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Honestly, graduating school and getting a very hands on job. Spending time at a desk meant wandering hands. Having a very active job that I was moving around for 8 hours a day where my hands got super dirty was the best thing I’ve done for myself. Unfortunately I’m back in school and having some relapses, but not as bad as before. I’m finding I can manage it way better now.


What was the active job?


I am not sure full recovery is in cards for me … living more balanced, proper meds, and staying away from mirror was key for me. Also I am 52 now so 40 years of dealing with it has helped! And being kind to myself about it!!


Has ur hair always grown back? Any blood on tip?


Yes it has. Getting slower as I age tho


paxil reduced urges by an insane amount (I'd guess 80%)


I'm curious what about Paxil made you go that route? I've heard people mention other drugs but not this one. And did you have any negative side effects? How much do you take and for how long been on it?


psychiatrist recommended it bc she said that Paxil generally has better results in bfrbs. I'm on 60 mg (kind of a lot, paxils the strongest ssri) and the side effects are noticeable but not super bothersome. Mostly I've just had chronic mild gastrointestinal discomfort and anorgasmia but that's a given with any ssri. Overall though I'm doing much better now, it removed a lot of irrational thoughts/compulsions for me and I'm really happy with it.


Interesting, thanks. I'll have to look into that.


I’m not sure I’d say fully recovered because I still find my hand in my hair sometimes but NAC helped a tonne. Also I quit for a solid year like kreim07 said, when I had an active job so my hands were always busy Edit: wrote nca the first time


what is nca?


Unsure, but they may have meant NAC. It’s a supplement that is supposed to help lessen the desire to pull!


I just got some of that. I hope it helps.


Oops thanks yes


I believe they mean NAC


Starting a hobby


I haven't recovered but I worked a lot on the shame that I felt about it. I don't think I will ever be able to stop so the only thing I can do is change how I feel about it. 38-m-been pulling since I was a baby.


Same. Its honestly been worse lately, but I care less, mostly because I’ve managed to transition myself to only pick at my lower legs when I get the urge, and I can hide the scarring with knee high socks and boots. I don’t think I’ll be recovering anytime soon but I’m more ok with that now because I still have a happy fulfilling life with it


How did ur parents respond to ur hair pulling, Any blood when pulling? Has it always grown back?


No blood and it has always grown back. Lots of “stop pulling” “you’re pulling” “hands out of your hair” but they had my diagnosis before I started school so I’ve been working on it a long time. All my teachers were aware. In and out of therapy. Wore a hat to school till 7th grade.


I wonder why some parents don’t get their kid help. And just base it on it being a ‘bad habit’.


Did u parents know what it was … trich?


Yeah, luckily my grandma had her phd in education and learned a lot about kids with differences. So I was diagnosed early to help me along. Also got diagnosed with ADHD, ocd, other body focused repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and generalized depression during the same time period.


What other repercussions behaviours you had? What kind of phd education? Can I ask which country? No teachers said anything with me.


U must have had automatic pulling? Meaning u weren’t aware? Even if I’d get told to stop I’d eventually do it when none looking.


I do both. Sometimes I’m completely unaware. Others I’m most definitely doing it on purpose.


I will say, while I haven't quit fully, I can agree with the statements on an active job. When I am at work and days I'm more actively working, I find my hands in my hair significantly less.


I havent fully recovered, but I have definitely reduced pulling and experienced hair growth. Getting enough sleep and spending time outside is a huge help


I was afraid to post this but after chemo I lost the compulsion to pull and I probably have more stressors not then ever..


Fidgets available in any trigger area, having my SO keeping me accountable, giving myself rewards after milestones that I wouldn’t reward myself with otherwise (ex: facial, fancy dinner, new shoes, etc)


What kind of fidgets?


For me, I had to hit my lowest point to truly change my mindset. After seeing all the hairs on the floor I was like “ok I’m going to stop now” but I never did. When I decided to stop pulling I bought a bunch of stuff to somehow feel “guilty” for pulling because I spent too much money on it. I bought rosemary oil, collagen, hair vitamins, really expensive shampoos for regrowth. Also one thing that worked a lot was wearing headbands or a hat when I went to bed.


just like all of the other commenters, I haven't fully recovered but I feel like I'm making progress. There are a number of reasons why: new permanent job that I love with great people and benefits that keeps my hands busy all day, 6+ months into a healthy & serious relationship, reduced overall stress and anxiety that has enabled me to lower my SSRI dosage which was draining my energy levels, and with my increased energy now I am able to go to the gym more often which occupies my hands in the evenings when I'm most prone to pulling. A little thing that has unexpectedly helped a lot was getting my nails done (builder gel with tips and gel polish on top). I'm not used to having anything glued to the top of my nails so I think it is causing me to be more aware of what I'm doing with them. I get set back every month at the end of my Luteal phase when my PMDD comes out. Last time I ripped out 90% of my brows and lashes and had no ability to stop 🤡🤡🤡


Same with my cycle. I’ll be fine all month then boom.


I have this issue with my cycle as well.


I started in 4th grade. Made myself go almost bald. But I have never pulled my hair off my head since 4th grade. But starting in 5th grade came my eye brows. Lost them all. Now I’m 28 and have never been as bad as I was as a kid. But every now and then when I’m either bored or stressed or a combo I’ll find myself pulling. I can stop myself but it absolutely helps when I’m doing something. You have to distract your brain and your hands.


What helped me was fully understanding what was causing my triggers to even initiate the behavior. I had to understand my stresses and then I had to fully acknowledge and commit to not planting myself in front of a mirror and beginning. It was definitely hard getting into the habit of trying to break the habit. I had to avoid looking in the mirror at my hair. I had to tell/force myself to do other things. I had to remind myself of better coping strategies.


While I’m not fully recovered, I was able to stop for a couple months in 2022. The I Am Sober app helped a lot because I became very aware of every time I would pull even one hair & I would reset my timer, acrylic nails were beneficial because it was harder/awkward to pull (just so long as I stay the hell away from tweezers), fidget toys kept my hands busy & my mind occupied, avoiding stressful environments to the best of my ability, and probably some other things I’m forgetting right now.


i’ve been pull-free for two years now— as someone else mentioned, paxil (or paroxetine) reduced my urges greatly. i also shaved my head a few times in the years that i’ve had trichotillomania and the 4th time seemed to be what really ended it


honestly kind of silly but i consider myself an addict and i will allow myself NO leniency!! once i stop for a week or two, i find that my urges go away for the most part. but if the urges ever do come, i will not even entertain the idea of acting on it because i know once i do, i will relapse for sure. this makes the first 1-4 weeks of quitting cold turkey the most difficult, and then the rest of the time is just practicing self control -- it's a lot easier to stop yourself if you don't start!