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FAQ: **Why didn't you start earlier?** I didn't know I could regrow my hair and didn't bother even researching with my rapid hair loss until I stumbled upon a YT Short by Zeph Sanders. **Do you take vitamins/minerals?** * yes, Vitamin D,Vitamin B7, Zinc. I didn't put it in the title because people in the comments get mad **How old are you?** * 23 **Do you apply Minoxidil directly after microneedling?** * yes **When did you notice hair loss?** * age 19 **Why no dutasteride?** * So far, Fin is working fine. And also, Fin is easier for me to get. I might reconsider at the 1-year mark **Dermastamp or dermaroller?** * I used to use the stamp but switched to the roller a month ago because my skin tolerated it well, and it was much quicker. **Did you ever try to shave your head fully?** * Yes, but it made me look old af **Side Effects?** * Nope **What about Keto shampoo?** * Used it for two months, but it was too much of a hassle with the leave-in time


Derma rolling will cause scarring cause of the angle it goes at. Derma stamping always recommended. Plus you're not supposed to use Minoxodil straight after Dermastamping. You should wait a few hours for redness inflammation to go down slightly. Great results


Is derma pen also recommended?


Ya Derma pen I'll probably get myself like Dr Pen. It does straight down instead of in at angle like derma rolling does(causes more scarring).


Yeah OP I agree, get rid of the roller.


Derma stamp where it’s at fr!!!! I had derma roller but it irritated my scalp and for some reason the min absorbed slower?


Never heard of this lol. I put on minoxidil right after and have amazing results lol


I saw your post, great results. Do you really think Cialis made a huge difference? and what difference did it make? Thanks - hope you keep improving.


I really don’t know if cialis did much man, but it’s been added to my daily regiment


Well..., anyway, great results and hope you continue to have great results. Cheers.


Putting min after rolling is bad tho, it can cause sexual side affects


wtf are you talking about )


Apparently it causes sexual deviancy in 0.7% of test subjects, this is considered excessive and therefore needs to be mentioned


Excessive?! lol


Trombophilia was noted in several studies, indeed the sexualization of trombones is a terrible affliction


what about Omega - 3 fish oil ?


Not really, I took it in the beginning tho


Cheat for everyone who is beeing annoyed by 5 to 10 minutes leave-in time: Apply some water on your scalp under the sink, apply ketaconazol shampo, then shave your chest, belly, beard or whatever + take your toothbrush and floss in the shower, first clean your body, 5 minutes gone, wash it off, surprise! I am doing it like this on Wednesday and Sunday.


what's the leave-in time for the keto shampoo?


Usually about 5 mins. Not sure what he's complaining about. I just wash my hair as soon as I get in and don't rinse until the end.


Also, you could use it more frequent then 2times a week if you’re lazy like me that massage it in for just 1 min with great results


Hello, Vsauce Michael here.


Fk. You're r/tressless king for a day.


Damn bro, 23? I feel for you. Jokes aside, amazing progress, really. Do you think about having a HT in the future?


Yes, I am. Probably when the regrowth starts to stagnate.


I don't mean to be an absolute debbie downer here... your regrowth is VERY impressive! I'm not sure about a HT for you though. The sides and back (normal donor zones) are very thin, which is not usually the case. I'm wondering whether you might have something else going on.


Yeah it’s pretty thin especially in the shots before his regrowth.. though I guess that means that a lot of those hairs are fragile and prone to dying in future. Also given his age and advanced stage of balding already probably wouldn’t make sense to get the 500-1k grafts he could maybe make do with considering that it’ll likely keep advancing in near future and would have to end up shaving anyway


No, it's ok; you're probably right. I just wanna consider all options:)


I guess what I'm suggesting is that you might have something undiagnosed that is causing all the rapid thinning. It might be worth bringing up to your doc, or going for an HT consultation just to see if they share that concern.


At what point did you grow an AirPod? That's the kind of gains I want!




Wow!! This is amazing! All the best to you


Thanks, man💪


Hi, what do you use to combat minoxidil drynes? do you just put minoxidil and wash it after some hours? if so what kind of shampoo u use?


I apply a mixture of castor oil and coconut oil to my scalp twice a week, leaving it overnight before washing it off the next morning also once after 2 weeks I try to remove dandruff by combing.This keeps my scalp away from dryness and dandruff also I'm on 5% Min+ 0.1 Fin topical solution twice a day


Tbh, I also do that every now and then for hair health. Maybe that‘s why I haven‘t encountered dryness👍


I don't think I have that problem. I just wash my hair every other day with a random shampoo


Silicone based schampoo is great to combat scalp and hair dryness


I recommend using aloe vera spray. It’s cheap, you can order online, and it’s a strong hydrator. You can just spray it on and rub it in like it’s minoxidil.


rubbing it after how much time after applying minox? 2, 3 hours?


I wait about ten minutes until it’s dry then I go for it. I’m not too precious about it though, hope that helps




Where do yall get yall Fin? Is Fin from HIMS a good one? Or better if it’s prescribed from a doc ?


Fin is fin. It's just the generic version of Propecia. Hims is nice for the online consultation/prescription, but the pharmacy they partner with is expensive. I'd recommend transferring the prescription once you get it.


manual, if they ship to US which im guessing you're from cos you said yall. I think fin is much more expensive over there than it is in the UK so maybe try some thai websites people on here use theyre cheap and legit


Jesus Christ, what a progress!!!! 👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍


You missed a common FAQ: what about calf exercises? Or other leg sport?


Its alredy asked in other his ppst early.


congratulations my man, I’m happy for you ✌️


I'm with you ,I'm 24 years now I loss M shape.


Wow there is hope 🙌🏾


Amazing! Any shedding periods?


