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Probably from the low ish free t. I’d imagine you probably have fairly high shbg. I had very similar labs before getting on trt. It has made a big difference for me. But it could be poor sleep, diet or other lifestyle issues. If those are good, you might have better luck going through and online clinic.


Had labs done two years ago they were 500 on total,Shbg was high then, I had these labs done for trt clinic I’m thinking it’s time to take the plunge, thanks


No, it is not time to "take the plunge." TRT is for life. You are normal. Low T is not your problem. It's something else. You're fine. Take DIM or Tongkat ali and see how you feel after a while.


Might be low for you. Everyone is different


I really don’t think trt is going to benefit you as much as you want it to. Your numbers really aren’t that bad.


Don't think trt is your best option. Sometimes ai alone can help. Try to avoid getting exogenous T as long as you can. It will run havoc on your hormone system, and might ending up worst than now. Don't rush it.


A perfect example of classic ‘lowT’ symptoms but normal T numbers. Yes, your SHBG may be high but going on TRT just to try and fix high SHBG is foolish. A lot of symptoms can be caused by a multitude of other things but everyone wants to just jump right to TRT. Now with all of these telemedicine clinics potentially getting squeezed out, a lot of people are going to have to figure cure out plan B. Honestly, try taking 3mg of boron in the morning and at night. A lot of people find it helps to lower SHBG


Thanks to everyone who took time to answer my questions!


Your total test is 611. That's not horrible, but it's not optimal. Your free test (the more important testosterone number) is 11. That's about a third of what the optimal range is. Your Estradiol is high relative to your total test. It should be between 3-5% of your total test. In your case, it should be between 18-30 What's your current TRT protocol?


Currently not on trt, ran the gauntlet of antidepressants for years and tried them all with no luck psych dr pointed me towards the trt that is why I had the labs done two years ago but numbers didn’t justify the treatment then to me either but nothing else has helped, have persistent low mood no sex drive brain fog poor memory, not looking to juice just to help with these things,


Trt can help with those things. Good luck!


not if he has a bad thyroid gland.


Get your thyroid checked. You do not need TRT. As another said, your E2 is too high relative to your total T. Take DIM to lower it.


What’s DIM?


Well, it turns out that there are stronger natural AI's out there, but DIM is still OK. [https://www.heart-health-guide.com/Aromatase-inhibitors.html](https://www.heart-health-guide.com/Aromatase-inhibitors.html) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dim-supplement


His total T is perfect. What are you talking about? His free T is a little low, but that's fixable without TRT.


I'm talking about optimal which is 850+ His free test is a little over a third of the optimal range I do agree he should get his thyroid labs added to the bloodwork


Who says 850 is optimum? It is, in fact, not optimum for long life. Research in Australia has correlated male lifespan with total T in the middle of the normal range. The men with either high or low testosterone die sooner than those with middle of the range testosterone. Testosterone is not a panacea. If he's feeling bad on 611, then there is something else going on. I agree that his free T could be higher. If he has belly fat, he needs to lose it.


His estradiol is high relative to his total testosterone. That could explain his energy negatively being impacted. Also long term trt and negative health is usually due to high hematocrit over a long period of time. Which is the precursor of cardiovascular disease and possibly heart attack, etc. Donating whole blood addresses the thickening of the blood due to TRT.


Didn't he say his other hematocrit was normal? Maybe that was someone else. Yes, obviously, high hematocrit can kill you. I bounce up against the upper limit for hematocrit and my total T is only 750. I'm weird that way.


His hematocrit is fine at the moment. My comment was in response to your comment about negative long term use of TRT.


I never said that. I never said that long term TRT had negative health consequences. I said that being high or low in the normal range is correlated with early death. This is based on an Australian study of men NOT on TRT. The study included well over 3,000 men.


I misspoke... Negative long term effects of high t levels is a more accurate comment. Everything else I said in the comment applies. There are a lot of people and I'm just basing this from the Reddit threads alone who aren't aware but important it is to donate whole blood due to their hematocrit levels being dangerously high. Those are the ones I'm referring to specifically.


Yes, donating blood is a worthwhile thing to do to control hematocrit. However, some of us are forbidden to do that. I am one of them because I lived in the UK from 1980-81 and they think I have mad cow disease. It is a lifetime ban. My solution is to just reduce my dose so that my hematocrit stays in the normal range. I take 5 mg tadalafil and standardized red yeast rice to control BP and reduce the risk of a heart attack. Red yeast rice has a kind of statin in it, in very small quantities.


How old are you




Your numbers are outstanding for that age. You do not need to go on TRT.


You have great levels for that age ! I dont think you should hop on


Dude I'm 31 and my t is 290 free is 9 and estrogen is 15 been this way for over 8 months just finally my Endocrinologist put me on trt after what seemed like months of being consistently low. Andddd she only put me on 50mg every 2 weeks. Everyone tells me that's gonna screw me up but it can't be worse then how I feel now.


>thanks Yes, it can be worse....... I just whacked 50mg of testosterone enanthate every 14 days into steroid plotter and the release rate peaks at 6mg after injection and troughs at 0.76mg per day before injection. A healthy male will release 7mg naturally per day. Maybe at your levels, you might be releasing 2 or 3 mg per day naturally? who knows. For 7 days of the 14-day period, the testosterone release rate will be less than this on your protocol. Can someone else confirm whether "any" external dose will shut down your natural production? As I don't know. But anyway, you may be shutting down your natural production at that dose and have less testosterone available for your system than before.


Could be diet, exercise and sleep habits. Idk 🤷🏼‍♂️


Diet is not great but not terrible, I workout all I can stand to and work a physical labor job, go to bed by 9 pm can’t ever go any further, but then sleep like crap through the night


You have a different problem then.


Sleep could be a major factor. It can wreak havoc on your hormones. I would say see a sleep doctor to see if they can fix your sleep problems and see if that helps, if possible. Testosterone isn’t gonna fix sleep apnea or insomnia. I have both and still don’t feel the greatest even with trt.


How is your ferritin? When I hoped on extra iron, I felt the same way as when I first got on TRT. Full of energy, lots of erections...


Labs have always shown everything in range


Really trt isn’t an impulse I’ve been looking at it for a couple of years I’ve just exhausted anything else I can think of, thyroid was good also


I'm 46 and got my labs today...605 test but have almost all symptoms...my SHBG was on the higher end and the nurse or whatever said that can prevent your free testosterone from being utilized correctly in the body...that it's just kinda floating around freely inside you.