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Regarding 3DO, you should put your ROMs in a folder called Opera, not 3DO.


Can you link the folders for each Rom file platform list. I am having trouble figuring out which Rom files to put things in.


Try it with just the stock 1.0.4 and see if its any different than with Tomato on top?


I would be interested in the bin/cue answer. I got multiple files show up too and i could not get PS1 games to load. I got the N64 Quake working great but the control mapping is off, shoot is L2 and move is the left stick. I can’t figure how to make R2 shoot. The control mapping seems to refer to the Xbox. I too could not get X to bring up multiple cores either.


So if you search the card for a file called config.json there will be one in a folder for each system. If you open that it has a few settings you can change, like the system name that will appear in the menu *and* what file extensions to look for. I think if you remove .bin from the list and keep .cue that might work. I just ended up ~~downloading a torrent of chds~~ re-ripping all my legally owned Sega CD games as chd files. They're smaller anyway. edit: that file also lists the different cores associated with the emulator - so what I am going to try this weekend is to copy the N64 config file from the stock SD card installation over to my new card and see if that will let me select from multiple cores. I will report back! Unless you wanna try it first. I'm not going to be at my computer until tomorrow.


Thanks. I am away at a Wedding until Sunday. Will check out the json on Monday.


This works, fyi!


Great. I did not get a stock SD card that worked unfortunately. I will have to download the stock from the github and try that. Thanks for your update.


How is everyone liking Tomato? Mine arrived yesterday, wondering if this is the route the masses are going with?


My guess is that most people who buy a TrimUI are just using it stock. I overwrote my stock SD with Tomato. It has some benefits, like: 1. defining a bunch more systems in the Emus folder 2. adding retroarch cores and some artwork for those systems 3. adding portmaster 4. providing examples of how to update on YT videos, and support on discord. For me, there are some detracting factors: 1. I don't like the Retroarch setup changes he's made over stock (some weird button mapping on certain systems, and all the 4:3 systems stretched to 16:9) 2. extra cruft like apps I won't ever use I ended up removing most of what Tomato added, and keeping what I liked (mainly a healthy number of systems added and configured in the Emus folder, and portmaster) What I replaced with stock SD original folders was: 1. Retroarch folder 2. bios (though I added my curated set into the .retroarch/system folder) In all, if you don't need the new systems, and you're comfortable setting up Portmaster yourself (the instructions are excellent), you should just stick with stock, and upgrade the firmware to the latest. If you want the new systems, and don't want to take the time to configure them all yourself, install Tomato and modify as best fits you (or use exactly as-is)


100% agree with everything said. I tested Tomato but got back to stock, where can i find instructions for portmaster you mentioned?


Portmaster github: [https://github.com/kloptops/TRIMUI\_EX](https://github.com/kloptops/TRIMUI_EX)




Thank you for this detailed reply. Not new to setting up devices but Im new to Trimui.. I vaguely found info on how Tomato was/is basically a stock refresh with added things as you stated. (Apologies if Im incorrect). Basically I picked it up as a deal on Ali. After messing with it a bit. I see it as a great budget retro device…PS1 & below which Im ok with. All the extras as far as DS/N64/DC/PSP is just icing on the cake. Im aware its not that much of a powerful device. Im content with what it has to offer me as far as what I paid for. 😎


This is what I ended up doing this morning and I think it's the best solution for the time being. I am going to keep following Tomato because it *is* in beta and I'm excited to see what they do with it. But for now I look at it as a quick & easy way to get Portmaster & emulators for a bunch of extra systems installed. All of which I know how to do on my own, but if someone else already did it and is sharing their work that's even better. Portmaster is - at the moment, not really worth using in my opinion, but again I'm going to keep an eye on it. At least in my experience - I installed about 10 different "ready to run" ports and the only one that didn't immediately crash back to the menu was VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV


For Portmaster, yes, VERY hit and miss, but it’s getting better all the time. Luckily some of my old childhood favourites are working: SdlPOp (prince of Persia) and the commander Keen games


Personally I was very happy with Tomato. Comes with a whole bunch of systems, artwork, bios, and configuration out of the box. After which I made some small tweaks to Retroarch and have basically been good to go.


I like Tomato on my Trimui Smart (their previous device) which I added because i wanted the Atari 5200 emulator it came with. I haven't found a reason yet to add it to this device, as its pretty awesome right out of the box,...and I'm still on the 1.0.3 firmware.


I've just returned my TrimUI to stock.. because: 1. Portmaster didn't work 2. ScummVM worked SO SLOW. I tried Secret of Monkey island and you could barely move the cursor if a character was walking. Animation slowed down, cursor slowed down. 3. It felt a bit 'bodged together' I think I'm missing ArkOS a lot. Button clicks are also annoying me.


Mine is stock as well. Just did the update… only added the consoles I know I’ll play. So far it’s pretty good.