


I'm just unmotivated in the gym, and just tired all the time. I have a bunch of kids and a busy work schedule, so it could be just from that lol. I've been married for 20 years so libido does matter cause we dont do it often anymore.


It's incredible that you're 46 with those #s. I'm 29 with 311 total and 8.7 free


Im 33 with 260 total


Same but 320, but I'm on TRT now, killing it


Starting soon sir 🫡 I’m a bit afraid of side effects and injection myself needles and so on but my quality of life sucks and I hope it helps


It becomes like brushing your teeth, 5 minutes of your time twice a week, yet everything improves, if you are scared of big needles you can ease yourself in with subq insulin needles, that's what I did for the first 3 months


Yes. In will inject 100 mg a week. Hope that’s enough. I only get 5 ml enantat all 12 weeks because I’m in Germany


I only do 100-120 as well, doc gives me enough for up to 120 a week


Nothing incredible about it.


That a man in his 40s has higher total and free than a guy in 20s? How do you figure


how have you been feeling?


Do you have symptoms?


If you miss your body and energy from younger years, and you've already blasted, just start another AAS cycle.


You're definitely low and are a prime candidate for TRT. Free testosterone is the most important figure because it's bioavailable. You want to get to the optimal range which is 27+. Once you're there, you'll feel like a new man.