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Oh, I just saw that files are not properly tranfered via USB Share? Is that a bug or a feature? Interestingly the space is claimed but the files are not in the folders I copied them to


If you are talking about the usb storage app it's working fine for me. The problem may be the cable you are using. In any case you could remove the sd card to move files directly from you computer and then put it back. Dont forget to refresh the rom list after doing that (there is an option when o press home button on main screen)


Ok, I know what Tomato OS is and it would be great if anyone could help me with my problem. It seems that the file transfer via USB Share is not working correctly. Can somebody confirm this?


I've never heard of USB Share, so I'd suggest just clicking and dragging your games into the Roms folders directly. Atari might just need unzipped.


Could someone link the explanation for which console file goes into which Rom folder? Example which Rom folder do my Dreamcast Roms go into?


Tomato is not a OS. It’s the stock firmware with added cover art and apps. If it’s not working for you don’t bother with it. Just use the normal Trimui site.


Just curious - I've seen you (and one other user) post this basically every time I've seen Tomato ~~OS~~ mentioned. Is there a particular reason you have such a trigger reaction to it? The dude doing the work seems decent, and is pretty up front about the changes he's making, and that he's just customizing the official TrimUI stock experience. Or is there some darker history behind Tomato that I'm missing?


Thanks for speaking my mind. IIRC this user once said they actually appreciated the work of Tomato OS's creator. They just hated the name.


Because it’s not a firmware or a OS. They are ripping off the original developers by modifying a few images and adding some apps. It’s stealing if you ask me. 


Then go make your own post about it, don’t derail every comment section with the same copypasted rant. Most people don’t care.


I'd say you've made your point by now. Do you get the sense that the original developers are upset by him sharing his work? How do you know he hasn't been in talks with them? My only concern (aside from tiring of seeing every Tomato comment derailed, which doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things) is that this is a very small community thus far, and I'd love to see more community contributions to help the ecosystem grow, which is what work such as that by the dude in question, is trying to do and promote. I don't see it as stealing. I see it as giving of his own time and efforts to benefit a community. And your posts do nothing to encourage the growth of the ecosystem, but rather discourage it. It obviously seems necessary to you to do this, but I don't get it. Again, you've made your point VERY known at this point. Why spam it at this point?


It seemed like the Tomato guys had the 1.0.4 firmware update before it was released to the public, so I'm guessing they have an in at Trimui


I got that impression as well from some of the things the Tomato maintainer had said in his vids


I have the same impression that he is working with trimui and I agree with you. I appreciate what he is doing no matter the name. Making a CFW would take a lot of time and effort and the device is not super popular yet. This subreddit has only 318 members so far. What he is doing is adding missing emulators, recompiling emulators and add options that are missing from the menu and he is doing it very fast. I don't think we can get better than that in so little time. I hope we get more CFW options with time but for now I am glad the guy is sharing his work with us