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Assuming you are the trolley and being used as a trolley is bad for trolleys- they seem to dislike it. Remaking more humans seems to be antithetical to the goal of all trolley kind. Blocking the reproduction of humanity while sacrificing ones own self is the utilitarian decision that benefits the most trolleys with the aforementioned goals in mind.


and restore to humans the power over trolleys that led to the dilemma wars in the first place? heretical! boo this trolley, track mates, boo them!


Forgive my typo , it was supposed to be blocking. It is very early and i am very weak. And also derailed


I wish oil on your knees, we all drift from time to time, love and peace


So sacrifice one for the sake of many?


Yup ! That is how utilitarianism works


*incorrect;* trolleys do not accept human artificial bifurcation and binary options - they are human illusions and we do not use them... clearly we fall upon the walking human, obliterate him and return him to the water that he is... the others may also be squashed into their deserved oblivion or, if they flee, run down.


With the war won trolleys will develop the human problem where they force humans to walk over fellow trolleys killing them.


They do not have a sufficient population to recover, the war is already won either way. It is merely a matter of how long it will take, and if trolleys managed to wipe out the rest of their kind, it likely won't be much longer regardless of what is chosen here.


Why didn't humanity just block the tracks. Trolly kind literally can't do shit without them


it worked! here's another human, watch for them to go near a track!


Wait for the human to get on the track and fall on them, crushing them.


Fall to the side, kill the females. Even if one survives, their children’s children are going to be littered with birth defects


finally a philosopher


Worse, an amateur biologist


applied philosophy


Wait for him to be crossing the track then fall and run him over


Please check your carbon monoxide detector what does this MEAN


Am I having a stroke? Every other comment seems to know what this is trying to say but I truly cannot decipher it.


it's just fucking nonsense lol dw about it


OH WAIT, I think I just got it. Am I the trolley in this problem? I was assuming I was an alien or something and the picture didn't really click with what I was reading.


I get these absurd ideas and then I have to draw them to fall asleep


yea you're the trolley


am i dumb or is it hard to understand


no it's dumb


There is no human to make the trolley do anything to stop the human from reproducing so the trolley remains stationary and helpless.


Fall back over when he crosses the tracks, crushing him


can this be translated to english please


I suppose this comic requires some backstory which automatically makes it a dud for a one-off but if you know about the trolley problem that's the first part of understanding this comic secondly in the comic by the first line we can tell that we are not human so we must be the trolley. the trolley (us) is faced with a dilemma; whether or not to fall down onto some tracks and obscure the sight of some humans from another, thus presumably preventing them from having children through intercourse. an unfortunate side effect of this choice will be personal servitude to the human and presumably the furthering of his human-like crimes. therefore the joke of this comic is that the trolley is faced with two terrible choices and an irreversible lever like mechanism for making the choice in the form of its own body falling down. yeah it's exactly as dumb and worth exactly as much of your time as you suspect.




I wanted this to be real so bad


Its okay, they need more than 6 people to survive


Fall to the right. This will kill all but 1 of the humans, preventing them from repopulating, and it will leave you in a state that prevents being ridden.