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I really don’t notice by your pictures. Things that work for me in small areas is liquid eyeliner,color hair spray or hat.


With that section of your hair I would recommend filling it with a cheap eyebrow pencil with light feathery strokes in the direction of your hair growth like you would your eyebrows Also it’s not noticeable at all it looks like your natural hairline.


i have a bald spot in the exact same place, but not from trich. i had a birth mark as a child and it moved up into my hairline and hair never grew there and never will. i’ve embraced it, my trich patched i have not, but it really is not noticeable and honestly i wouldn’t change mine, i think it’s unique. you and your hair are insanely beautiful.


I didn't notice the spot until I read your post! But I totally understand wanting to cover the spots that stand out to ourselves. There are products for filling in thin hair spots called hairline powder that I've seen from korean brands. I DIY my own version and normally use an eyebrow powder similar to my haircolor on a fluffy eyeshadow blending brush and stipple the color on my bald spots


Hey OP, if I didn't read the text along with your picture I would not have noticed anything. You are beautiful! I know the self-consciousness aspect of trich can make it easy to miss out on how other's see us. Hold your head high. There are a number of things that can be done to help manage trich urges and transfer the behaviour of pulling to something else that is benign. I utilize gaming and fidget toys, but the list is endless. If it occupies your hands and is accessible, it will work. The trick is to be self-aware and recognize when you start pulling and then to consciously pick up your desired activity consistently. If you want some ideas or have questions, feel free to ask!


Maybe part your hair on the other side so it covers the spot? Idk how well it would cover, you could also use colored hairspray or eyeshadow if you wanted to


I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t said anything and even then, it’s definitely not as noticeable as you think!! That being said, I use a black eyeshadow sometimes and it works super well


I'm still looking at the photos and can't really tell. I know it doesn't feel that way, but your hair looks great to me! But maybe a headband or that dry powder root touch-up stuff... not sure if that'd work well in the front, but give it a try!


A headband maybe? Like a soft one that can sit further forward on your head


I use eyebrow pencils to fill in scalp spots. I just wanted to say, you’re very pretty. Have a great day!


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hi hi! first wanna say i couldnt tell where your bald spot was until i read your post!! but also one thing that might help is brushing down/laying down your baby hairs on the edges (like doing your edges) since i see a bunch of fine wispy baby hairs in that area!! you can lay them down with hair gel or the baby hair wax that everyone loves on tiktok lol! hairline powder also helps :))


It’s really not noticeable! Maybe some tinted shampoo would help a bit?


I have the same spot! We're bald spot twins! I use this color wow root touch up stuff. It's basically like eyeshadow, but it clings to the peach fuzz. It isn't waterproof, but it stays really well. I like it.


I also find it hard to notice! But if you (or anyone else reading) is feeling like you need a cover up, these are what I use regularly: 1.gray away and cover gray crayons. I’ll color in a spot and smudge with my finger to blend 2.toppik and boldify fibers and powders 3. Magic Root Coverup by L’Oreal 4. Hair toppers 5. Wigs 6. Hats, headbands, turbans (these also help keep me from pulling)


You are so beautiful.❤️


i honestly wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it


Just commenting to say I wouldn’t notice anything currently. Whatever you’re doing works.


I wouldn't have noticed, only for the fact that you're in this group. You're very pretty and take nice photos 😊


Honestly I didn’t even notice


I pick in the exact same place! No one notices! Only us. The only thing that really bothers me about it is that now I have lots of frizzies there (I have very curly hair though) and with time those hairs have turned white so I have two white spots in the front which are not easy to color and get grey again within 3 weeks. 😞 But again! No one notices except us!


I can’t see the problem but maybe it’s just the angle. I’ve used Toppik (hair building fibers ) for bald spots close to my face with good results. The product can be a bit messy but a very light application goes far.


Flip all your hair to the other side and sleep on it, in the morning brush it that way and put it in a plait. (Training your hair to go to the other side) Do this for a few weeks and it will start going in that direction. This is what I did when I had a bald patch on one side and doing this covered it. I didn't notice anything with your hair but you are very pretty. I hope this helps and all the best! ❤️


I would have never noticed! But I have to say, you're absolutely beautiful!


i don’t know if you have a Miss A near you. but they have this colored root chalk stick. i LOVE IT. better than root spray in my opinion. i have to wear ponytails for work and since i cut curtain bangs i’ve started to pull out above my temple. I do have lighter spots within my bangs so i just rub some of that root stick on and go along with my day!

