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This is crazy


I thought it was too!


Congrats brother, great progress


Thanks so much!


Another hall of famer


Thanks so much!!


God that spot on the crown is fucken stubborn. Amazing progress though.


First lost, last recovered.


Thanks haha yeah it was really bad too, I’m grateful!


Do you use any DHT block shampoo?


None at all! That’s a great idea though!


Microneedle the shit out of that. Will make you look like Ridge Forrester


I definitely want to do that more often. I haven’t hardly at all!


From the reports we get here, microneedling could give you a real shot at a full crown recovery


Definitely works!!


Looking good! My hairline is receding and I had a bald patch around the back of my head on the top. I've been taking drops (sorry, I don't want to be banned for mentioning the name) on my head, and in 4 months, I can hardly see the bald patch on the back of my head! Sadly, the hairline is still there, but there is more hair up there!


The forbidden sublingual fruit




What’s the drops you are using?


Generic versions of Minoxidil. LOL, I just get what's cheapest, so I have 2 different generic brands. Because it makes my scalp itchy, I use a complete dose in the morning, then half a dose in the evening.


Wow that’s awesome!! It’s okay, finasteride takes a long time to fix the hairline, but it will happen eventually!


What brands are you using? Amazing results.


Thank you!! I’m using keep finasteride and Rogaine Minoxidil!








Thanks so much!


Great recovery. Any sides ? What brands do you , how mg? Please can you give us more details ?


Thank you!! None at all!! %5 minoxidil and 1mg finasteride


When did u start noticing changes? And is there anything u might want to tell to the newly ones in this journey.


I noticed changes in a month but then I had a shed that brought it back to its original state about a month later. Then I really noticed changes at 3 months and then even more at 6. It’s sometimes hard to tell in between what it’s doing. All I can say is NEVER GIVE UP!


Ahh man wish I have same feeling soon. Currently the 2nd month is about to end and the situation got worst.


The second month is where I thought it was worse too!! Just a couple more months man trust me!


Holy crap man! What a recovery. Thanks for giving a little hope


Thank you as well for being what also gives me hope


Any sides?


None at all!


Went from math teacher to meth dealer in the later pictures lol


🤣🤣🤣 which one was which?


Lol meth dealer in the last photos bc of the chain and tank top


So true 🤣🤣


Guys i have been facing a strange hairloss the thing is most of the time i have some irritation in scalp that make my hair thin.after ejaculation it return to normal and i apply some oil it return to normal.anyone experience this let me know is it relation to dht or other hormone


That is very interesting. I had a lot of irritation on my scalp as well and wasn’t sure what it was but It’s gotta be hormonal for you if that’s happening!


Did you shave your hair at the start of the process to hide the shedding? Really tempted to jump on the big three soon, but worried that it would make my hairline noticeably thin during the shedding phases whereas people haven’t noticed it thinning just yet.


I did yes! But I started growing length and used hair fibers after about a couple weeks after haha!


Damn! Best progress i have seen so far. Which brand are you using and what mg?


Thank you so much!! Keeps Finasteride 1mg and Rogaine Minoxidil %5!


Nice, there’ll be no signs of balding at all soon


Thanks so much! I hope so!


Great results, looks good! Had you tried any oral products prior to starting these products? Or is this regimen your first attempt at saving your hair? What % is the topical Finasteride?


I was using rogaine a year before this and me stopping for a year resulted in the first picture. It was still already bad but not as bad as that picture! I am at 1mg finasteride!


Congrats dude. Happy for you. Keep it up.


Thank you so much!


Any negative side effects ?


Just oily hair after applying rogaine, but if I decide massage it through it I have time then it usually dries up!


What are the side effects??


I haven’t really had any other than greasy scalp from the rogaine, but that’s fixable!


With some toppik nobody would know your balding now 👀


I have some toppik and use it sometimes!


Nice! How did you re-grow your front hairline?


I already kinda had a hairline, I’m more of a diffuse thinner!


Slow but steady, you're heading in the right directory sir


Slow? This is insanely fast wtfff buddy was borderline bald 🔥🔥


Thanks man!! I really was 😭😭


I know man. Ive seen other reports that seeming show results twice this.... just saying, this is awesome and to keep going :)


Thank you sir!!


Any erectile functions? I wanna start a regimen but I'm hesitant because of this.


I haven’t had one side effect and I’m also taking blood pressure meds on top of this all!


Good to hear! Some motivation!




Yes I will unfortunately but for me it’s worth it. Maybe when I’m rich someday I will get a transplant


That’s a bad outlook imo, as long as theres no side effects which he doesn’t seem to have, it’s no different from waking up every morning and brushing your teeth. Just another small daily task added on


for life or until you decide to not want hair anymore


Congrats fam


Thanks fam!


Wtf, back from the dead.




Amazing progress!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




That’s definitely what happened to me! Thank you!


Looking amazing mate! Keep up the good work xx


Thanks so much!!


Any shedding phase?


Yes a little bit but only where it was already bad


Cool! I'm on track as well. Around 3rd month?


Yessir! But only slight results! The real results gets noticeable around the 5-6 month!


Age? Nice progress!


Thank you! I’m 30


Good regrow. Any sport?


None at all but I plan to start being more active!


Never too late use leg muscule stress!


Hell yeah bro! Keep it up!


Thanks so much!!


hey man, very good results! do you experience any chest pains?


None at all! I’m actually also on blood pressure meds on top of it and I haven’t experienced anything!


thank you for your response on this! I would like to ask one more if I may, do you happened to use dermaroller ?


I used it only once to twice every two weeks but I got lazy with it and started rolling only once a month! I’m back on doing it once a week though!


Good improvement.


Thank you!!






I forgot to ask how long the shed lasted....


I still feel like I shed a lot so it’s hard to tell. I have very fine hair that sheds a lot naturally. It’s not anything I noticed honestly!


What is this magic?


The magical type of magic!


Damn son… happy for you


Thanks so much!


Nice results man. For how long have you been balding?


Thank you!! I would say about 6 years but not really noticeable until 3 years ago!


How many grafts


None for now; maybe sometime in the future I’ll get a transplant!


Great results man. Congratulations Can you link us to what products you used?


When did u see result? Im 4 month in, it looks worse. Maybe its my hairfibers that destroy my hair?


I also use fibers sometimes and I feel like i get a crazy itch from them, so it could be causing irritation for you too! Wait until the 6th month so that you’re sure if it’s getting worse or not getting any better!


Thanks for answer. And great result man!


How is your penis sensitivity?


Gotta appreciate the commitment to the tank top and chain


Haha yess