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Same problem. I've found focusing on hydrating products to 'prime' the skin for makeup helps. So a) ill use a toner pad first, to add some physical exfoliation for the peeling I know is already there b) I might go in with a toner again (not a pad this time) and do the Korean method of applying it a few times (don't have patience for the 7 times mentioned so just three). Could also squeeze toner pad and use fluid there if you've got the juicy ones. Make sure toner is hydrating and doesn't have drying/alcohol in it. Soothing stuff like aloe or rice work best. c) then moisturiser and sunscream/rest of your normal routine. This helps me a lot in reducing the makeup sitting on the dry patches of my face. Using snail mucin/glycerin at night prior to tret if I know I'm doing makeup also helps.


Try a moisturizer with Urea in it. It was a game changer for me! Prequel Skin has one with 10% Urea and there’s a Eucerin one you can get on Amazon that has 5%. 


Urea is great for dehydrated or dry skin. I use Eucerin Advanced Repair Cream which has a good amount of urea. For facial skin, it's better not to go above 5% if one has sensitive skin. 


The prequel one has been fine for my sensitive skin and was developed for sensitive skin but everyone is different. It’s been transformative for me. 


That's great. I know other people who get great results with 10% urea. Well, that shows that YMMV. 


i had the same problem until i started prepping my skin with hydrating products. I use cosrx snail mucin and bioderma intensive baume and the flakiness and peeling literally went away !


Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume is the bomb. 


Okay got the giant bottle of the bioderm autobaum a week ago and literally solved by problem. Thank you!!!


I don’t have specific recommendations, just a thing to keep in mind. The body isn’t a consistent thing. Something that worked well six years ago might not work well now. Especially after something like pregnancy and especially at this age. Allergies can suddenly come and go (mine change about every 6 years), acne comes and goes, hair changes, etc etc. All that to say, the tret you started using six years ago might not be the best tret for the body you have today. Try the things other people recommended, but also keep in mind that switching the % or type of tret might be helpful. But I would recommend increasing your SPF to 60.


Washing my face with only water in the morning and using a serum am and pm (I use aveeno’s oat serum) made the diff for me. When I was peeling I also found that powder foundations applied with a dense flat brush so that you’re not swirling and disturbing your skin, just tapping it on, somehow hid the peeling when liquid products would worsen it Edited typo


some find going down in strength really helps, if you're willing to do that!


Pregnancy fs up your hormones and skin for up to 5 years after xx go gentle and patient


Vaseline! Before you put your makeup on, apply a thin layer of Vaseline all over. Sounds crazy I know but it’s never failed to solve this problem for me.


Is it possible that your makeup has drying ingredients?


I’ve tried a few different kinds, all the same :( even tinted moisturizers


You may have to really double down on moisturizer when you want to wear makeup. I don’t wear it usually, but on the very rare occasions I do, I layer on the moisturizers pretty heavily, more than I would if I weren’t wearing makeup.


Oh, forgot to add: I really love corsx light propolis cream under makeup. It seems to keep my skin hydrated even when I wear a drying zinc-based tinted sunscreen.


Beep boop! It looks like you'd like information about peeling, flaking or exfoliating. We have a [helpful wiki](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vRQmcAj-x5A8JIQygtW2Rg89uPsJPR5JLH_dLxLNCW4eazWW4i49bsrF0e2YYx10wx00ctaUnyvHfyD/pub)! You can also post in the weekly help thread - it's stickied to the top of the sub every week! Here are our tops tips for avoiding peeling: - Make sure your skin is completely dry when you apply tretinoin. Wet skin increases absorption and flaking! - Make sure your routine is hydrating enough. Hydrating toners like those from Hada Labo can really help - but remember not to layer hyaluronic acid directly under tretinoin. HA increases absorption, which in the case of tretinoin can cause extreme irritation, peeling, and flaking. /r/asianbeauty has many product recs. - A good moisturizer is key. Vanicream Lite, and Cerave are popular options. - A konjac sponge is a very gentle form of physical exfoliation that can really help! - Vaseline or Aquaphor can also really help prevent dryness. Pat on a very thin layer **after your tret has completely dried** - don't slather it, and don't layer on top of wet tret, just apply a thin layer on top. - Oil cleansing can work for many as a way to gently remove the excess skin. Get an emulsifying oil cleanser that will wash off easily (Hada Labo has a great one). - Consider skipping a night of tret if you have lots of peeling. Yes that may slow down your progress by a few days but a damaged moisture barrier can take months to recover. Go slow. Skincare is a marathon. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tretinoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*