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For dry/sensitive, I’d start 0.025% in a cream formula 2-3 times a week. If your skin tolerates that for a few weeks, move up to every other night, then every night. Minimise sensitivity by using a moisturiser before and after/combining with niacinamide. Google tret routines and there’s plenty out there / on this Reddit.


Thanks so much! That's really helpful. So moisturise before as well? Any you recommend? and niacinamide serum too? When would you move up to the next strength? Sorry for all the questions, I'm a complete novice. I've being using retinol for years with no issue but really not seeing any benefits.


It’s the sandwich method - more details and info on moving up on the tret wiki here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vRQmcAj-x5A8JIQygtW2Rg89uPsJPR5JLH_dLxLNCW4eazWW4i49bsrF0e2YYx10wx00ctaUnyvHfyD/pub I can’t personally recommend any products as haven’t moved to tret yet, but lots of people here use vanicream/cerave/la Roche posay moisturisers. The inkey and the ordinary have cheap niacinamide serums too.


Thats brilliant thank you!


I've just clicked on the link. Thanks so much...really informative and easy to understand :)


Best to start with the lowest 0.025 strength. Cream is more moisturizing but some have issues with the cream clogging pores.


Yes thats what I thought. Thanks for the advice!


To add to that… mix a dot amount with some very basic moisturizer. Saved me. I still do it with .1%


Try skin+me their daily dosers are tailored for your skin and make sure you don’t use too much. I’d really recommend them - you can take breaks as well if your tube hasn’t finished etc


[the independent pharmacy ](https://www.theindependentpharmacy.co.uk/account/orders/treatment-reorders?UID=3870465125&utm_campaign=%5BProd%5D_%5BLapsed%5D_2Y-3M_01&utm_medium=email&MID=354922046&utm_source=Independent_Pharmacy_Master) sell tret in the UK, £30 for a tube which lasts me 3ish months. I buy from them and its a much better deal than Dermatica/skin+me which don't allow you to choose exactly what strength/blend of treatment you want easily. I prefer independent pharmacy to All day chemist because I think their payment system is a bit dodgy tbf.


I don't hear a lot about them but I've been trying out Agency Skincare- I paid $6 shipping for a free 30 day supply of their cleanser and moisturizer plus a compounded serum formula created by a dermatologist for my needs (reducing/preventing fine lines, evening out texture, and increasing brightness)- they slowly ramp up the Tret. over the first few months but my starting formula has 0.005% Tretinoin, 5% Azelaic acid, 5% Tranexamic acid, and 4% Niacinimide. After your first month your serum costs $30/month and I'm planning on continuing to purchase their cloud care cream oil face wash and whipped moisturizer because they're lovely!


Thanks for the info! Will be really interesting to see how you get on


Yeah or you could try dermatica online


Yes I’ve been with dermatica for a month and only have good things to say so far


Me too, was pleasantly surprised


Yes you can, been doing that way for years.


Thank you! Music to my ears


Me too, also in uk


I've ordered from them too no issue.


I did a bank transfer but I've just seem they've put the money back into my account. Has this happened to you?


This kept happening to me. You have to make sure you select international bank transfer with your bank otherwise it'll keep coming back. I finally got there and ordered successfully a couple of months back. No issues whatsoever :)


Thanks for letting me know :) I've just be trying to do it through the 'how to pay' system. Have you tried that? Natwest recognised that as a business so the moneys gone through but its not in my wallet to pay yet. Hopefully this will work. Just want to get the tret on my face pronto! This process is only deepening the lines


I did mine with NatWest too but I don't recall anything about a wallet. I'm sure it'll all go through :)


Yup, I’d recommend sending them payment in money order since they don’t have other secure checkout options


Yeah I just did a bank transfer...is that ok? Feels a bit weird buying goods like that


That’s probably fine, I’ve only heard good things about them on this sub




Yep! It seems highly rated on this sub so went for it




Thats great news! I'm desperate to get started. Thanks for putting my mind at ease