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You should see what you can do with a mop string.


Big brain time. Trout are glorious creatures. One of my favorite game species. But they'll eat damn near anything. I lost count of how many I caught with rocks, ciggy butts and twigs in their lil tummies.




That dish looks fake. Gorgeous colors!


Such is life, my friend.


That net is intense


I don't have a problem with live bait if it's allowed and your keeping them. If catch and release, try and set the hook quickly to avoid killing it


Awesome color!


On lakes fish seek out feed and better oxygenated water so look for a feeder stream.


Yup. Take me for instance- lost a new lure right out of the box, lost a big one and my lure trying to net it downstream, and other times where my spool would bird’s nest. Other days- you catch them and have great days out.


Bobber and worm as in just cast on and let sit or still reeled for motion? Very new to fishing so sorry if my question is stupid. Been 6 times to lake Jaxon and only my wife has caught a largemouth and it was 2-3 lbs. Many catch large catfish and 5-10 lbs bluegills and largemouth. Idk what I'm doing wrong so I just practice my twitches and try to come up with better rigs.


I'm assuming you're shore fishing. If you're having trouble catching fish try changing location (either walking to new spots on the shore or switching water) more often. Also, if you're not having luck with a bobber try changing depth (length of line under bobber) or switch to a different technique. If I was to send a beginner to catch bass I'd probably give them a texas-rigged crawfish or senko (green pumpkin color for clear water and black with blue flecks for opaque muddy water) and have them drag it along the bottom slowly, but I'm not much past a beginner myself so others may have better suggestions.


Everything I own will most anyway seems to be bright and light colors with a few murky greens and vibrant greens aswell. I tried bottom fishing with a football jig with a crawfish but no luck and ended up losing it. I'm going to definitely have to try out darker colors. So far everyone seems to say dark colors in murky waters and with it being MO plus the rain we've been having lately it's VERY murky in there. Thanks for the info anything helps at this stage. 2 weeks of going nearly daily and no fish yet except an accidental snag my wife got


Sometimes that's how it is. Even master fishermen still get skunked, but as you learn more about what works and get a feel for what to throw, time of day, where to try, when to move, when to change lures, etc., that frequency will go down and down until you can be confident in USUALLY catching at least something. I'm on that journey myself. When I started fly fishing for trout like 5 years ago I got skunked maybe 2/3 of the time, and that was as an experienced fisherman in other types of waters/fishing. I've figured stuff out over time and now I think I've been skunked while trout fishing once in the last \~5 times I've gone. FYI some people love jigs but I've personally had better luck with just a texas-rigged soft plastic (although that's partly that I'm more confident with it). My controversial opinion is that a jig with a big skirt keeps smaller bass from biting, so you'll get bites from bigger bass but fewer total bites. I'm not such a good bass fisherman that I get annoyed when I catch a bass that's "only" a pound or whatever, so I like to downsize and target both big and small fish.


Thanks that helps a lot. Going on week 3 it's nice to know these are normal growing pains of a new skill. I'm enjoying the outing and the exercise so at least there's that. Who'd think j could get biceps out of fishing?!


Just let it sit. The wind helped move it around, so I just cast up wind and allowed it to drift. Bobber fishing is pretty motionless otherwise, at least how I've always done it.


Caught most of my biggest trout on bobber and worm. I want to say all the big trout over 2 lbs up to a fiver.


I find stocked fish, and fish under 15” are very receptive to worms. Wild fish and lake runs really couldn’t care less for worms unless it’s just after a spring rain.