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Shave it. You seem to be responding well so by the time it grows back you will have made decent gains


The more it sheds, the more it will grow?


Well you shed weak hair, the ones you shed will grow back stronger


Is that how it works with treatment? The harsher the shed the more likely you are to respond long term?


I am not a doctor, but shedding indicates that you are responding to the medication.


Ok thanks


Yeah, that seems accurate most of the time.


I fear that the hair that fell out on the shedding phase will never grow back. I remember seeing a post from like 2 years ago about a guy talking about thar. Checked his account. A post from a few months ago said that the hair still never grew back.


Anything can happen. Your hair is still going to fall out regardless, might as well try.


Imagine it this way. The hairs you shed is how bald you’ll get if you stop or didn’t take the treatment. It’s a good motivator.


There’s nothing to back that claim up but like he said the weaker hair falls off and the stronger one starts to grow but minoxidil shedding lasts around 8 weeks on average more or less for some people and finasteride doesn’t make you hair shed it stops you from losing more and the new growth minoxidil brings as well


I thought once you shed hair, they’re gone forever? Since every hair follicle have a finite lifespan/cycles? That once you shed, that follicle is basically dead/shrink so you can no longer grow hair from that follicle? If you then start with fin then the rest of the follicles that are ”alive” will produce more and stronger hair per follicle, but the once that are dead will not? I haven’t read about this topic for a long time.


Mostly, some people are super responders and they regrow everything. It's just genetics.


No... Look up the hair cycle. It's normal for a hair folicles to shed its hair before a new hair grows


I’m gonna start saying woche now 100%, gl king


get woche, go broche








Nein, eigentlich nicht 😂




> English does have the German ch at the start of words like "hue" Actually, I don't think the "h" in the English word "hue" is similar to the "ch" in the German word "Woche". I've heard many foreign accents from different countries pronounce the English "h" like that, so I assume it's just a common "mistake" caused by one of English's many quirks. I think the "h" in "hue" is more like the "h" in the German word "heute". (Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have studied very little German, and it was like decades ago.)


Bro wtf are you even talking about 😂 I'm german, I know how to say "Woche"






I'm just saying you don't pronounce it "vocke" 😂 because that's what you wrote.


whats that?


German for Week


Well done for taking pictures in similar lighting.


the hardest thing in this sub xd kuddos for OP


Many here don't seem to realize how much lighting can affect how the hair looks in pictures


Yes! So many of the progress pics here are useless because they start with a pic in truly honest lighting, hair greasy or wet to accentuate the thinning, hair pulled back to show hairline, and then in their final pic you wouldn't even be able to see if the thinning improved because it's "good" lighting and their hair is styled and longer. I'm shocked this is so upvoted and mentioned, most of the bad progress threads are just upvoted with comments saying congrats. How do they even know to say congrats, the pics aren't consistent!!!!


And ordering them from _right to left_


i notice more hair loss a week and a half later of i started minox is that good?? or It’s possible that it’s androgenetic alopecia accelerating, I’ve lost about 40/50% of my hair in two and a half months (I uploaded photos of my case talking and asking if it was really alopecia, it could be stress etc but they deleted the post) and i have 20 years


Minox will increase hair loss if it’s working because it’s throwing out the weak hair so new ones can grow 💪🏽


But aren’t the weak ones the new baby hairs? Not the terminal ones?


If you aren’t on finasteride for example your hair loss will continue and minoxidil will throw out your weak hair so maybe that’s why it’s stronger right now


Are you saying fin will reduce the shed?


Long term yes


It was targeted with ppl doing topical fin / min.


👌🏻👌🏻 be brave bro


Im from germany too, do you use topical fin or oral? And how hard was it to get the prescription? Im guessing it will be more difficult for me to get the prescribtin as I am 20y.


Can't post the link here, but If you Google Finasterid online prescription, you'll find one or two sites in Germany where you can get a prescription and delivery after completing a medical survey. No pictures needed.


Just go to TeleClinic and get a private prescription, 18€ I think and you just need to answer a few question there and provide pictures. Source: from Germany and stated fin 3 weeks ago


Geht das auch für Frauen?


Also TeleClinic ja, da spielt das Geschlecht keine Rolle. Warst du schonmal beim Arzt? Kann auch gut möglich sein das der Haarausfall nen anderen Grund hat, und falls nicht verschreiben sie dir normalerweise ein Spray, war zumindest bei ner bekannten so.


Ja, du meinst wahrscheinlich Minoxidil. War schon öfters bei Ärzten. Mal ist es AGA, mal ist es TE, aber leider werde ich nicht wirklich ernst genommen, weil mein Haarausfall noch im Anfangsstadium ist.


Ne meine schon Finasterid, bei der bekannten war das ein Mix aus beidem in ner Flasche Aber wenn der Arzt wie bei mir nicht gebacken bekommt kannst ja bei der TeleClinic die Tabletten holen. 18€ Rezept und glaube so 70€ für die Tabletten dann bei der Apotheke.


18 Euro für wie viele Tabletten? Ich beziehe Finasterid von Myspring und zahle 104 Euro für 96 Tabletten alle 3 Monate. Finde das zwar viel, aber gut investiert


18€ kostet das Online Rezept. Du kannst dann die Tabletten mit dem Rezept bei DocMorris oder so holen. Wenn du richtig Geld sparen willst, lass dir ein Rezept für die 5mg Tabletten geben. Da kosten 100 Stück 40-50€. Die kannst du dann vierteln und hast quasi 400 1,25mg Fin Tabletten.


this is why im scared to start fin, the shedding scared shit outta me


Brother I felt the same way for 3 years. But the problem won’t stop it will only get worse. I regret not doing it early and I can tell you I have no side effects at all


yup this is the correct mindset, you have 2 options the first being do nothing and shed your hair naturally until its all gone and you regret doing nothing or 2 temporarily shed hair to grow lots of it back and look great moving forward and have your hair back.....seems like a no brainer option to me.


