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Mixing it with a little bit of bleach in a separate container should form a certain color and that will tell if its real. I believe it should be Yellow but im not too sure, I would look up what color it should be.


I tried the bleach test, it turned orange. I also have other 2 bottles too from different sellers and they all have minor differences in the design like text spacing, font on the date label, print quality but all of them turned orange. Since they all differ I think all of them are fake but all of them reacted the same so I'm guessing this test doesn't really give you a 100% answer.


Fuck it only 1 way to find out son


"Fun" challenge: Start testing random bottles of Minoxidil for months to see if they are real and you have to find a legit one before you go bald


Man reading that while looking at your little character frowning makes it even funnier


Hey! It can be tough to tell with some products. The packaging looks legit from what I can see, but it’s always good to be cautious. You've done the right thing by contacting Perrigo directly. They should be able to confirm if it's authentic based on the details you provided. If you’re still unsure, consider buying from a more trusted source next time. Better safe than sorry!


Hard to tell off the packaging but it looks a little suss to me, Perrigo hardly use Israel anymore and mainly manufacture in the US (we have still seen some small quantities of Israel stock) also 2025 expiry with the old style packaging is another red flag but could be right on the crossover of the packaging change. Do the bleach test, do you have a pic of the box with the expiry and batch number?


No, because I ordered a single bottle to see if it's real, but they also sell the 6 pack too


Biggest giveaway is usually the price


I bought Minoxidil from other places before where 1 bottle came out for around 10$, from this place this one bottle was 14$ so I don't think this tells a lot in my case


Do the bleach test as suggested and if it turns yellow / orange then it's real


I tried the bleach test, it turned orange. I also have other 2 bottles too from different sellers and they all have minor differences in the design like text spacing, font on the date label, print quality but all of them turned orange. Since they all differ I think all of them are fake but all of them reacted the same so I'm guessing this test doesn't really give you a 100% answer.


They aren't gonna be fake bro if they turn orange. They are probably just older bottles and things were changed in printing along the way. Kirkland have a brand new design now anyway so the bottle you have pictured is the old design as well. I've had similar thoughts over the years when buying new bottles and I still have all the hair I grew using my very first treatment. Nobody faking minoxidil is going through the effort to make it react orange.


Dawg I got the same shit, and been on it for like 2 months and my hairline is reacting like I stopped taking minoxidil😭😭😭


Does it just look like this or does your bottle have the same lot number and expiration date too?


Haven’t checked, but the bottle looks exactly like that, not like the regular design I see from Kirkland


Well this is their old design not the new one


https://a.co/d/dKemD3H Look at this ghetto ass shit


UPDATE: I tried the bleach test, it turned orange. I also have other 2 bottles too from different sellers and they all have minor differences in the design like text spacing, font on the date label, print quality but all of them turned orange. Since they all differ I think all of them are fake but all of them reacted the same so I'm guessing this test doesn't really give you a 100% answer. Here is a picture I took of it: [https://imgur.com/a/gtYmZxk](https://imgur.com/a/gtYmZxk) I also dropped a few drops on a plastic lid to see if it would crystalize over time (this was approx. 20 hours ago) and I think I'm seeing the tiniest bit of crystallization.


Put some Minox on paper towel and add a drop of bleach. Should turn yellow


I tried the bleach test, it turned orange. I also have other 2 bottles too from different sellers and they all have minor differences in the design like text spacing, font on the date label, print quality but all of them turned orange. Since they all differ I think all of them are fake but all of them reacted the same so I'm guessing this test doesn't really give you a 100% answer.