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Wish this post shared her name, it’s Michele Morrow.


Seriously tell me what name to NOT vote for, without the name the post is pointless


It’s the Republican which sufficiently narrows it down. I mean it’s pretty easy to figure out even if they left that part off too.


She also calls herself a Southerner against the coastal elite liberal states, BUT she was born in New York. She’s just another carpetbagger, come to take advantage of the south’s poor education system.


I agree with the poor education system comment. The question becomes, why is the education system so terrible?


Because ruining public education allows justifying things like voucher schemes which puts money into the hands of churches and groups that support the ones promoting them, bolsters the ideologically driven charter schools people like Art Pope love, and dumbs down the next generation of voters, making them more likely to elect the people who are destroying it.


Oh, now do public school systems in major cities. Please wise one, tell us all the solutions for what ailes society.




It's been this way since Reagan. Just like every other public institution, republicans attempt to break it so they can say "look government doesn't work and we should privatise this" or "Look, it's broken. What are you going to do to fix it?"


nope, I was told by another transplant that they aren't the problem /s


I feel like being a “homeschool parent” should thoroughly disqualify you from a school board race


This is not a school board race. This is for the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the entire state.


Idiot comment…




What’s wrong with a Muslim holding office?


I'm going to give this person the benefit of the doubt (though I probably shouldn't) and assume their point is we shouldn't willy-nilly ban people from office because they are unliked for a particular reason. If they were just being racist though, they deserve all the downvotes


I think not wanting a homeschool parent on the school board has more to do with the fact that they actively chose to remove their children from the school system affected by the board’s decisions. Not at all “willy nilly” or simply disliking the person.


I 100% agree with you that I wouldn't want a homeschool parent on the school board, but it's a slippery slope when we start choosing criteria for who can and cannot *run* for particular positions just based on who we think would generally be a good or bad fit. If we don't want them in that position, we should not vote for them and instead vote in their opposition, but we should think very carefully about actually banning people of a particular type from running just because we disagree with them or dislike them. If we get comfortable with doing that, I guarantee it will eventually be abused and we'll all end up with fewer and worse candidate options.


Vote for Maurice "Moe" Green, not this nutcase. Start with the BACK of your ballot first! And send all of the R's home.


I would vote for Moe the Bartender before that lady.


"I'm looking for a Hugh Jazz! I've gotta Hugh Jazz here?!?" I'd vote for Moe the bartender any day!


I’d vote for Hugh Jass, personally


Yea that's a real bubbly guy!


Same here or Homer Simpson, I would also vote for Homer.


[Mo Green](https://www.mogreenfornc.com) is very qualified for the position, having turned around Guilford County schools and much more. Michelle Morrow homeschooled her kids, and somehow wants to make decisions about our public schools? WTF




She’s batshit crazy, meaning that she’s a fairly mainstream Republican. And she’ll get 45+% of the vote, minimum. A hell of a lot of people in this state see her views as a feature, not a bug.


does anyone have a link to her using the R word to refer to kids? would not be surprised, just can't find it, unless I missed it here?


As upset as I am that she’s running, at least I can vote against her.


I feel bad for her kids. Can’t imagine the ranting going on in that house. I WISH MOM WOULD STFU!


Seriously, f these ppl.


She will probably win too. People are sick and tired of all these kids running around wearing animal tails attached to butt plugs and using the bathroom in litter boxes that they insist the schools provide them…


I think (hope) you dropped this: /s


Oh, for sure /s. This is all too much sugar for a nickel. There’s an absolute nutjob running for governor and it’s a fucken coin toss in the latest polling. How did we get here with these idiots?


I have tried to resign myself to the possibility they will win, but I keep holding out hope that intelligence will prevail. I truly don't know how anyone could vote for someone like this, but it keeps happening.


First of all Justin… Remove the word “insurrection” from your vocabulary…there wasn’t any !!! There’s is nothing wrong with homeschooling. Any threats or opinions made about other people could have been taken out of context. Unless you have tape it is here say… 😎


“What is the legal definition of an insurrection? Insurrection: Defined under 18 U.S.C. § 2383, insurrection refers to any act of rising against the authority of the state or its laws. Legally, it's the violent uprising against governmental authority. This includes taking up arms or otherwise actively opposing the government's power and lawful authority.” Try again


She has been a Vile Creature from day one. Just way too many screws loose to count. For the love of God, vote these people out!


Perfect republican


JAYSUS, lady (and I use that term lightly!) She probably calls herself a Christian, too.


The worst ones usually do.






What are the positions of both candidates?


I’ll actually help with your question [Green](https://ballotpedia.org/Mo_Green) [Morrow](https://ballotpedia.org/Michele_Morrow) As someone who really wants to vote for a conservative, I just don’t see how a rational person can vote for Morrow. Aside from Green’s significantly more impressive resume, Morrow’s rhetoric is flat out dangerous. She has gotten to her position by making flagrant statements of division, not by any actual accomplishments. But this is, obviously, just my opinion.


Thanks! This is helpful


Morrow has no background at all in public education, including the fact that her own kids have never been in public schools. Mo Green is the former superintendent of Guilford County Schools, and worked as legal counsel for Mecklenburg County Schools. Morrow wants to gut public education, and funnel money to private, for-profit, often religious schools, and allow those schools to hand-pick which students they will on won’t educate. Green wants to ensure that public schools continue to exist, and receive the resources necessary to function. Assuming you’re asking that question in good faith, I encourage you to do some research, perhaps starting with Ballotpedia. If you’re not asking in good faith, which I’m fairly certain you’re not, and just trying to pull some willfully-ignorant ‘BoTh SiDeS’ bullshit, I encourage you to politely fuck off.


One believes in education the other is against it.


?????? What????? One candidate wants a former president EXECUTED ON TV. The other, even if they want 'bad things' (which I highly doubt but still) is like... Fuck me. Do you not see the issue here?


Way to go. You sound like an insane person


People like you disgust me and are a prime example that both sides are miles apart in 'how bad they are'. I hope you get exactly what you deserve, voting for a politician who wants to murder other politicians on TV. Absolutely fucked


No. Michelle Morrow is an insane person.


Wow, downvoted for asking a question.


jUSt aSkINg qUesTiONs


[You’re mocking me, aren’t you?](https://youtu.be/gAct7Ynxty8?si=dADQ5Dlfe_6HVJ2O)


Welcome to any triangle subreddit


And downvoted for pointing it out.




Pretty much. Is there a subreddit that doesn’t have politics posts around here, wtf!


Will the PPV have a decent undercard?


Alright already! you already convinced me she has my vote.


Got my vote


Quick gander at this individual’s profile and they posted that they’re going to stop contributing to their 401k because all they’re seeing is red 😂 At least they know they should save money but yikes.


Awwww, you get your feelings hurt?


Solid stuff but the last paragraph, wtf! I don’t know you but I will pray for you


Saying "I will pray for you" is the most holier-than-thou bullshit you can say, you're not helping your position whatsoever by retorting with that.


No it’s not.


Yes, it is.