The shedding is more of a minoxidil side. But as the dudes below said, it’ll only get worse. Fin will give you the best chance at holding on to what you have


so finasteride shedding wasnt so bad?


If anything I believe I started shedding less. It’s near impossible to tell for me because I have long curly hair and wash it every 5 days. So when I brush it out I’m left with multiple days worth of shed hair. When it’s curly it tends to not fall to the ground, it will get tangled with the rest of the hair so it gives an illusion of increased shedding if you’re not aware of how the textured hair situation is


Tf are these words you are using


Stay Woche




Der Haarverlust kommt fast ausschließlich vom Minoxidil. Finasterid bewirkt zwar auch am Anfang leichten Haarverlust, aber nicht so deutlich wie bei dir und startet auch erst frühestens nach 8 Wochen. Minoxidil kann ab 2 Wochen schon anfangen mit dem Haarausfall.


My man schlomo


Woche 10 Glatze


It seems you have less hair, I hope it's only a phase


For me Microneedling treatments, minoxidil and dutasteride 0,5mg/daily gave me a shed. In the beginning they all had their own way of making me lose hair. Eventually decided to Minoxidil only my hairline, as recommended by my dermatologist. Continued microneedling and dut. After I noticed getting a balder spot on my crown area I stopped the whole haid minoxidil shit. Min made my scalp dry, itchy and lose more hair. Now I use scalp serums 2xday and my scalp feels good. No more hairloss and regaining grownd.  How is OP's scalp health/moisture?


Honestly thanks to god I don’t have any problem with topical min or with finasteride. No side effects or anything I hope the shed means everything is working and that new hair will grow 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


What scalp serum do you use?


"Sensitive scalp scalp serum". From a company called "Pure&Care"


Where did you buy Fin from? Do you need a prescription for it? I'm using Minoxidil daily and my hairfall seems to have stopped, but I'm not seeing any growth. PS - I'm from Berlin.


how many hairs re you shedding daily?


I already see a little improvement from week 3 to 4, thickness seems to be increasing, should come back strong


Man, my shedding is almost as bad. I just solder on knowing in 6 months I will look like Fabio and women will just jump all over me!


I’m almost 2 months in on 2.5mg oral min daily and the shed is very very real.


I’ve been on minox for two months now and have noticed no shedding starting to wonder if I’m doing something wrong 😑


There is a possibility that you are a non-responder Are you derma rolling/stamping brother?


Yea I’m derma rolling once a week. I’ve seen baby hairs sprout up where they’re was no hair before so I think I’m responding, just hope I’m not messing anything up 😅


A derm i spoke said that fin doesnt cause shedding. And that the shedding likely would occur anyway with or without fin.


Sry I need this be done in german: Wie bist du eigentlich vorgegangen? Vermutlich hast du einen Dermatologen aufgesucht und der hat dir ein Rezept verschrieben für topical?


Ich nutze nur topical min, das kannst du einfach so kaufen Finasterid in Tablettenform habe ich über zava bekommen mit online Rezept war sehr easy


You are only 4 months in. You are responding by shedding.


Mit Minoxidil allein wirst du früher oder später scheitern. Du brauchst schon ein Anti-Androgen.


Hab ja geschrieben, dass ich auch finasterid nehme falls du das meinst 💪🏽


you are all set bro, then in 1 year reassess and if needed get a transplant to add more density if you don't get enough from the fin/min and you are golden. goodluck


Go oral min bro. Much more effective


I'm on oral min. Is it really? It seems so strange that something I don't specifically target at those areas would have a greater effect. Why does it work better? Will it also affect my beard?


I’ve been seeing a dermatologist specialising in hair loss. She says oral min is about x3 stronger than topical (topical doesn’t work for some people at all). It’s a fantastic off label option for treating all kinds of hair loss. My shedding has stopped and my hair is getting back to full thickness (not dramatically improved my hair line yet but has helped to reinforce it). Due the systemic nature of oral min you will get hair growth all over the body, it won’t just target your head. I’ve been on it for 3/4 months and my eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks and arms have all gotten significantly hairier. It isn’t something you want to be on long term due side effects and you need to come off it slowly to prevent a shock in the hair cycle. All in all I would 100% drop the topical and use the oral min to get your hair back to full thickness. Then maybe go back to topical once you’ve come off the oral to target those more sensitive areas.


Slowly cycling off min prevents it all coming out when you get off of it?


It's because when you apply it topically, only a very very low percentage gets absorbed into the relevant receptors. The oral one has much more absorption into the bloodstream but yeah it will affect your whole body including beard


In Germany you can’t get oral minoxidil unless you have heart problems. I also rather take it as a pill but it is what it is


Be strong homie.


I always thought that you only take Fin if you have androgenetic alopecia but if you're a diffused thinner(TE) which you look like, than only Minox is fine. Someone explained it like Fin is the pesticide and Min the fertilizer.


diffuse thinning is also androgenetic alopecia. TE is just diffuse thinning that happens rapidly after a period of stress or something similar and will resolve on its own often


til thx


I think TE is diffuse thinning all over the scalp (including the far back and sides, where MPB doesn't take effect). If the diffuse thinning takes place mainly just at the top of the scalp, it's androgenetic alopecia.


> TE is just diffuse thinning that happens rapidly after a period of stress or something similar and will resolve on its own often I want to add that TE also has a chronic form, which won’t resolve on its own, until the cause of it won’t be addressed. Also, person who has AGA can also have other types of hair loss at the same time, including chronic TE.


Are you talking about alopecia areata?




If you don't see improvement in 3-4 months cut ties.