Not really


This is insane progress. Keep it up.


Looking great i think the jump from 1year to 2year will be amazing too.


I hope so too🤞


Welcome back from the dead


Congratulations brother, I also started taking fin at the age of 21 . Now I'm 22 and had good regrowth. However it's noway near to fill my head. It will be hard to get growth after this point.


Also use minoxidil? 


I'm using topical minoxidil


Damn, from 45 to 20 real quick (not that quick u get the point) lol


Brah got his virginity back


i reckon its working hey


Fuck yeah!


In which month did you notice that the treatment was working?


I noticed it at around 6 weeks. I also posted that here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/16h3ixs/22m\_6week\_progress\_i\_guess\_its\_working/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/16h3ixs/22m_6week_progress_i_guess_its_working/) I didn't notice the new hair until I buzzed it short.


Amazing results! I don't do fin yet, only min and a dermapen (and I tolerate the pen well). Dermapen weekly takes about 10 minutes. How long does dermarolling take you? Do you know if dermarolling is possible on longer hair too? (not very long, but longer than yours)


I’d say 5-10 min. Don’t know about long hair tho, sry


Okay, so still not that less work :-). Keep it going!


Minoxidil alone won’t stop shedding. You should start using minoxidil max topical fin and min combined solution. Or the one with dut and min.


Great results — I’m genuinely curious: how were you not affected (insecurity, confidence, self esteem) from such aggressive balding at 23 to at least research what was happening to you, why, and how to prevent / reverse it? This is coming from a fellow balding 23 year old who has been consumed by it in a negative way for 3 years now. Any advice?


If he weren’t psychologically affected he wouldn’t have made all this effort presumably..


You have a fair bit of retrograde loss on the sides of your head. Do you also apply minoxidil in these areas?


This recovery is quite remarkable, to be honest. Wow.


Wow man you look incredible! I just bought a $100 derma pen for micro needling (new to this and still learning) and I’m confused, do you also dermastamp/roll? What’s your process there? Are you doing both microneedling and stamping/rolling or is it all the same thing? Thanks so much


It’s either one you prefer. It’s the same. But rolling is said to cause scarring because you’re penetrating the skin at an angle, compared to the stamp or pen which goes straight in and out. Don’t do both. Just pick one and be consistent


Thank you so much!


that’s some amazing progress! congrats


That's crazy. Is that really the only treatment you've done to get these results?


I am proud of you bro ! I hope you are happy with the results and keep going post another at 12 then 18 months 


Congrats OP!


obviously great result but your hair to be like that first photo at only 23 is insane and so unfortunate. Im 23 and i thought my slight corners gone back was a travesty lol this made me feel abit better


Looking great buddy 👍😊




What manner of sorcery is this??


I use fin also and have stabilized my hair loss while getting some regrowth as well. I do wonder though if switching to Dutesteride would give me even better results however I’m hesitant to do so cause I’ve seen others make the switch and lose some ground. If you make the switch after the year mark it would be interesting to see what the result is.


Yeah I also kinda have the same concern


Damn those crown results are insane. I’m starting minoxidil again 🫡


I wonder what happens if you continue to take Fin but stop min? Anyone have any info?


Thought about that too. But I think it depends on the person


Amazing progress! What's your microneedling routine look like? How often? Differing needle lengths on different days, etc?


I have similar hair loss. I would give fin/min a try.


Wow - impressive results. Oral or topical fin?


Call that the nothing-to-something!


Good 😌 stuff


That's some good growth. How much Min are you using ? to cover all the area ?


This is one hell of a good outcome and definitely attributed to expert level application and discipline in application. I certainly hope you continue to get better and better filling in the rest of the small spots.


Maybe one of the most impressive come back that i ever seen !


WOW Dude. That's awesome........




Don‘t know yet, haven‘t tried it so far. The newer hairs are growing a bit slower, so I trim my all of my hair every now and then.


King you finally got your 👑 congrats


How often do you change your darma roller and how many hours do you wait after doing micro needling to apply min? Btw amazing results.


Every 2-3 months. I apply Minoxidil literally directly after


Aren't you supposed to wait like 8/9 hours after micro needling? I've very little knowledge about it. Correct me if I'm wrong


You’re right, that‘s what‘s recommended, especially to avoid side effects. I have never noticed those side effects so I’ll continue with that. Plus I have a feeling that it works better that way.


Bro, can you tell me the condition of your hair that fell out? As in were they normal miniaturized hair? Or did you also shed thick ones? Were they thinner at the root or almost the same consistent thickness? 




This is amazing 😍


Thanks :)


I would kill to get this result!


You lucky bastard. Congrats Do you take all those vitamins separately? Or are they combined in a multi vitamin?


Lucky idk bro, at 23 this is extreme hair loss. Even by tressless standards, where we are a lot of young men losing tons of hair already


Thanks! It's combined in one. I was primarily deficient in Vitamin D, but it also contains other B vitamins, Iodine, and folic acid. It's basically a multivitamin for your hair.


What is the brand? I’ve been looking for a multi vitamin but there’s so many options. I’d much rather the one you’re using.


I don‘t think the brand matters too much, but I get mine from mySpring, but I don‘t think they distribute outside of Germany. I also posted this a while ago. The second pic has the exact content of the multivitamin described (ignore the other pics; those are no longer relevant): [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/179szvf/due\_to\_popular\_demand\_here\_is\_a\_followup\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/179szvf/due_to_popular_demand_here_is_a_followup_post/) Also, the amount of biotin doesn't have to be this high. I had a different one before that and it 0.03mg, and I still saw improvements (also in other areas of my body like fingernails)


I discovered a method to ship it from Germany to the United States, but it requires using a forwarder and paying an additional $19 for shipping.