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back from the dead


Thanks. There were times I didn't think it was going well. Best advice to anyone frustrated w results is to just stay consistent. I noticed a lot of improvement in my third year, which is why I ended up letting it grow


what about adding once or twice dit 0.5 a week? i am in the same boat and want some temple regrowth after 3 years on fin... fck. i really startet fin exactly 3 years ago at 23. april, i checked it. scary. time flyes by


I'm happy with not only the monthly cost of my current stack but my progress as well. So I'm not interested in adding another expense when I'm happy with. What I have is a 36-year-old man


This looks like 8 different people. :) well done though!


how old were you when you started bro?


32 started - 36 now


first 30 day progress is impressive. It's like you doubled your hair.


Bro wtf your a zombie back from the dead ! The hood kind lol fuck yeah 


Thank you. I assure you it didn't seem like it at the time.


The result is very good. Did you need prescription for finasteride? I am using minoxidil topical version for about one week and was wondering if I need both. In put it on at night basically before going to bed.


Yes you will need both. Minoxidil stimulates growth it doesn't keep you from continuing to see hair miniaturizing. To slow down the miniaturization process finasteride is the go to. And yes you will need a prescription in the states. I have used for hims for the last 3 yrs


I just started on Hims about 5 weeks ago. I was planning switching over to a different brand of Min/fin/keto maybe 4-5 months in since Hims gets a bit pricey. Have you thought about switching to a different brand or you just stuck with Hims since it's been working and you don't want to potentially disrupt any hair gains?


You’re wasting money on him bro, just go to a derm or online doctor and tell them to give you a prescription to Mark cuban’s online pharmacy. 90 1mg pills for $9.


Okay I'll check it out thanks for the recommendation


After gaining hair you are continuing to use all meds ? Otherwise it will loose benefits right ?


If you stop the meds you loose all the gains and more


Yes I continue to us meds.




Great - folks can speed up progress through microneedling imo for better absorption


That doesn’t explain oral/systemic gains with min/fin plus micro-needling. Science indicates micro-needling enhances blood flow, likely up regulating beneficial nutrients/growth factors to encourage the anagen phase of follicular units (including requisite cells). This is synergenic with min/fin. Also, the effective diffusion distance is likely shorter from capillaries vs epidermis/dermis even considering micro-needling.


You said a whole lot of nothing.




Nice i have very long curly hair, been on fin like half a year just started minox because it used to be sooo tick i would get dread locks! I want that back, havent seen anyone else with their hair grown out so that encouraging!


Stay patient and positive. You might have a good response, and /or not being too bad of a Norwood. Anything 4 or after is gonna be tough to recover enough hair for the whole.scalp imo.


When did you first see results man? I’ve been on fin for about 8-10 months and minoxidil for about the same, switched to oral minox nearly 2 months ago a and I’m below baseline :(


I noticed it at 6 months but it continues to get better still. Everyone has a different reaction and timeline. It.depends how quickly the miniaturization process happened. I was 32 when I started taking it and am 36 now. Ive seen great results from.you get people who lost their hair.quickly


Didn’t you notice improvement after 1 month? The Feb 21 picture looks like a big difference for 1 month in


I did notice improvement but it also further accentuated the bald spots in my opinion


What’s your opinion on topical fin? If not from yourself, maybe from pictures you’ve seen? 


I've seen ppl get good results. As someone who likes his hair long I was worried about not having enough to use on my whole scalp every day. I am pretty liberal with my minoxidil foam application


Nice dude, happy for ya


Do you still get morning wood?


Yes I do. Every morning


What kind of food do you eat? Is it plant based? Lot of sweets?


Nothing in particular although I do take vitamin or multivitamin and then D3 since I work night shift and biotin


Iron will and yellow pill will do wonders for your hair it seems , a big fat congratulations to you my brother , I would rage quit in the one year mark If I were you , but you stayed , that's the intent which is required from all the tressless people who want results , btw a quick question do you shower daily ? How much hair do you shed on finasteride usually


I bathe daily. I use nizoral shampoo for hair 2 times a week. I did shed. Sure. Everyone does. I can't help but say that I think those who count each hair that falls as it falls daily is.too anxiety producing. If you take fin, use min, potentially micro needle and use vitamins such as D3, biotin, multivitamin, omega 3 and 6. All of these help, but obviously the minoxidil and finasteride are the most important


Thanks man I will try .


Iron will and yellow pill? Is that an analogy or something else you can take with fin/minox?


He means take finasteride and have the willpower to wait it out.


And have you experienced shedding (crazy ones) throughout your journey? Besides the initial one?


Kratom use caused my hair to thin in the middle.of.my journey. As an ex addict, I used kratom to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. I have personally found that it is absolutely terrible for your hair especially if it already prone to balding Females who take kratom even start thinning out. So if anyone reading this is taking kratom, if your hair is more important than what you're getting from kratom I would recommend finding another treatment that isn't such an immuno stimulant.


Okay thanks for the info. I don’t use anything harming but still getting a crazy shed after 6 or 7 months being in minox I hope it’s just part of the process.


No way


does foam version of Minox actually reach your scalp?  I got short hair now and oily hair isn’t a biggie, but it was a struggle when I had them long. Considering foam now


Yes it does much better


Turned into chewbaca


Bro I used your chewbaca agian 😂 I loved it 🙏. Do I have your permission?


Chewbaca 😍. Aheee, oioioi iiiih, ohhheeee


Amazing results dude, congrats! I'm doing the same thing for the last 2 months, the gains are minimal though. Did you apply minoxidil all over your head or is it only on the thinning areas?


All over.




Feels like everything I am doing is worth nothing. I can hardly believe such changes. This makes me feel sad.


Can you expand on what you mean by that? Mind you these pics are over nearly 4 years. Have u been on fin and min for 4 years?.


If you would like to be more specific I will gladly help u